School name changes begin — so long Terman and Jordan

A few of the signs at Jordan Middle School in Palo Alto have been repainted to reflect the school’s new name. The Palo Alto school board voted in March to rename Jordan after Frank Greene, a black Silicon Valley tech luminary, and Terman Middle School after Ellen Fletcher, the late Palo Alto councilwoman, bicycling advocate and Holocaust survivor, because David Starr Jordan and Lewis Terman were eugenics advocates. It looks like Greene will keep Jordan’s mascot, the Jaguars. Post photo.
Greene Middle School in Palo Alto. Post photo.

By the Daily Post staff

The Palo Alto school district is changing the names of Jordan and Terman middle schools. The school board voted March 27 to rename Jordan after Frank Greene, a black Silicon Valley tech luminary, and Terman after Ellen Fletcher, the late Palo Alto councilwoman, bicycling advocate and Holocaust survivor. The names of David Starr Jordan and Lewis Terman are being removed because they were advocates of eugenics in the early 20th century.

A few of the signs at Jordan Middle School in Palo Alto have been repainted to reflect the school’s new name. It looks like Greene will keep Jordan’s mascot, the Jaguars.

The metal sign for Terman Middle School has been removed.
The front door of what is now known as Ellen Fletcher Middle School.

At Terman, the front door now says Ellen Fletcher Middle School but crews have yet to replace the metal sign that faces Arastradero Road. The old sign in that location has been removed and as of today, only the posts are standing.

The electronic sign at Terman.

The electric billboard sign on the school still says Terman Middle School and an electronic message on it today read, “Home of the Tigers.” No word yet about whether Fletcher Middle School will have a new mascot.

The school board has voted to spend $60,000 to change the schools’ names.

Behind the school, the city’s sign to Terman Park remains. So far nothing has appeared on the City Council’s agenda to change the name of that park.

The park behind Fletcher Middle School still has its name.


  1. Now it’s time for President Trump to shut down Planned Parenthood, created by racist eugenics advocate Margeret Sanger.

  2. I’m proud that Palo Alto has made this change. The name on a school reflects our values and principles. The school selected two excellent pillars of our community for the new names. This was the right thing to do.

  3. Palo Alto has no values or principles, it’s one of the most politically correct and cowardly cities in the world. PC is entirely geared towards destroying tradition and history, perpetually wiping out the past to suit the ever-changing whims of rootless, atheist cosmopolitans. There is nothing sacred, everything is up for negotiation and ultimate destruction. Given the mass migration invasion of the Bay Area with its rapidly shifting demographics, it won’t be long until the Latino and Asian majority decides that a black man and Jewish woman aren’t “inclusive” enough role models for their kids.

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