East Palo Alto posted a surplus of $12.3 million for the 2020 fiscal year that ended in June despite losing some income because of the Covid pandemic, according to a financial report.
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And still Palo Alto gives EPA gobs of free stuff because “they need it” and “they’re less well off.”
No they don’t. Your sour grapes are noted.
I don’t see having a massive budget surplus as in any way a good thing in East Palo Alto. The city has neglected parks, has had an abysmal response to COVID, has seen the murder rate spike 700% in the last year – we should have been spending money to address all of these problems, not socking money away in a bank account. It is one thing to be prudent with budgets, another thing all together to be parsimonious/stingy. We have problems that money could have easily fixed, and absolutely should have been spending instead of saving.
The City also needs to straighten out their development schedule. Projects piled onto projects with o clear management strategy. Also, There is the money for Sobrato’s new sewers. This will avoid a $1,000 per year rate increase fro East Palo Alto Sanitary District ratepayers.