This story was originally printed in Wednesday’s Daily Post. To get all of the local news first, pick up the Post in the mornings at 1,000 Mid-Peninsula locations.
Daily Post Staff Writer
A man is suing Mountain View police for $10 million, saying officers falsely arrested him, beat him up so badly he lost consciousness and deleted cellphone video he recorded of the incident.
Mario Edgardo Melendez, 30, of San Jose, also alleges in the lawsuit that when he came to, he was told by police that if he asked for medical attention, he would be arrested. …
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When will city council wake up and see that their police dept. is out of control? The current leadership isn’t getting the job done.the city is getting sued every few months. We can’t pretend that the plaintiffs are always wrong. This behavior by the police will only change when we start firing abusive cops.
It’s telling that the police haven’t released the video of this incident. If the police were in the right, you’d think they would have given it to the news by now.
Defund the police
A question over car registration (in which the cops were wrong) leads to an attack that sends an innocent man to the hospital? Really? If City Council doesn’t do anything about this, they should be RECALLED from office!
Of course they’re going to delete his video … that makes it their word against his, and the cops will coordinate their stories before they’re questioned. Thin Blue Line.