Daily Post Staff Writer
A former Redwood City police officer who was in a standoff with cops for nearly 18 hours on Thursday (Aug. 9) posted $50,000 bail Friday and walked out of jail, according to authorities.
James “Jim” Arthur McGee, 54, was an officer with the Redwood City police department from Jan. 7, 1985, to June 30, 2013, according to Deputy City Manager Alex Khojikian.
At the time of his retirement, the Redwood City resident had a yearly salary of $118,692 plus benefits.
In 2012, the last year he worked a full calendar year, he made $215,296, including benefits, according to salary database Transparent California. Transparent California also reports that in 2014, the last year of available information for Redwood City pensions on the site, McGee received a $123,925 pension.
Dog Day Afternoon
The incident leading up to McGee’s arrest started at 2 a.m. Thursday, when police got calls from a woman who said she was a victim of domestic violence in a home on the 700 block of Windsor Way.
The woman was outside of the home when police arrived, and McGee was inside, refusing to come out, according to a statement from Lt. Sean Hart issued on Thursday.
Authorities negotiated with McGee throughout the day and he was eventually able to communicate with them.
Redwood City police arrested McGee around 7:30 p.m. Thursday, some 17 and a half hours after the standoff began.
McGee was taken into custody “without significant injuries to anyone,” Hart said.
He was booked into jail on a single felony domestic violence charge, according to Hart’s statement. With a bail of $50,000, the typical defendant would only have to pay a bail bondsman $5,000 to get out of jail.
The victim was taken to a hospital with injuries not considered life-threatening and she has since been released, Hart said.
Hart said the outcome was positive even though it took a long time to convince McGee to come out of the home.
Neighborhood distrupted
Police had asked some people in the neighborhood to stay in their homes during the episode and suggested others evacuate. A search had been underway Thursday night to see if a gun was in the home.
Hart didn’t think the victim had been shot.
Police don’t return calls
The Post called and emailed Redwood City police several times yesterday seeking more information regarding the standoff and McGee, but the department did not respond.
Typically, when a suspect is arrested, Redwood City police release their name and mug shot in an email to press. However, McGee’s name was not included in the email about this case sent out by Lt. Sean Hart on Thursday night, nor was his mug shot. The Post requested a mug shot both from Redwood City police and the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office.
The case has not been submitted to the District Attorney’s Office yet, according to Chief Deputy District Attorney Karen Guidotti, so she was not able to authorize the release of McGee’s mug shot yesterday or provide the Post with any additional information on the case.
I’m a neighbor. I watched as the SMC Sheriff brought in 2 mobile command centers, three armored vehicles including what looked to be an armored vehicle with a battering feature, a helicopter that circled for hours, a SWAT team, and at least 100 support staff and a crew suited up ready for a firefight in Fallujah. This is not hyperbole. They locked down our neighborhood with a militarized police department for ONE guy who wouldn’t come out of his house. And, as the article clearly implies, since he is a former cop, the cops are protecting him and his image. He beats women. His image certainly must be protected. And, as I told my neighbors, it’ll be a miracle if the D.A. prosecutes him. We’ve got to stop treating police and former police like they’re above the law and deserve special treatment. This was an embarrassment: a waste of resources, money and only resulted in inconveniencing the neighbors… by one guy who should still be in jail.
You have no idea what you’re talking about…with all due respect, don’t ramble on about things you know nothing about. You clearly don’t like public safety, unless you may someday need them to save you or a loved one from harm. I just suppose that these days, its easy to judge from the safety and comfort of a laptop in your living room. You may benefit from thinking before you write…or speak. Just a gentle word of advice.
Dave G: Very eloquently stated.
Hey Dave G., are you saying that this retired cop deserves a free pass when it comes to domestic violence? I happen to appreciate public safety, as you put it, but I think the laws ought to be applied the same way to cops and non-cops. It’s really odd that this guy walked out of jail just hours after he was in a standoff with cops. And it’s also odd that they didn’t want to release his mug shot to the police. Normally, the arrestee’s picture is all over the news hours after his arrest. Do you think the same laws that apply to us citizens ought to apply to cops, or do cops deserve special treatment?
Hey Patricia,
We live in a country where people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. There is also something called BAIL, which this U.S. citizen made. I’ve seen his mug shot. I’m not sure why you haven’t been able to find it. D.V. is a very serious issue, both male on female, and female on male, and male on kids and female on kids. I have a simple question…we’re you in that house when whatever happened happened? I presume not. That’s why we have courts and judges and jury’s in this country. Love our law enforcement. You may need them someday, God forbid. If you do, they will run to protect you.
Think about it…
Dave G., you didn’t answer my question — Do you think the same laws that apply to us citizens ought to apply to cops, or do cops deserve special treatment?
You want to talk bail? OK, how come his buddies in the RWC police only booked him on a single charge of DV, which carries a $50,000 bail, when he was in a 18-hour stand off with police? That means he posts $5,000 and he scoots out the door a few hours later. If this had been anybody else, they would have hit him with additional charges like evading police and obstructing justice. But that would have made his bail go way up, probably resulting in him remaining in jail until his arraignment. We’ll see what the DA charges him with. I’ll betcha it’s more than DV.
And, yes, I did see the mug shot — but it was 11 days after the arrest. The paper pointed out that there was something suspicious going on there. I only saw it in one paper. Nice trick by the RWC police.
Hey Patricia, perhaps you can tell us all the Penal Code Sections that he should have been booked under? Oh, I guess not. Let’s see you do 30 years in a thankless career putting your life on the line every day you go out and see what it does to you mentally. No, you are probably a stay at home person who sits around eating Bon Bons on your husband’s dime while he goes to work.
I assumed that you knew that I don’t think anyone is above the law. And, you didn’t answer my question…were you at the house as a witness to anything? You’re clearly approaching this from a position of ignorance, instead of waiting for the facts to come out, which is actually okay. The world needs ignorant people as well as the level headed. As long as we’re talking about D.V.,Did you know that there is an incredible amount of under reported female on male D.V.? Look it up. The numbers are staggering. Males often do not report due to negative stigma.
My best to you in your research, and please support law enforcement. They run toward danger when most others run away from it.
Hey Stan L., uh, I mean Dave G., … you want penal code numbers?
As for the DV, it’s going to be 243(e)(1) … it could also be 273.5, 243(d) and, depending on her age, maybe 368.
The charges depend on the facts, of course. But we know he held off police for 17 hours, but wasn’t booked on any charges related to that. Maybe it was just “professional courtesy,” as you guys put it. But the effect was to lower his bail so he could get out quickly.
He wasn’t booked for one single charge stemming from the 17-hour standoff. Hee should have been booked on
148(a), 422, 69 … and 415 at the very least.
Do me a favor Dave/Stan, stop it with the personal attacks. I respect police who obey the law. Honest cops are disgusted by the dishonest ones.
I have know idea who Stan is, and are you assuming I was in the business? Thats a stretch for someone who doesnt know me. Too many ppl, obviously including you, knee jerk at the drop of a hat. I’m just trying to impress on you that we have a system in this country. Perhaps you should fact check before becoming judge and jury from your living room….and you failed to address female on male D.V., which is equally as bad as all D.V.
If the PD want to be respected and trusted in the community they have to show they are worthy of that respect and trust. That in turn requires they demonstrate one of their own is treated just as would be a member of the general public. Similar circumstances, similar situations, similar results.
This situation, and the hysterics of Dave/Stan, does not engender confidence in the PD. It erodes that confidence and much needs to be done NOW to restore it.
What is the PD Chief and/or the DA’s Office doing? They can investigate to find out if Dave/Stan is a colleague of McGee and, under color of uniform, attempting to protect him
Hey again, I have no idea who Stan is, and are you assumig I was in the law enforcement business? That’s quite a stretch, as you’ve never met me. I’m just trying to impress upon you the value of fact checking, and not knee jerking at the drop of a hat. It appears that you want to be judge, jury and executioner from the comfort of your living room. It sounds as if youre an angry person. Stated again, we have a system, we have something called BAIL and, as American citizens, we have something called a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. This isn’t Nazi Germany for Christ sake!
Continue to think about it, and perhaps you can learn something which, in your case would certainly help humanity.
Best to you in your learning endeavors.
Dave G.
McGee won’t be charged with the standoff because it was just a “misunderstanding” and a “miscommunication.” You see, he didn’t know (for 17 hours) he was supposed to drop his gun and come outside. He just laughed when they commanded him to surrender with a bullhorn and surrounded the house. He thought it was his old precinct buddies just pulling a prank. Boys will be boys, you know! So, given the fun nature of this incident, he wasn’t booked on any charges related to the standoff. Those RWC cops like to kid around. Just a big “misunderstanding” here. Nothing to see folks, move along.
One more thing. Regarding the gun. Police did a thorough search of McGee’s house and after 30 seconds of looking, couldn’t find the gun he was pointing at those cops. Turns out that he’s the first retired police officer in history not to have a gun in his home! Again, that gun thing is just a misunderstanding!
Gosh, it is just like you were there…It’s funny how cop haters are the 1st ones to complain when they need help and it is not there on time. It is so informing to know that you also have so much information on how retired police officers live.
I think the news reported that he’s retired. That could be a year or 10 years. I don’t know. I was a victim of domestic violence by a woman, which resulted in injury, but I didn’t report. I should have, but didnt. I can u understand Dave G’s point, which no one has addressed as far as I can see. All DV is wrong
I didn’t read anything about a 30 second search for a gun. You now have me intrigued as to how u could possibly know that all retired cops in history own a gun. I didn’t know that.
Im frustrated at how many people there are who do not respect our law enfoecement. I was raised to call them by their title, and not Cop.
I agree. My mom and dad taught me to respect and look up to police, fire fighters, and paramedics. That’s how I’m raising my two kids. It’s sad that there are so many people ready to slam first responders, active or retired every chance they get. No one’s perfect, people. That officer may have saved lives; maybe even yours.
Hallalulla, there are some level headed ppl out there! God bless America and our first responders!!
Hallelujah to the first responders who surrounded Jim McGee’s house and got him to surrender! Hopefully he will get a fair trial and if convicted serve some time.
Hallalulla vs Hallelujah says it all…
The former: uneducated, posturing under pretense of authority, irrational, immature and imbalanced, endorses unequal treatment under law, likely to engage (or have engaged) in abuse of office.
The latter: educated, balanced, likely to support equal treatment under law, rational, balanced…
As a neutral observer I go with the latter, not the berserk Dave/Stan/whoever…
Something tells me you’d cry like a baby if someone held your life in their hands, and you’d be screaming for a police officer to get there. If the officer lost their life to save yours, my suspicion is that they’d do it with honor, and that you would just go on your happy and merry life.
Good luck to you, and you may want to thank the next firefighter or police officer that you see, for keeping your community safe.
Nobody should be wondering if an officer is out in the field, and not serving time, because the officer’s colleagues fudged the records, did not apply the law when it came to that officer’s own conduct.
George H’s personal attack deserves one in return. If he is an officer under service and commenting as he did, shame on him (and those of his colleagues that endorse his behavior). May you meet what you deserve!
You sound very angry. Maybe anger management classes, I would suggest six to begin with, would help you. Interestingly, my background and training in grad school was in the field of helping those who suffer from hystrionic personality disorder, bipolar, borderline, etc. Seek help please. And love our first responders, who will always help you, or any other perfect stranger.
Be well, my friend.
George and Dave seem to labor under the impression society owes it to the PD and ought to exempt PD officers from the law.
They seem to forget the officers are under oath and are public servants. They get their pay from the taxpayers. Others in society contribute their bit, work in professions less or more dangerous than the PD…and owe nothing to the PD beside the taxes they pay. In return they expect the PD would enforce the law and do what their job requires and enforce the law on ALL, including fellow members of the PD.
Maybe this is too hard for the Hallalulla corner. If their shooting is as bad as their capacity to write we should all be concerned about their ability to enforce the law.
It appears to me that you may have anger management issues. May I suggest classes that specifically deal with that, hystrionic personality disorder, bi-polar disorder, borderline, etc. They will help you, I’m quite sure. Everyone deserves to be happy, including you. You may have guessed that I did my grad school in in the mft field. I suggest that you seek assistance.
Be well, my friend, and thank a police officer or firefighter. They’re there for you.
Best to you and yours..
Pity someone who attended “grad school in in the mft field” and can’t spell histrionic right! Must be some grad school and must be some graduate there! And it comes with a certain amount of self-confidence that is entirely unwarranted.
George H, go “hystrionic”!!!
Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see Officer Stan/Dave explain why this retired officer is only booked for domestic violence and no charges from the standoff? The domestic violence charge might not stick if it is a she said/he said situation. But no charges from the standoff? They have ample evidence about that. And no charges? I’m astounded.
>I’m astounded.
Oh, don’t be astounded. Instead be grateful, thankful, appreciative of anyone that is a PD officer. Regardless of how they violate the law they are supposed to uphold!
I can only guess you had to be there, and sorry about the typo. Good luck with your healing process, and reach out to 911 if you need immediate assistance.
Everyone needs to calm down. What part of that don’t you understand? Be peaceful and help people once in awhile. There’s no harm in doing the right thing. Perhaps try group therapy, or attent a church service. And I had a police officer help me when I needed it four years ago. She was fantastic, and so was her male partner. I agree. Be thankful for police officers!!!!
Good PD officers are an asset to this society. They are to be respected, valued, and appreciated.
Bad PD officers are as bad as the criminals in society. Maybe worse, as their uniform and badge gives them protection the criminals don’t have. Which is the reason why it is in the interests of the good officers to jettison the bad ones as quickly as they can.
Back to the regular programming: did RWC PD protect Retd Off McGee? Expose the facts and let the chips fall where they may.
Emily, you rock! It’s amazing to me that no one has the @#%&’s to respond to a logically thinking women, but most males can slam other males for simply voicing their opinion. Hey men, grow a set and do the right thing. Trust me, people need the police at times. U may be one of those someday, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate it if and when it happens.
Silence is golden. Guess you folks who need to get it, finally got it. My shout goes out to Emily. You, dear, get it. Thank you for speaking out for our first responders! …who put their lives on the line every day to protect the public. No one, even all taking part in this thread, is perfect. We all need to remember that, and Emily illustrated that beautifully.
Dave G.
My final comment for the night. I guess it took a strong woman to silence the first responder haters! I don’t know you, but you’re my hero, Emily. Thank you for standing with me on this issue, at least until the facts come out. I’ve never participated in posts like this, but it’s empowering, as a lot of folks are simply cowardly venting. I appreciate your courage!
“Dave G.” can rest easy knowing he’s the king of the straw men. Nobody on this thread said they weren’t greatful for first responders, yet Dave G. twisted their words. The issue here — the issue Dave G. avoids — is whether retired officer Jim McGee got preferential treatment when he was only booked for domestic violence and not for the 17-hour standoff with police. I respect police and are thankful that they’re protecting our community. But I think that when they’re accused of wrong, they need to be treated like anyone else. No double standard. I think most cops would agree with that, too. As for Dave G., I suspect he’s a cop who is here to defend his friend. He’ll deny it, but it’s really quite sad what he’s written above. I hope he gets the help he needs.
If you asked me, I’d say that ‘George H.” and “Emily J.” were ‘Dave G.’s sock puppet. I think Dave G’s has some made-up friends.
I’d say Nightowl’s been reading too many conspiracy theory novels.
Patricia, the next thing will be aliens landing in his or her backyard while nightowl is up reading in the middle of the night. Scary stuff! Lol
Let’s be honest here and admit that while there are many good police officers, too many cops are corrupt. You hope and pray that your wife or child never has to deal with one of these monsters with a badge. They lie, steal and brutalize whenever they feel like it. Sometimes, rarely, they get caught. But usually the punishment is a slap on the hand. This man who held off the cops will get probation and a suspended sentence. You can take that to the bank. The system protects bad cops. That’s why his bail was low and why they withheld his mugshot from the media for 11 days. I’m sure that by now his victim has been persuaded by other offices to not testify against him. It’s all a sham. And there’s nothing you or I can do about it.
The “real story” has clearly had a bad experience, or is simply unappreciative of officers who protect us all everyday. Whichever is is,I’m sorry for his/her take on public safety. My sense is you don’t support our president, and you do support athletes disrespecting the National Anthem, which would be unfortunate, but within your rights. Good luck.
I don’t think I’ve ever, in my 65 years, heard of an American citizen describe police offers as “Monsters with a badge.” You are the first. The rest of your disgraceful message speaks for itself. I hope you dont have kids, for our county’s sake. Good Lord, what is this country coming to? You should be ashamed of these awful comments, but you’re probably not…again, we live in a free country, and you have the right, but it doesn’t mean it’s right.
Well said! This country is great! It’s a shame that there are so many among us who are just too ignorant to realize it. Love law enforcement!!!
Well said, Emily. It’s always struck me as odd, that people slam law enforcement, until they need them. And then they slam them for not getting there fast enough. Seems to me that it’s a thankless job. Shameful that people just don’t seem to get it.
P.S. I’m grateful that there are those who serve, and keep us safe. I guess the nay sayers can fend for yourselves. Good luck with that.
I wasn’t going to reply again, because I said my piece, but this is my last post. I appreciate everyone’s opinion, but I appreciate public safety, our military, our president,like someone else said, and our rule of law. Having said that, I don’t appreciate the ignorant idiots who have posted on this site. There are certainly a lot of dummy’s out there. Be well, and raise your children better than you were raised. Peace!
Dave G.
Maybe this is too obvious, but I think Dave G, Steve B, Emily J and probably Ron M are the same person.
Just another guy who doesn’t appreciate our country. Feel sorry for you, Jerry. Maybe your wife, or guy can help out.
Please tell me you’re not a homophobe, Jerry. This world needs less of them. Love all people. I certainly do. Don’t be a hater..Please, and appreciate the women and men who take care of us. You may need one of them someday.
I think a person can both support law enforcement and have a legitimate concern about the circumstances of this case. Why wasn’t McGee charged with the crimes stemming from the standoff? I’m not against the police or retired police, but shouldn’t this retired office face the same charges as anybody else who did this?
Another tragic shooting today in Florida, where law enforcement charged in to danger and likely saved many lives. Bless our law enforcement!
Not like that high school shooting when the cop stayed outside and watched!
I agree 100% on that unfortunate example. But there are so many more examples of it going the right way, where the cops charge in and save lives. Your example was, unfortunately, and correctly, not one of them. Maybe we can keep it fair and balanced, and recognize that the good they do far outweigh the bad.
I just weighed in on this, but after reading the trail of posts, I would say the Jerry would probably think that I’m the same person as Dave G, Emily, Ron M, and others. Too bad for jerry that everyone has an opinion. There are 350 million people in this country.
Dave G, you sound like a cop, maybe even Redwood City. How do you explain why McGee wasn’t booked on any charges from the standoff? Was this an attempt by his former colleagues to keep his bail low?
You do realize, right, that he was arrested, booked, a judge set bail, and the DA will file the appropriate charges. It’s not up to law enforcement to set bail, it’s up to a judge. Also, it’s not up to law enforcement to file criminal charges; that responsibility falls on the DA. Are you saying that the entire justice system is corrupt; law enforcement, judges and the district attorney’s office? It’s a ridiculous notion. Read a book or take a class, but you should learn how the justice system works, for your own benefit. You’ve clearly been misinformed, and that’s concerning and unfortunate. I suggest as well that you reach out to the DA’s office, his defense attorney, if he has one, and the judge who set bail if you have concerns regarding the amount of bail that was set. So, a question for you: what do you think his bail should have been, or do you you think he should have had been held without bail until after the the case was entirely adjudicated?
Oh, the Redwood City cop is going to use his “Steve B.” name. Whatever.
OK, here’s what actually happens. When police arrest somebody without a warrant, the booking charges are decided by the arresting officer and his supervisor. These aren’t the final charges the defendant will face in court. The DA decides that later. But these are the charges the police will recommend to the DA. And they’re the charges used to determine bail.
The arresting officer has a lot of discretion here. He can book the guy with numerous charges or very few. There’s this thing called the “bail schedule.” It lists the charges and the bail for each charge. The cops know all about the bail schedule. They know that they can force the defendant to pay a high bail if they book him on many charges, or they can keep the bail low if they book him on just one charge, like in this case.
So, Dave G. or Steve B. or whomever you’re pretending to be, answer my questions:
1. How do you explain why McGee wasn’t booked on any charges from the standoff? The only charge he was booked on was DV.
2. Was this an attempt by his former colleagues to keep his bail low?
Answer these two questions. Don’t throw up another smokescreen or diversion. Don’t try to change the subject. Just answer the questions.
It’s obvious to me that “2 questions for the Policeman” is the same person as “Jerry.”
So, 2 questions, or Jerry, what additional charges stemming from the standoff do you think should have been added? Perhaps delaying justice, which is a misdemeanor? Thats a cite release section or if stacked on top of the DV, may or may not have affected his bail amount, but let’s suppose it did; it may have affected it by possibly a thousand bucks. I wouldn’t think you were at the scene and neither was i, so neither of us have all of the facts of the case. It sounds, Jerry as if you have an axe to grind against all law enforcement in general, which is your right, but just unfortunate. My sense is that if his bail was set at a million bucks, you’d wonder why it wasn’t 2 million. So, what addition Felony sections do you think should have been on the booking sheet?
…one more thing, 2 questions or Jerry, did you know that the DA can and often does request that the judge increase bail at the arraignment proceeding, regardless of what the actual booking charges were? The judge, obviously can increase bail even if it’s not requested by the DA. The judge can also elect to hold the defendant without bail based on circumstances such as flight risk, danger to the community, etc. The DA can also add charges at the arraigment. So, your beef seems to be with the police, the DA’s office and the judge at arrainment. Your arguement simply doesnt hold. Again, neither of us were in the house when the incident occurred, and we weren’t at the scene, well at least I wasn’t. Are you claiming to know more facts about this case than the investigating officers?
I think Patricia (above) answered your question:
“As for the DV, it’s going to be 243(e)(1) … it could also be 273.5, 243(d) and, depending on her age, maybe 368.
… He wasn’t booked for one single charge stemming from the 17-hour standoff. He should have been booked on 148(a), 422, 69 … and 415 at the very least.”
Now we’ve taken care of that, please answer these questions:
1. How do you explain why McGee wasn’t booked on any charges from the standoff? The only charge he was booked on was DV.
2. Was this an attempt by his former colleagues to keep his bail low?
Don’t bring the judge into this because he was released too quickly for a bail hearing. His arraignment isn’t until September.
Hi Jerry, or 2 questions…What leads you to believe that Patricia isn’t actually me too?
148, resisting arrest, is a misdemeanor. Again, a lesser included offense. Im not sure what you’re basing your 422, terrorist threats, on, as there’s been no evidence reported that he threatened anyone, post the alleged DV, which he was arrested, booked and posted bail on. I’m not sure how 69 pc, threatening a law enforcement official would apply, as there’s been nothing repoted that he threatened any law enf official with harm. 415 is a simple disturbance of the peace, and one cannot disturb their own peace and can’t disturb a police officers peace. That’s case law. I applaud your efforts, but there is a thing referred to as “elements of a crime”, and for anyone to be charged, their crime has to meet the “elements.” Keep searching the penal code. I actually have the answer that you’re searching for, but you’re going to have to work a little harder and I’m not going to you the answer. I’m gently trying to educate you. You might say that I know my Penal Code, the law, and my around a courtroom. I could be a police officer, or an attorney, or a retired judge or retired from one or any of the three…or I could be none of the above. In the mean time, show some respect for law enforcement, Jerry. They will protect you if you ever need it. As stated, you’re clearly anti police. I’m sorry if you’ve been on wrong side of the law and have that axe to grind. Did you reach out to the DA’s office with all of your concerns? It may be more productive than debating me, because that’s a debate that you won’t win. The DA can further educate you on the law, and elements of a crime.
You’re very defensive Mr. Police Man. And once again, you avoided the questions by changing the subject.
1. How do you explain why McGee wasn’t booked on any charges from the standoff? The only charge he was booked on was DV.
2. Was this an attempt by his former colleagues to keep his bail low?
By not answering, I’ve got to assume you’re part of the 1% of cops who are corrupt, bad apples. You know the answers to these questions but won’t admit what’s going on.
99% of cops are honest and do a good job. I’m glad we have them. But Berta, Steve B., Dave G., whatever your name is — you’re covering up what happened here because you’re corrupt.
Obviously, there’s no reasoning with someone who refuses to listen to facts that have been layed out time and again. Smearing and name calling nearly shows the depth of your ignorance and defensiveness. And, I do not believe for a second that you truly think that 99% of “cops” ” do a good job.” Your messages do not reflect your support for law enforcement and I suspect that you’ve been on the wrong side of the law and are actually pretty steamed and angry at all law enforcement.
I must say though that your writing skills are fairly good, so obviously, you’ve got enough intellect to do the research I’ve suggested visa vi the penal code, normal bail schedules, as this was, make the calls I’ve suggested, and educate yourself oon why you are incorrect on so many levels. Your acting out of emotion and disdain for law enforcement rather than just looking at the facts of the case by applying the law as perscribed.
Best of luck to you! I hope you continue to search out the truth…and please support your law enforcement. They would put themselves between you and danger at a.moments notice.
2 questions is pissed at the police. Thats for sure. Maybe picked up a dui or a speeding ticket at some point and just cant get over it. Too bad for him/her.
It’s interesting that 2 questions has never, in all of these messages shown any interest or concern for the alleged victim and just fixates on how bad police are. I agree. 2 questions has probably spent time in jail for something and has a grudge. I believe in the system. May justice prevail.
Excellent point, 2 cents! I didn’t put that together until you said it. 2 questions has made it all about his/her view of how corrupt law enf is because of personal bias and has completely omitted the victim from the conversation. Youre are exactly right!
17 hour stand-off. That’s a long time for our responders to be in potential harms way, and for their families to worry about their fate. Was there a significant perceived threat by this person barricaded in the house? Is that why such a force of tactic units showed up?
Reasonable, skeptical questions regarding why the man got let off so easy should not be met with ‘anti-police’ name-calling. Attacking someone’s reasonable questions, and calling people names, is a form of deflecting from the questions. Discussion of the points on both sides is what makes us all Americans. Shutting someone down, calling them “anti-police” is what happens is a society without freedom.
My support is with the responders putting their lives on the line to resolve the situation – at this moment, not with the man that didn’t come out for 17 hours. 17 hours of helicopters circling, neighborhoods shut down – it was a tense situation for sure.
I’m going to trust the system on this one. If something in the system is indeeed broken, and the man gets a free pass this time, I’ll pray that there is not a next time as that will hold on many people’s conscience a long time.
17 hour stand-off – That’s a long time for our law enforcement & responders to be in potential harms way, and for their families to worry about their fate. I defend those guys, putting their necks out there during this crisis. Not so easy to come to the defense of the man barricaded for 17 hours. I’m just being honest – whether he is retired cop or not.
It seems a reasonable & skeptical question to ask why the man got let off so easy. No need to be met with ‘anti-police’ name-calling. Attacking someone’s reasonable questions, and calling people names, is a form of deflecting from the questions. Discussion of the points on both sides is what makes us all Americans. Shutting someone down, calling them “anti-police” is what happens in a society without (or losing) it’s freedom.
My support is with the responders putting their lives on the line to resolve the situation – and at this moment, for me, not with the man that didn’t come out for 17 hours. 17 hours of helicopters circling, neighborhoods shut down – it was a tense situation for sure.
I’m going to trust the system on this one. If something in the system is indeeed broken, and the man gets a free pass this time, I’ll pray that there is not a next time as that will hold on many people’s conscience a long time.
SK..you sound very level headed on here, unlike some others. I’ve read ppl post on here that police are “monsters with badges”, “corrupt”, and more. One person is fixated that the retired officer was given a pass by his corrupt buddies. He doesnt know the facts of the case. As an American citizen, It pains me that the hardworking men and women in law enforcement have to read this type of rhetoric, which is why I and others have called them out on their comments.
Just because a citizen is an honorably retired police officer, it doesn’t mean that they give up their rights, such as the right to bail, which was paid ($50,000), the right to legal representation, the right to a speedy trial, etc. I’ve tried to educate that individual, but to no avail, and comments posted by that person are clearly biased toward L.E. the truth is that none of us know all of the facts surrounding this case. If found guilty, the private citizen who used to be a p.o. will be dealt with in a court of law and not by an anti police lynch mob. In the mean time, he’s entitled to all of the rights as an American citizen that you, me, the uninformed individual, or anyone else would be entitled to.
Thank you for your level headed comments, and for having faith in the justice system.
Hi SK. Your comments are very level headed, which is refreshing. It’s no secret based on mine, that I support the fine men and women who protect us and our families and communities everyday. I’ve read comments on these posts that refer to “cops” as “Monsters with badges” and “Corrupt”, and more. As an American citizen, I feel the need to speak out and correct these abhorrent comments, as I’m sure our police officers do not like to read this type of rhetoric. They would and do put their lives on the line everyday to protect all lives, even those who verbally attack them on posts like these. I’ve tried to educate one individual in particular, as have others, but he/she simply doesn’t want to listen to a fact based discussion.
We live in a country with rights to our citizens, obviously. Just because someone among us happens to be an honorably retired police officer, doesn’t mean they have to give up their rights forever. If we find ourselves in legal jeopardy, we are entitled to all rights granted by this wonderful country, including the right to bail, which was posted ($50,000.00), the right to legal representation, a speedy trial by a jury of peers, and so much more. Lets face it, none of us truly know all of the facts of this case, including the very biased individual that is clearly very angry at law enforcement and is very biased and emotional about this. He/she is convinced that the retired officer’s “corrupt buddy’s” gave him a “free pass.” No, he was peacefully brought in, albeit after many hours, booked, posted bail commensurate with the charges and will have to answer to the charges in a court of law, and not by an angry mob. None of us, including the individual who is so incensed and is convinced that there is a conspiracy afoot, truly know what happened in that house that day. It was a bad day for everyone involved, but like you, I have trust in our justice system. I wish the individual that I’m obviously talking about was as level headed as you are.
It’s telling that “Berta” or whatever his name is will give a long speech but avoid the question he, as a police officer for RWC, should be able to answer — why no charges from the standoff? It’s a reasonable question. But he won’t touch it. And did the cops book McGee on the minimal number of charges to keep his bail low? A $50,000 bail means it will cost McGee $5,000 to a bail bondsman, an amount he can put on a credit card.
There is a check and balance here. The cops might have let McGee off with minimal charges, but the DA (Steve Wagstaffe) won’t go in for this kind of nonsense. I don’t think this case is over with.
What were the minimal charges? Is a felony charge minimal?
Just asking. I’m not following the case, but I think you’re right. The case is not over, and the DA is an honorable public servant.
Oh, God, the RWC policeman is back, this time using the name George H.
The policeman asks, “What were the minimal charges? Is a felony charge minimal? Just asking.”
The answer is that he wasn’t booked on any charges stemming from the 17-hour standoff.
Mr. Policeman, how does that happen? Was the standoff just a “misunderstanding” and a “warning” is all that’s necessary?
George H, go back to pretending to be Berta.
Wow, I was just making a comment. You sound very angry. There is help for that. Best of luck.
George H, Berta, Dave S … whatever your name might be, I’m not angry, but I am disgusted by your level of corruption and I’m annoyed that I have to pay your salary.
Here’s what I think *could* be going on:
1. McGee was only booked on one charge, the DV, because his former fellow officers wanted to keep his bail as low as possible. They knew that the single DV charge carried a 50K bail, which means he could pay 5K (possibly using a credit card) to a bail bondsman and be out in the streets in a couple of hours.
2. Who decided he wouldn’t be booked on any additional charges besides DV? How did he avoid charges from the 17-hour armed standoff with an army of police officers in SWAT gear and in a helicopter? The arresting officer whose name is on the jail intake form had a say in this decision, but also the shift commander and a captain. Why would they all agree to under-charge McGee?
3. The decision to go easy on McGee had to be department-wide. Shift commanders know what charges people get booked on. The shift commander could have easily said, “Hey, guys, wait a minute, shouldn’t we be booking him with charges from the standoff?” Certainly the next morning, when Chief Mulholland was reviewing the paperwork from the previous day, he could have increased the booking charges. But Mulholland worked with McGee back in the day, so he might not want to throw the book at an old buddy.
4. Cops handle a lot of DVs, and they know the suspects in these cases often walk because the victim changes her mind after the arrest and decides not to testify. Without her testimony, the case goes away. So I’m guessing that the RWC cops decided to only book McGee only on DV because they knew that there was a good chance the victim would decide not to testify. That would mean McGee would be home free with no charges from the standoff and no DV.
5. How can police assure that a witness doesn’t testify while avoiding laws involving witness tampering? You could step up police patrols by the victim’s house, so that several times a day she sees a police cruiser outside her window. Nobody could accuse the police of anything improper with that. The police could simply say that they’re providing good “community policing” and want to keep crime down in the neighborhood.
6. More evidence that police went easy on McGee is the fact that they withheld his mug shot from the media for 11 days (until August 21). According to news accounts, the DA’s office had to intervene to get them to release it. Usually, police are quick to release an arrestee’s picture to the media hours after an arrest. The police agency wants to brag to the public that they got some bad guy off the streets.
7. I’m also curious about whether McGee brandished a gun during the standoff. I don’t have any information on this, but the police decided not to charge into his house during the 17 hours. Why did they hesitate? Did he have a weapon? Was a weapon recovered?
I’m waiting for McGee’s arraignment on September 12 in San Mateo County Superior Court in Redwood City. Hopefully District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe will do the right thing.
A disclaimer: I don’t think all police officers are corrupt, and I have the utmost respect for the honest ones. The David S./Berta/George H person on this thread is a cop who is evasive (always changing the subject, refusing to answer basic questions) because he’s so deep into a corrupt culture, he can’t help himself. Sad.
It sounds as if, through all of your posts, that the main sticking point with you is what you say was low bail; 50,000.00. If I had a 50k bail, I would write a check for the entire amount. For arguments sake let’s double the bail to 100k. Do you really think it would have made a difference? A bailbodsman would charge 10k for that instead of 5k. Personally, I would write a check for that as well and avoid the bondsman. Lets bump it up to a million bail just for the sake of argument. I could make a call to my financial advisor and tap my stock acct, or two my heloc at my bank to pay a bondsman the 100k. Many people, especially in silicon valley, have resources. Perhaps you dont.
I didn’t read your entire post, because I have somewhere to get to, but you are very wrong about #4 in particular. DA’s can, and often do move forward with a DV case, even if the victim (he or she) recents. This is why it’s called “the people of California vs. So and so.” Don’t take my word for that..simply fact check it with the DA’s office.
You’re trying diligently to debate someone who knows what they’re talking about, but you’re making the common error by doing it through anger, emotion and a complete misunderstanding of Ca. state law.
You’ve gotten yourself into a tizzy over this, but there’s no need to. Take a deep breath and realize that this will turn out correctly, and justice will be done, assuming that the evidence supports a conviction or a plea. Anger and stress over something that you have no control over can and does lead to health issues. I don’t wish that on you. Be good to yourself and get some help for that anger before it consumes you.
Best wishes.
David S./Berta/George H, I agree that you know what you’re talking about. Sounds like you’ve been a corrupt police officer for a long time. An honest cop would want to get rid of fellow officers who provide preferential treatment to a retired officer.
Take a deep breath and relax, Mr. anti law enf. guy. There’s no corruption and no conspiracy. RCPD is as honorable of an agency as it gets. The new chief is a very good, decent and honest man.
Amazing that this guy wasn’t booked on charges from the standoff with police. A blatant case of favoritism, IMO. Anybody who defends it is probably a crooked cop. We need an outside investigation by an unbiased third party. Anybody else who held the cops off for 18 hours would be hit with a slew of charges, Good grief!