Santa Clara County voters will face two questions about the Superior Court in the June 5 primary.
The first is whether to recall Judge Aaron Persky. On Friday, the Post recommended a “no” vote on the recall.
The second question is: Who should replace him if he is recalled? Every voter has a right to vote for a replacement even if they voted “no” on the recall. All votes will be counted.
Two well qualified candidates are running to replace him.
Angela Storey practices civil litigation at the firm Storey and Storey in San Jose with her husband, Scott Storey. She also assists with criminal law at the firm and handles some criminal defense cases. In addition, Storey serves as a small claims court judge a few days a month. She was previously president of the county Trial Lawyers Association. She earned her bachelor’s degree in international economics from UCLA and her law degree from Santa Clara University.
Cindy Hendrickson obtained her bachelor’s degree from Stanford and her law degree from UCLA. She was a civil litigator in San Francisco for five years before joining the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office in 1995.
She previously supervised prosecutors at the Palo Alto Courthouse before returning to San Jose to supervise the office’s Family Violence Unit, including child abuse, elder abuse and child abduction. Her title is assistant district attorney.
Hendrickson favors the recall of Persky and Storey is against it. However, neither wished to discuss the recall during their interview with the Post.
It’s hard to choose between the two candidates. Both are enlightened, fair-minded and share the values most residents have — such as the desire to have juries that reflect the diversity of the county.
It’s a close call, but we recommend Hendrickson.
As a prosecutor for 22 years, Hendrickson has more courtroom experience than most attorneys will have in their careers. We doubt there would be anything that could surprise her.
Residents are sometimes concerned that a judge who comes from the D.A.’s office would have a pro-prosecution bent when ruling on cases.
But looking at her record, she hasn’t been a prosecutor who wants to win at all costs. For her, it’s been more important to obtain a just outcome, which often means negotiating with the defense for a resolution that fits the crime. And she’s been willing to drop a case when it’s obvious the defendant isn’t guilty.
As we said at the beginning, both attorneys on the ballot would make good judges and this is an extremely close call. But we recommend Hendrickson based on her experience and track record.
— Editor Dave Price
Other recommendations for the June 5 primary:
• Vote “no” on recalling Judge Persky
• Re-elect Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith
• Carlos Bolanos for San Mateo County Sheriff
• Re-elect San Mateo County Judge Gerald Buchwald
• Nancy Magee for San Mateo County school superintendent
• Re-elect Mark Church as San Mateo County assessor, clerk, recorder and elections officer
• Re-elect San Mateo County Supervisor Don Horsley
• Vote “no” on the toll hike, Regional Measure 3
• Our recommendations on the five state ballot propositions
I’m voting NO on the recall, and Yes for Angela Storey. Angela has an impressive record as an attorney, and according to the San Jose Mercury News, “Her temperament and experience in both civil and criminal litigation will serve her well on the bench. Storey also has had the benefit of serving as a temporary judge in small claims court and judicial arbitrator for the county’s Superior Court, giving her an edge over her opponent.”