This comes amid calls for Sheriff Christina Corpus to resign following a damning report from retired Judge LaDoris Cordell about alleged abuses of power and an intimate relationship between Corpus and her Chief of Staff Victor Aenlle.
Corpus promoted Aenlle to the post of assistant sheriff on Wednesday, a move the county’s Board of Supervisors asked County Attorney John Nibbelin to review.
Fox became assistant sheriff in September after Corpus fired Ryan Monaghan for cooperating with Cordell’s report.
Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship!
Bring back Undersheriff Chris Hsiung.
Hey Matt, how is the Sheriff’s vision looking now??
Oh there is a WHOLE lot more breaking news about to happen!!!!
Odd that media did not pickup on Friday’s events with the federal agents.
Maybe the media didn’t report any arrests from the feds because the feds didn’t arrest anyone. If you know anything about an FBI investigation, the first step is to gather records. Then they interview witnesses. If the Supervising Special Agent thinks they have a case, the give it to the DOJ who brings it to a grand jury. The grand jury issues a *sealed* indictment and the FBI arrests the defendants. The Cordell report came out Tuesday. Do you think the FBI went through all those steps by Friday morning?
False arrest Fox. After 25 years that’s what you’ll be known for chump.
My God…with the resignations, firings, the Cordell report, and the outburst at the recent board of supervisors’ meeting, HBO could make this into a mini-series.
I think LMN is already working on the script. “The Sheriff and her Little Man.”
Poor Foxy lady. Her vision was for him to get arrested for false arrest? Little Vicky and the sheriff you can’t trust will have this weekend to play footsie and smoochy smoochy before they do their best rendition of Romeo and Juliette.
It’s time for the supporters of the sheriff and cute little Vicky to start scurrying from the ship. Guys, remember you voluntarily did these unethical things and everyone knows. Do yourself a favor and flee to Tennessee with foxy lady. It’s time, the walls are closing in. When depositions and criminal investigations are started to address your misdeeds it will be too late. So run and hide. Rats are smart, they know when it’s time to flee. You should learn something from them.
Well undersheriff Perea will be next. Hey Danny, you should take a hint from Fox and pack your stuff up. Potentially violating someone’s civil rights under the color of authority is quite an accomplishment.
Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.
Can’t they all just quit. Why would a community policing executive want to work somewhere they are longer wanted and have noone supporting them anymore. This is not about the good old boys club resistance change or any other twisted form of thinking. This is unhealthy, irresponsible immoral, frightening
Help us get these corrupt people out
You read the Count of Monte Cristo lately?
I dunno, 10 years ago
I read a little bit every night. I read words like revenge, sweet, lasting revenge.
Scary lady full of hate the force be with you. Corpus made it clear Victor will not be held accountable for ANYTHING says or ANYTHING he does because he works with no rules here in California. Under Corpus VicoteyAenlle has NO rules, NO discipline and NO admin leave for investigations. If this isn’t corruption what is? I sure hope she gets a huge time out alone to think about all of her actions in jail. Hopefully federal jail at this point. The prayers will be plenty for her time to pay for the sins
Greed , gluttony, adultery, lies, turning her back on the county and the people. This is the worst form of sinning I have ever PUBLICLY seen.
Capt 290 escorting D1075 down a corridor to MCF
Capt 290: It’s a tragedy, I tell ya. I don’t understand you. I don’t think you know what it means to have rules. You gotta have rules and you gotta have discipline. Now I don’t know what it was like in your homes and your homelifes, but in my house with my father, there were rules. And if you didn’t follow the rules, there was hell to pay. You had rules and you had discipline. Sometimes it wasn’t nice, but boy, we learned. We sure did learn.
D1075 enters a storage room where Matt PC 57 Foxy is waiting with Borat and Dr Vicky.
Capt DLP: Yeah, right around there to the right. There ya go. Come on now. I mean, it’s a simple thing really. You got rules and you got discipline. That’s the beginning of the story and that’s the end of the story. Do we understand each other?
Any of you guys know a good attorney?
The United States of America
Dan Perea, Frank Dal Porto, William Fogarty, Christina Corpus, Matthew Fox, Victor Aenlle
Title 18 section 241
Title 18 section 242
my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard
lives and property; to protect the innocent against
deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation,
and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to
respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty,
equality and justice.
I WILL keep my private life unsullied as an
example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of
danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be
constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in
thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I
will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and
the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or
hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in
my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless
revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty.
I WILL never act officiously or permit
personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships
to influence my decisions. With no compromise for
crime and with relentless prosecution of criminals, I will
enforce the law courteously and appropriately without
fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing
unnecessary force or violence and never accepting
I RECOGNIZE the badge of my office as a
symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to
be held so long as I am true to the ethics of the police
service. I will constantly strive to achieve these
objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to
my chosen profession…law enforcement.
Wow, just wow. If I were Deputy Tapia I would sue Matt Fox for his DCPD pension. Fox’s legacy is arresting a brother in blue on bogus charges so he could be an Assistant Sheriff, what a loser. Clearly Fox and Reserve Deputy Aenlle have one thing in common, they were both wantabe cops!
Speaking of Acting Ass. Sheriff Matt Fox, Reserve Deputy Aenlle (questionable if he’s even a Reserve) and Sheriff Corpus, isn’t it customary to have the handcuffs of a real Deputy whose career they ruined be used to handcuff these criminals when they are arrested? Will Tapia’s handcuffs be used, I’ve heard it’s customary.
Looks like Perea going for the dirt nap too now.
We’re in the dirty part of the field now Foxy.