Another group of officers — sergeants — have voted unanimously to call for the resignation of San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus and the two remaining members of her executive team, Victor Aenlle and Undersheriff Dan Perea.
The sheriff’s five captains also have said they want her to step down, and the sheriff’s office’s deputies have voted to support a no confidence resolution against her.
Corpus has claimed that her opponents represent a small group of officers who she says are part of the “good ole boys club.”
“This decision is not the result of some “good old boys’ club” or subversive effort by an “entrenched resistance,” a statement from the sheriff’s union said. “It reflects the collective opinion of the frontline leadership of the Sheriff’s Office.”
OSS has 77 members and all 66 who voted supported the resolution calling for Corpus and her team to immediately resign.
Corpus promoted Aenlle to Assistant Sheriff on Nov. 13 when the Board of Supervisors eliminated Aenlle’s previous job of chief of staff and executive director.
The release says that they have reviewed the report from retired Judge LaDoris Cordell saying they have “witnessed this corruption firsthand.” They said Corpus continues to mislead the public and press.
“I am undeterred. Our work will continue. The ‘good ol’ boys’ system has met its match in me. I will not back down,” Corpus said in a statement on Nov. 19.
The rebuke against Corpus comes after the county released a damning report by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell about Corpus and her administration, including allegations of retaliation and abuse of power.
The sergeants union said in its statement, “We are witnessing the destruction of the Sheriff’s Office and deterioration of morale due to the corruption and lies told by Sheriff Corpus.”
The statement said it is time for the sheriff’s office to heal, rebuild and bring in new leadership.
I still think it’s just the ole boys group trying to entrench resistance via a coup. Just a small group of people. Let’s do some math. All 5 captain (entrenched) 66 lieutenants and sergeants (resistors), and 312 deputy sheriff union members. How on earth can this small group be so resistive. I know the sheriff is right. Just keep repeating ole boys, victim, Latina, coup and entrenched resistance and we will all believe her. It’s brilliant. How many employees are at the SO? Seems like 383 employees is kinda a lot? I could be wrong. The cute little doctor and his Latina victim lovy are truly just the victims of a small group of bad actors. Just for clarity, I own a security company and I am on mommy’s Sal board. I’m totally objective and I would never tell the truth. Wait. I would never not tell the truth. Sorry.
So Corpus had 2 previous assistant sheriffs during her campaign leave before she got elected. Then her undersheriff Hsiung leave. Then she tried to fire AS Monoghan because he spoke to Cordell. Soon after AS* Fox resigns and also Captain Phillip Resigns. Then all of the Captains alongside Lieutenants and Sergeants unanimously asked her to leave and voted no confidence against her. Yet she takes no responsibility for her Agency circling the drain and blames it on a select few? Come on Sheriff it’s time to bow out and go. Your political aspirations to go into politics after your reign is over and you have no pathway to leading this organization effectively. You have no chance of regaining the respect you once had from your troops. Regardless if you stay on as Sheriff it’s over because everybody wants you out except your boyfriend who is power hungry. Maybe the reason you won’t resign is because once you’re out of power, you know your boyfriend is going to leave you and you will have nothing left.
Sheriff Corpus just released a letter to SMSO employees and the San Mateo Community, promising to move forward with a restructured leadership team. She names the undersheriff but generically refers to the assistant sheriff positions. Unsaid is who will be occupying the assistant sheriff positions or whether Victor Aenlle will continue to hold one of the spots. She blames the BOS for releasing the Cordell Report before she had time to review it. Perhaps you should have canceled or rescheduled your other meetings so you could have been interviewed for the report. A true leader would have recognized the importance of being available to answer questions instead of claiming victimhood after the fact.
SMSO employees and the community recognize that Sheriff Corpus has lost the ability to lead. If she genuinely cared about the agency and the community, she would do the honorable thing and resign.
I’ve had intimate knowledge of the Sheriff’s Office operations since the days of our neighbor, Sheriff Earl B. Whitmore.
Never in my life has I seen a more unqualified person occupying the office of San Mateo County Sheriff. Elected as a DEI hire, “Didn’t Earn It” Christina Corpus has been a joke and failure in every position that her predecessor, Sheriff Bolanos, promoted her in to. Then, when Sheriff Bolanos promotes her to Captain and puts her in charge of Millbrae, she immediately demonstrates her loyalty by running against Sheriff Bolanos for Sheriff and trashing his legacy.
GET OUT! This brief interlude is going to cost the County of San Mateo between $25 and $65 Million to settle all the pending personnel suits that will be coming. Every day she stays in office, the cost to the San Mateo County taxpayers go up and up.
Victor Aenlle will never be eligible for the position of Assistant Sheriff. The Assistant Sheriff position requires the acquisition of a CA POST Advanced Certificate within one year of appointment. Aenlle is a CA POST Certified Reserve Peace Officer and does not currently possess the CA POST Regular Basic Course Certificate, or neither the CA POST Basic Certificate nor a CA POST Intermediate certificate… which are both non-waiverable prerequisites for the CA POST Advanced Certificate. Aenlle would have to successfully complete the Regular Basic Peace Officer Course (Intensive), then obtain both the Basic & Intermediate Certificates, then the POST Advanced Certificate. This sequence cannot be completed within 1 year. I suspect the good folks over San Mateo County Human Resources know this and, thus, Mr Aenlle will remain unemployed.
I guess Black Lives Don’t Matter to Sheriff Christina Corpus. Nor does LGBTQ. If this was San Francisco she would have been run out of the city by now!
The Sheriff broke the cardinal rule of: Never Poop in Your Kitchen. Dating in the workplace never turns out well. Then, to top it off, it is happening with a married man. How can she expect anyone to respect her as a leader when she lacks self-worth, self-esteem, and dignity in herself by being Napolean’s mistress?
Imagine a scenario where the original OSS, a WW2 intelligence service, allowed its privates to vote on its generals?
I see that Gretchen is back to paying google to push the negative news to page 2 and so on. I guess Corpus is delusional to think the world believes her this report is bogus narrative and this good old boys club is out to get me-m. By March when people vote hopefully they overwhelming majority says bye! Doesn’t matter how many abc7 smear campaign interviews you do. Take the doctors page off the webpage he’s unqualified and basically we know he sits at home typing your memos still.
Step down Corpus
Your ENTIRE staff, DSA, OSS, captains, BOS, San Carlos oh and state and federal legislators. The friends and family of all of those organizations. What are you seeing in the mirror today? The people will vote or wish for THE ATTORNEY GENERAL to say goodbye to your mistakes and terrible leadership
The damage done by Sheriff Corpus cannot be undone as long as she is in office. In her letter yesterday, she said calls for her resignation “undermine the will of the voters” and “pose a threat to the independence of this office”. It is in fact, Sheriff Corpus who is undermining the will of the voters by failing to do what she was elected to do: successfully lead the organization. She is a walking, talking liability who will end up costing the taxes payers (AKA Voters) tens of millions of dollars in lawsuit claims due to her failed leadership and the hiring of fellow under-qualified liabilities like Aenlle, Perea, and Fox.There is no entrenched resistance, the people against her are not just former Bolanos supporters. There were those of us who were open to change but she instead brought a culture of intimidation, retaliation, and fear to the office. By locking herself in an echo chamber where only Aenlle’s voice mattered to her, she alienated even her most ardent supporters along the way. All of her transition team leaders are now strongly against her and regret ever having vouched for her and supported her. Strong ethical people she brought in from the outside like Chris Hsiung, Ryan Monahan, and Brian Philip kept her from her and Aenlle from her worst by being voices of reason for a time until they were ostracized, belittled, ignored, and ultimately chased way and/or fired. The fault for all this lies squarely at Sheriff Corpus’ feet and hers alone and it is well past time for her to resign/retire. Vindictive stunts like arresting a respected union head like Carlos Tapia are a bridge too far. Tapia will be vindicated in the end, but the damage is done and it will be use the tax payers and voters in San Mateo County who will be stuck footing the bills caused by her vile vindictiveness, ineptness, and stubbornness for decades to come. The honorable thing for her to do is to call it a career, but she is too unwilling to admit her own incompetence and do the right thing for once. It’s time to start the recall effort before her actions lead to more damaged reputations, blatant retaliations, and lawsuits against the County.
Yeah… vindication! I once was one of her targets. She is abusive & I paid dearly for trying to report her. Well… you have to move on, but I have to say this news really made my Thanksgiving special!
Just to be straight, she’s NEVER gonna hold ANY political or managerial position after this. Her goal, to takeover Rick Berman’s job, never. She is radioactive and will never hold any public or serious private job ever again. Sorry, but you did this to yourself by being an incompetent, lying sleazebag and hiring fellow slimers. I got a future employment sugggestion though – maybe a future as head of the Sheriff’s Daycare Center ? With Vicky as the Janitor ? Perfect, deal with 3 year olds on both sides !