Sheriff asks court to stop election to remove her from office

Sheriff Christina Corpus and Undersheriff Dan Perea at a Nov. 13 supervisors meeting. Post photo by Amelia Biscardi.

San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus has gone to court in an attempt to halt the county’s March election that would allow the Board of Supervisors to oust her from her office. She’s facing removal due to allegations of abuse of power, retaliation and conflicts of interest.

Corpus’s attorneys filed a petition on Friday in San Mateo County Superior Court asking a judge to stop the impending March 4 election.

If Corpus’s attorneys are unable to stop the election, voters will decide whether to amend the county’s charter to allow four of the five supervisors to remove a sheriff “for good cause.”

Corpus contends that the election shouldn’t happen in March, but instead in November 2026 because the law says charter measures should only appear on the ballot in general statewide elections.

County’s response

County Attorney John Nibbelin said Corpus’ petition is “seeking to deprive county residents of the opportunity to vote on the pending charter amendment measure. The petition lacks merit, both as to law, which it misapplies, and to the facts, which it misconstrues. We expect that the court will deny relief in this matter and that the election will proceed.”

Corpus has previously said the only credible way to get her out of office is through a recall.

“If you want a sheriff out, you hold a recall,” Corpus said in a statement on Nov. 19. “This is a blatant attempt to go around the voters. They don’t want a recall vote because they know they will lose.”

A recall effort, led by retired state Sen. Jerry Hill of San Mateo and retired Caltrain/Samtrans CEO Jim Hartnett of Redwood City, is in its early stages.

No time to respond

On Nov. 12, the county released a 400-page report by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell about Corpus and her former chief of staff, Victor Aenlle.

In it, Cordell concludes that “lies, secrecy, intimidation, retaliation, conflicts of interests and abuses of authority are the hallmarks of the Corpus administration.”

Corpus’s attorneys from Murphy, Pearson, Bradley & Feeney, said in the filing that the county did not give Corpus time to remedy the accusations.

Before the report was released, Cordell offered Corpus time to speak with her regarding the allegations Cordell was looking into. Corpus never responded to Cordell’s request.

Corpus refused an invitation to a Dec. 10 Board of Supervisors meeting to explain the abuse-of-power scandal gripping her office.

Corpus also claims that the Board of Supervisor’s vote to put the measure on the ballot was invalid because two members of the board — Noelia Corzo and Ray Mueller — “were biased against Sheriff Corpus, and they had already made up their minds about the facts and whether removal was warranted. Since the vote, those supervisors have continued to show their bias against Sheriff Corpus.”

Corpus’ petition also warns that if the election goes forward, there’s a chance a court could find it is invalid afterward, which would diminish the initiative process in the minds of voters.


  1. This appears to be true. How did Board of Supervisors make such a huge error?
    In Santa Clara County several Supervisors are attorneys. Maybe not in San Mateo County.

    “Corpus contends that the election should not happen in March, but instead in November 2026 because the law says charter measures should only appear on the ballot in general statewide elections.”

  2. The only huge error is that Corpus has not put the county first and resigned. This is a local county election not a state wide election. There were two separate board meetings to discuss this. Corpus only appearance made was her theatrical appearance to try and save Aenlle’s job and appoint him to a position he was none the less qualified to do.

    The lack of accountabilty of this Sheriff is pure disqust. She alone ignored so many HR complaints that the county had to step in and help. To pretend like there has been no opportunity to step in is beyond reckless. This Sheriff had COUNTLESS opportunties to act like a leader, show some professionalism or just follow basic labor laws.

    There are multiple complaints, including a PERP complaint, a false arrest of her own union president, RETALIATION against RESPECTED employees and every single county board, mayor, congress and senate AGAINST this CORRUPTION.

    The San Mateo Board of Supervisors followed the law to add an amendment to the T. There is no reason this Sheriff should think she is above the law just because she is elected. There is no reason this sheriff should be pointing fingers at prior Sheriff’s just because she has a vendetta against her past. This is blatant and utter retaliation to this entire county. This sheriff needs counseling and to add morals and values to her life.

    Ask the Governor why she is kicked off his State correction board?

    What do you think a Sheriff should be doing with her elected time in office? Gaslighting the county on ABC7 news and narcissistic memos or actually showing up to work, working with the county leaders, interacting with deputies, Sergeants, Captains, the unions? NONE of her duties have been fulfilled for MONTHS, she is a MESS a complete incompetent mess of a Sheriff ! People need to read the laws and actually speak truth rather than throw around rumors about what is right and wrong. What is reality needs to be made public and these attempts to undermine issues has got to stop. Aenlle has filled this Sheriff’s head with mistruths and conspiracy theories, Corpus had made too many bad decisions and followed a path in life that destroyed herself and any dignity she possibly has. YUCK!

    • Supervisors have down graded San Mateo county to a small minded soap opera. They must have alot yo hide it their own agenda to attack the elected sheriff. Supervisors are making fooks of themselves for all to see.

      • Interesting thought process. What exactly do you think the Sheroff’s job is? What exact do you think policies and procedures and laws are made for?

        Do you think anyone is above the law?

        Actually, when do you think it is appropriate to hire a friend that you are incapable of being impartial to?

        The Board of Supervisors were faced with thrown picking of VERY INAPPROPRIATE HR complaints of retaliation, labor law violations, inappropriate conduct, retaliation and the list keeps growing. The Sheriff publicly stated in September that she was unaware of ANY complaints and will look forward to seeing the results of the investigation.

        Obviously you have some warped views of the Sheriff.

        Simba is a fictional at beast and never should be compared the current Sheriff. The correct character for her is Mufasa- luring people into destruction and setting the kingdom on fire. There is nothing courageous about this Sheriff she is manipulating people and disrespects her staff and the entire county.

  3. The REAL question is; why does Corpus fear the voting public so much? If she’s in the right, then SURELY the public MUST recognize that! If so, they will vote down the recall. Conversely, if she KNOWS she has done wrong, then it stands to reason she would fear the verdict of the voters.

    • The Mercury News went to bat for her and did a big smear job on the previous sheriff who received a lot of accolades from staff when he left office. Mercury News concentrated on Corpus being female and Latina, with NO discussion about law enforcement skills.

    • San Mateo county residents elected the sheriff and some small group of Democrats aren’t going to steal our votes. It’s all going yo backfire on the supervisors they already looking like fools. San Mateo county going red tired of these woke supervisors.

  4. If true the County Counsel needs to fired or resign. Incompetence by the County all around including the Board of Supervisors and the DA! We need a new DA. I am sure the current is nervous given all his baggage.
    As a taxpayer pissed that the county paid 8 million dollars recently to a female detective that sued the county for sexual harassment…gross conduct by the San Mateo Sheriff SWAT team …sexist lewd comments and she was actually groped and tackled. This happened during Bolanos term and everyone was so silent about it..the union and the board.This is all personal against having a Latina Female Sheriff!

    • You mist have no moral and values to buy into any of this sheriff crap. She is corrupt period- ask any deputy that works there –

    • Really? Is this true? wow
      Guess you didnt’ see that Calagy and Wagstaffe also hired an independent investigation into Bolanos. Don’t believe me look it up.

      The lazy Atty General does nothing to stop Sheriff corruption in California. It’s an Attorney General issue.

      The other issue is that Bolanos didn’t hire people and fire them and retaliate against them and ask Deputies and Captains and Sergeants to do and/or make up supposed criminal investigations on their own people within the Sheriff Department. The retaliation and HR complaints are through the roof.

      This sheriff skipped too many ranks to understand what her job is. She doesn’t know and follow labor laws and she doesn’t communicate with anyone. Heck she doesn’t even come to work let alone take accountability for any of her own actions.

      Closed door Sheriff. Resign or cost the county millions to prove to these handful of blindsided people believing the lies the Sheriff spews on the news.

    • Wagstaffe carries no baggage. As someone who has worked in this county for almost 30 years, he is the most straight forward and ethical leader in the bay area without question. I fear the day he is no longer our DA. Corpus’ last minute effort to delay the election will fail quite simply as a matter of law. Her attorneys have made a very significant misrepresentation of the law in their filing. I suspect they know and are throwing a hail Mary but under CA law, an elected official is not an employee except for tax and worker’s comp purposes. People who supported and worked on Corpus’ campaign, those who were on her transition team, the victim you mention, they are all very much in support of her removal. Every one of them will tell you that for the last 2 years, she was Sheriff in name only while Aenlle was San Mateo County’s own Grima Wormtongue.

      • What about the supervisors giving themselves $1.5 million taxpayer money to pay for their recall campaign. Looks like done campaign finance laws being violated. Taxpayers are paying to undermine our own votes that elected the sheriff. Board of clowns.

        • Go away and stop pretending to be a good person. You are lower than low and have no morals, must be the medication you are on.

          Only clown here is the actress Christina stomping around reading memos that she didn’t right making a complete fool of herself. Losing the respect of the entire county quickly and wait for it – no respect for her in 2025 anywhere that matters most.

          Maybe you be lucky enough to fill your $75000 table with some gull-able friends and see how that goes , maybe you will be lucky and have another corrupt friend.

          Just end this resign.

    • I read the full report and was at the city council meeting she skipped.

      I don’t need to know anything else until she cooperates with the initial investigation.

  5. More good coverage and another well written story by the Post. Interesting that Sheriff Corpus did not object to the Measure in a more timely manner, and fashion, at either of the two Board meetings where it was presented and discussed. One could argue that hearing no objection from the Sheriff herself, at either of those meetings she, by her silence on topic, passively agreed to and with the foundation and specifics of the Measure. Only the Sheriff herself would know what she was thinking. Perhaps she will provide a declaration, sworn under penalty of perjury. Perhaps she just enjoys painting herself as the victim.

    One tremendously interesting follow up here, might be the results of a public records request for Sheriff Corpus’ timecard for Friday, January 10, 2025, when she asserts that she signed the “Verification” in San Francisco, under penalty of perjury. When was the timecard completed? Has it been edited or modified? Does the timecard reflect that she worked a full day that day, or did she reflect that she took time off for personal business? Did she appear to commit perjury, or timecard fraud, if her timecard reflects that she worked all day that Friday for full pay? Could the “Verification” have been signed in other than San Francisco as it states on its face?

    While we consider scrutinizing who did what, who pays the teams of attorneys in two different law offices for Corpus’ $10M claim and this Petition? Might it be Aenlle, with his wife’s family trust funds? If that is the case then Aenlle would be gifting her yet more reportable income again, this time for the value of the legal services obtained, no? Another good story might be the result of interviews with a tax professional to ascertain their expert opinion on whether the value of the legal services is a taxable gift that benefits Corpus. Similarly, what might the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) or the County Attorney say about a gift of the legal services, paid for by another as it appears Corpus and Aenlle may have done? Is such a gift of legal services required to be reported on Corpus’ Form 700 for the FPPC?

    Is the California Attorney General’s office, or the SMC District Attorney, looking into potential tax fraud by Corpus on the state level while facilitating and supporting an IRS tax investigation of Corpus’ Team for federal tax evasion?

    • Maybe she’s doing the future a favor, I think she’s trying not to give power to the SMCBOS. Pretty smart because she may know the work life of a sheriff in those old buildings will always be wrong. Or, she is fighting against Corzo.

      However, your great input and research on the history of a Sheriff. I still think if there was a “salary … vacate” (I forgot) right to use by the SMCBOS, how come it wasn’t enough to use now?

      I still stand by Corpus’ side and will not vote to oust her. I would vote to recall Noelia Corzo, I really regret voting for Corzo.

      • Well I stand with the people of the sheriff office, the board of supervisors, the congress, the mayors, the other city counsels and many many many people impacted by the lack of leaderships this Sheriff exhibits. Not once in the past 6 plus months has this Sheriff recognized the unions issues, the counsels issues etc. Not having the leadership skills to sit down and resolve this problem rather than side step the issues by choosing to only discuss and highlight being a latina female.

        ANYONE standing by that has no knowledge of the long term damage this Sheriff is causing to morale, public safety and county budgets due to negligent, criminal, legal civil right violations and list list of law suits continues.

        This board doesn’t need to baby sit and have power- this board is trying to save the department and save time from someone that isn’t even doing her job. It’s foolish to believe anything else. Talk to someone that actually works at the Sheriff office. Get a real look at what has transpired.
        This Sheriff chose this path and caused things to spiral out of control to this point.

  6. Reality Check is absolutely correct….time you leave little Ms. Corpus! Note – Corpus doesn’t even deserve to be called “sheriff” as she’s done nothing commensurate with her obligations and the promises she made to voters back in 2022. As for Gregory B.(aka Victor A.) your feeble attempts at trying to justify the this train wreck of a “sheriff” will never succeed. The voters will speak come March of 2025.

  7. Reality Check is absolutely correct….time you leave little Ms. Corpus! Note – Corpus doesn’t even deserve to be called “sheriff” as she’s done nothing commensurate with her obligations and the promises she made to voters back in 2022. As for Gregory B.(aka Victor A.) your feeble attempts at trying to justify this train wreck of a “sheriff” will never succeed. The voters will speak come March of 2025.

  8. What is so remarkable is that Corpus has no public response to the particulars of the original complaints. She hasn’t addressed any one of them!

    Additionally, she has NO COMMENT for her blatant disrespect for law enforcement by turning her back on the 100 Club that supports fallen police officers and their families … or addressing the $74,000 wooden conference table with 10 vents and cooling fans in the legs … or the BULLET PROOF WINDOW she had installed for herself in her personal office ON THE 5TH FLOOR! … How much did that cost Christy?

    Or let’s include $35,000 a month spent on the empty, unused Broadway property that was never approved … or the Publicity Stunt of announcing a special Sheriff’s employee child care center that was never approved (even though one already exists at the county center for employees) … or having the 3 assault rifles with silencers for herself and her non-existent administration she is not allowed to possess … or not showing up to the monthly Police Chief’s meetings … or rarely even showing up to work … if at all. Christy Christy, come out wherever you are!

    … or let’s talk about driving her clerical staff out, or the Records Manager out, or her appointed Undersheriff out, or her two appointed Assistant Sheriff’s out, or her two Captains out … not to mention the day she was elected, shoving out the original administration of the Undersheriff, 3 Assistant Sheriffs and Captains! We now have a Sheriff’s Administration of Christy + One. This screams of your contempt for the men and women that show up every day and serve, regardless of your disrespect shown them.

    We should be thankful there is an oversight that can and will remove her from office, with the public voice. Where does it end Corpus? Nowhere to hide.

      • Simba I think you forgot you were also Jose Gonzalez. Amigo go away and talk to some san mateo sheriff deputies- get the real story.

        Once these supporters see their sheriff betrayed them and so many others they too will be done.

  9. So many anti-Corpus paid trolls on this thread is unbelievable. A little message to the trolls. Your indignation is over the top. The only reason to be so hot is if you got fired, demoted, or are paid to post.

    • Or HELLO- I am just a citizen of the county that respects law enforcement and is absolutely disgusted by the public theatrics and blatant disregard for all of the votes of no confidence, the unions, the department staff impacted. It is telling when there are MULTIPLE votes of no confidence. The HR report, yes it is lengthy and sometimes personal- it paints a clear picture of what is going on with the Sheriff and her over stepping by hiring a friend, someone she’s interested in etc whatever the case is nepotism.

      The lack of transparency and unprofessional verbiage in her new releases sound like a child. I have not seen this Sheriff act like she intends to resolve ANY conflict brought up starting with the unions in September, not attending board meetings and having a civil conversation not even saying at any given point that the department is important to her and that she wants to sit down and resolve issues and move forward.

      Instead she has the appearance now of someone seeking revenge and someone looking for money from a job that she has abandoned. She hides behind these accusations and has said far too many times as a response to anything brought up “I’m a female and latina”. I went back and read the supporters of this Sheriff including Supervisor Corzo and Mueller- they helped her campaign and were excited to see her in office. This Sheriff has turned her back on supporters and I agree with the county to step in.

      No Sheriff should be given this much power that is obviously abusing her role and title. This is not what a Sheriff is. Every other Police agency has an avenue by the county mayor or Board of Supervisors to remove someone not successful or someone violating laws or county funds etc.

      This is no different, no Sheriff should come in and say they are a coach and choose their team, or arrest a union president over $950 and not investigate it properly. There are so many things I have read and seen and the interviews on TV are truly concerning with the content addressed. The issues I see are not even acknowledged and they aren’t even discussed- such as why are your union negotiations and overtime such an issue now? Why are answers to questions different and then finger pointing blame to other people.

      Don’t sell the educated people of the county short. We can see through what is going on. Between the weekly publications, news broadcasts, independent investigations and responses. Lost my vote and my friends and family feel the same. This Sheriff has got to go.

    • Wait I thought the Sheriff staffing was amazing. Are you trying to say there is a problem with people being demoted0 retaliated against, fired- retaliated against or what?

      Paid by who to post what? We aren’t on the budget of our wives trust fund paying and trolling North Fair oaks and spanish speaking communities.

      It looks to me like you need to realize the VOTERS will speak and are ARE speaking. They are done with this charade Aenlle. DONE with you. DONE with Corpus. Done with PAREA and done with incompetence. Go move somewhere else and troll there- like a Keebler Elf Tree.

    • I had no idea who she was until I read an article in November. I am have lived in the county since birth.
      I have read the 400 page report and those two naughty kids playing sheriff got busted with our tax money and safety. Sounds like our new administration.

  10. When you get a vote of no confidence ot should make you stop and think about your own actions and realize there is a problem to address.

    Christina Corpus received a vote of no confidence from 90% plus od her deputies, 100% of her Sergeants, 6/7 of her Captains (she hired these people not Bolanos) the San Mateo Board of Supervisors , the San Carlos Mayor and board, the State and Congress the list has grown so large!

    What would you do? What does a vote of NO confidence mean to you?

    These are strong statements and the very people working alongside someone. This Sheriff does not know how to work with the community nor does she care about the people in her department. What is the point in keeping a position NOONE wants to work with her in. Corpus alone caused this situation . People were excited about her being hired and then 1 -11/2 years into this position people quickly realized there was an issue with her decision making skills and judgment and violation of labor laws not respecting policies.

    This is not a position about change for Corpus. Corpus worked in a department for so long and has so many past issues she is on a mission to make a statement to anyone that wrongs her whether that be someone that disciplined her before or someone she just doesn’t like. Not only that, but then she demotes or wrongs anyone that Aenlle decides he doesn’t like. Corpus can’t be impartial to Aenlle and itnhas RUINED the sheriff office. She is loyal to Aenlle with no regard to HR, labor codes, policies. This is a personal mission for Corpus not a mission of change, not a position to work for the county and for the people.

    One last thing- where is the ABC7 coverage on the wrongful arrest of the union president or interview with the unions. Who is talking to the people that go to work daily scared of being retaliated against and losing their job if the sheriff decides to get rid of them for any personality conflict. People have families to feed. The people at the Sheriff office are suffering and so is the community because of this.

    Lastly, I am glad to see the political leaders that stand behind these Sheriff office workers. This is heartbreaking. The last thing is that this situation is not about being a latina female, nor not supporting change. This situation is about corruption and lack of ability to stand worh your own people.

    The website should be updated to remove Aenlle just like the rest of the people that quit or got retaliated against- within hours the website is updated. Corpus again is not impartial to Aenlle

    If Corpus really cares about this county she will resign and stop playing these unprofessional games. She ruined her reputation. Jo transparency and trust lost.

    That investigation by the judge doesn’t need anyone under oath to investigate HR complaints. The grand jury will investigate in court then people go under oath. More gaslighting more manipulation tactics by Awnlle and Corpus.

  11. Concerning the assertions by Corpus’ legal counsel, if I am recalling the Elections Code correctly, section 23720(a) provides, “A county charter may be amended by proposals submitted by the governing body…”. Seems to me the SMC Board of Supervisors is seeking to amend the County Charter.

    Next is the pertinent part of section 23722 of the Elections Code, “Upon the presentation of a petition, or upon its own submission of a proposal to amend or repeal the charter, the governing body shall submit the amendment or amendments proposed or the question of the repeal of the charter to the eligible registered voters of the county at a special election held on the next established election date not less than 88 days after the presentation of the petition, or submission of the proposal.” Seems pretty clear by that section that “a special election” is called for by the statutes and that is the path followed by the County Attorneys in preparation of the amendment. Through that Board action, the Elections Officer acted prudently and within the lawful requirements prescribing how to have the public vote on the charter amendment.

    While I never attended law school and am not a lawyer, I figured that out in less than an hour by reading Ordinance 4899, doing some quick internet research for the exact wording quoted, then composing this comment. Somehow I would betcha’ the attorneys for Corpus charged far more than a single hour of billable time to whomever is paying Corpus’ legal bills for her.

    This nonsensical petition will result in a fairly significant additional amount of billable time for the Plaintiffs attorneys to argue and a colossal waste of time, effort and associated expenses by the County Attorney and the Courts for this same relatively simple conclusion. Yet it is Corpus’ right to pursue that judicial review, just as it is the Board’s right to do what they have done as a reaction to the Corpus Corruption probe.

    • There are SEVERAL counties in California with this amendment. This county happens to be one of a handful that is considered a charter county not a general county. What’s unconstitutional is the sheriff taking advantage of her job and the county and her entire sheriff office.

      Of California’s 58 counties, 44 are general law counties and 14 are charter counties

      General law county sheriffs can be recalled under existing law

      A general law county sheriff can be recalled under the terms set forth in state law. Article II, section 19 requires the legislature to “provide for recall of local officers.” As noted above, the legislature established a statutory recall procedure for recalling sheriffs and other general law county officers.[10] That procedure, beginning at Elections Code section 11000, includes any local elective officer of a county,[11] and the recall procedures specifically for local officers begin at Elections Code section 11200. Accordingly, a board of supervisors in a general law county need take no action to create a recall procedure; indeed, its status as a general law county arguably requires it to use only the existing statutory recall procedure.

      Charter county sheriff removal options

      A charter county has authority to adopt its own procedure to recall its sheriff…. the California Supreme Court held that “in such a situation the recall proceedings must conform to the general law, as modified by the charter provisos.”[13] Thus, a county with a charter that lacks a recall procedure — or especially a county that lacks any removal procedure at all — might employ the general recall procedure for local officers set forth in Elections Code section 11000.

      Any California county can remove its sheriff. For charter counties, removal may be done by recall, either by charter provisions or charter amendment, or potentially under existing statutory law. As an alternative to a recall, a charter county may empower its governing body to remove the sheriff for official misconduct. But a county is not necessarily limited to just one procedure for removing a sheriff: it may provide for recall, governing-body removal, or both — or still another procedure.

      Sounds constitutional to me to FOLLOW THE GENERAL county laws. So San mateo county is a charter county- maybe that needs to change permanently in the future to attract moral and ethical Sheriff’s.

  12. I guess the victim Latina and her cute little boy toy doctor Vickey PhD esquire chief of staff are now trying to get the little Keebler elf an expanded role in the sheriffs activities league. I guess the victim Latina will do absolutely anything to keep her boy toy employed and relevant. Funny part is Kat the treasurer another huge supporter quit because the cute little guy went to a board meeting in a seemingly designated county building. The sports house Sal office in Redwood City. When the uneducated think that the poor victim Latina is being picked on try to educate yourself on how she is a sheriff you can’t trust and these examples are telling of her nonsense.

  13. Around 80%(44 of 58) counties in California are General counties allowing 4/5 vote by the Board of Supervisors to fire an elected sheriff for CAUSE.

    San Mateo is 1 of 14 that is a charter county. What os so unconstitutional for the board of supervisors to ammend the provision for this Corrupt Sheriff. Anyone stepping in late to the game here thinking this is a power grab or buying into this latina female rhetoric needs to educate themselves further.

    Talk to ANYONE at the sheriff department. This Sheriff ruined herself for an unqualified realtor- she is a liar, cheater, PROVEN UNQUALIFIED for this role.

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