By the Daily Post staff
A robbery on the Stanford campus on Monday (July 15) by four teenage boys led police to surround Palo Alto High School, where three of the suspects were arrested. A fourth remains at large.
Just after 6 p.m., the four teens approached a man walking on Lausen Street near Campus Drive, and one of the teens punched the man in the face and attempted to take something from the victim.
A second man interrupted the robbery. Then one of the teens pulled out what appeared to be a Glock handgun, though it may have actually been a replica.
The first victim went to a blue emergency tower to notify police.
The robbers took off on the bikes down Galvez Street to El Camino Real. They were spotted a few minutes later on a bike path near Palo Alto High School.
Police found three of the teens under the football bleachers at Paly and arrested them. Officers found a replica Glock handgun in a nearby trash can, according to radio transmissions.
But the fourth teen eluded police despite a search of the Paly campus.
The fourth teen was believed to be about 15 years old, wearing a black hoodie. Stanford police didn’t provide any additional information about the teen’s description.