Deputy accused of not wearing mask

Daily Post Staff Writer

A Santa Clara County Deputy Sheriff has been accused of not wearing a mask, according to public records released to the Daily Post.

After a mid-Peninsula resident complained that Palo Alto police weren’t wearing masks, the Post filed a California Public Records Act request with Santa Clara County …

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  1. Paul B says:
    NOVEMBER 14, 2020 2:29 PM AT 2:29 PM
    “there’s one set of rules for cops and other government people and another set of rules for the rest of us … get used to it”.

    Police and the governor are not the same. Police never ordered or petitioned for mask mandates and my feeling is they don’t like them and prefer to exercise their executive discretion in not enforcing the mask mandates. The Governor, on the other hand, uses dictatorial powers to force us to wear masks (which doesn’t apply to him), lockdown non-essential businesses (except his own), and ban indoor dining (except when he wants to dine in).

    A police officer without a mask on and not enforcing the Governor’s mask mandates is not being hypocritical. So next time you see a maskless cop, instead of showing disdain or challenging him, you should thank him for his service…and for not wearing a useless mask that doesn’t do any good. Have you also considered how much easier it is to commit crimes with a mask? How are cops supposed to fight crime when it’s almost impossible now to identify suspects?

  2. “After a mid-Peninsula resident complained that Palo Alto police weren’t wearing masks, the Post filed a California Public Records Act request with Santa Clara County…”

    So Karens now rule?

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