Daily Post Correspondent
Palo Alto City Manager Jim Keene remained the city of Palo Alto’s highest paid employee in 2017, receiving $327,691 in total pay — a 3% increase from the $317,909 he received in 2016.
In 2016, Keene was the only city employee making more than $300,000. But in 2017, he was joined in the $300,000 Club by John Parks, fire inspector in the department of development services, who was the second-highest paid employee at $303,875.
The total pay figures include regular pay; overtime pay, if any; cashed out amounts such as vacation pay; and other pay such as car or housing allowances.
Total pay does not include employee benefits such as contributions to pensions or medical care.
The city recently posted employee pay data for 2017 on its website. In Parks’ case, total pay included $141,575 in regular pay, $149,289 in overtime, and $13,009 in cash-out and other pay.
In 2016, Parks was the fourth-highest paid city employee, with $130,452 in regular pay, $127,264 in overtime, and $12,771 in cash-out pay, for a total of $270,488. His total pay increased 12% in 2017.
Keene didn’t receive any overtime pay last year, but his total pay included $14,482 in cash-out pay and $7,199 in the “other” category.
Overtime pay
Parks wasn’t the employee with the most overtime pay in 2017. One other city employee made more in overtime last year: Fire Captain Paul Schulz, whose overtime pay of $154,701 made up 52% of his total pay of $296,121.
One other employee received more than $100,000 in overtime pay. Scott Woodfin, a hazardous materials inspector in the development services department, made $110,411 in overtime last year, bringing his total pay to $254,756.
Woodfin is part of the fire personnel bargaining unit.
The city paid $6.12 million in overtime in 2017, a decrease from $7.82 million in 2016. Total pay for all employees was down as well, from $115 million in 2016 to $97.6 million in 2017.
49 in the $200,000 Club
Forty-nine of the 1,552 city employees included on the list made more than $200,000 last year. Another 1,016 made less than $100,000.
According to SV@Home, the average rent in Santa Clara County was $3,501 as of March 2017. Someone making $140,040 a year would be able to pay that rent using about 30% of their monthly income, the housing advocacy organization said.
Keene noted the challenge of housing costs in releasing his proposed budget for fiscal year 2019, which begins July 1.
“Retaining and recruiting a quality workforce is increasingly more difficult with longer commutes and expensive housing,” Keene said. “Without a quality staff, we would not be able to provide the quality of services that contribute to the community’s quality of life.”
Contract talks this fall All five labor groups will be in negotiations during the new fiscal year, which starts July 1.
In 2016, City Attorney Molly Stump was the second-highest paid city employee, with $286,770 in total pay. But Stump dropped to No. 4 in 2017, behind Keene, Parks and Schulz.
Stump’s total pay last year was $294,294. Keene and Stump are two of the four City Council-appointed officers. City Auditor Harriet Richardson and City Clerk Beth Minor are the others.
Richardson made $197,267 in total pay last year, while Minor received $146,860.
The following list shows total pay for 2017, according to the city.
1. | James Keene | City Manager | $327,692 |
2. | John Parks | Fire Inspector EMT | $303,875 |
3. | Paul Schulz | Fire Captain EMT | $296,122 |
4. | Molly Stump | City Attorney | $294,294 |
5. | Edward Shikada | Asst City Manager/Utilities | $293,922 |
6. | Dennis Burns | Police Chief | $272,189 |
7. | Ron Watson | Assistant Police Chief | $268,644 |
8. | Everardo Perez | Director Administrative Services | $262,917 |
9. | Scott Woodfin | Hazardous Materials Inspector | $254,756 |
10. | Patricia Lum | Police Captain | $253,340 |
11. | Eric Nickel | Fire Chief | $248,840 |
12. | Jonathan Reichental | Director Information Tech | $243,360 |
13. | William Woodard | Fire Battalion Chief | $241,475 |
14. | Michael Espeland | Fire Apparatus Operator | $240,595 |
15. | Hillary Gitelman | Planning Director | $237,198 |
16. | James Sartor | Public Works Director | $236,954 |
17. | William Dale | Fire Captain EMT | $233,065 |
18. | Terence Howzell | Principal Attorney | $232,312 |
19. | Robert De Geus | Deputy City Manager | $232,222 |
20. | Marcus Arana | Fire Capt Haz Mat EMT | $230,304 |
21. | Rumi Portillo | Director Human Resources | $227,178 |
22. | Andrew Binder | Police Lieutnant | $226,386 |
23. | Geoffrey Blackshire | Deputy Fire Chief | $226,035 |
24. | Peter Pirnejad | Development Services Director | $226,006 |
25. | Chong In Lee | Police Sargeant | $224,957 |
26. | Dean Batchelor | Utilities Chief Operating Officer | $224,528 |
27. | Adrienne Moore | Police Sargeant | $221,281 |
28. | Chris Pombo | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $220,588 |
29. | Mark Vonappen | Fire Captain EMT | $220,403 |
30. | Monique Ziesenhenne | Director Libraries | $218,325 |
31. | Zachary Perron | Police Captain-Adv | $217,720 |
32. | Sunny Johnson Gutter | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $217,544 |
33. | Dan Pojanamat | Police Agent/Adv-Bilingua | $216,803 |
34. | Hugo Godoy | Fire Cap Haz Mat EMT | $216,380 |
35. | Jennifer Krusing | Fire Captain EMT | $216,301 |
36. | Richard Albright | Fire Cap Haz Mat EMT | $216,044 |
37. | Marc Muzzi | Fire Captain EMT | $213,320 |
38. | Toby McDonell | Fire Captain EMT | $213,023 |
39. | Ryan Stoddard | Battalion Chief – Shift/E | $210,958 |
40. | James Henrikson | Deputy Chief/Fire Marshal | $210,742 |
41. | Sean MacDonald | Fire Captain EMT | $210,559 |
42. | David Ramberg | Asst. Director Administra | $209,583 |
43. | Sandra Blanch | Assistant Director Human | $208,934 |
44. | Charles Cullen | Deputy Director Technical | $208,431 |
45. | Philip Bobel | Assistant Director Public | $207,751 |
46. | Catherine Capriles | Deputy Fire Chief | $207,560 |
47. | Matthew Goglio | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $207,273 |
48. | DuJuan Green | Police Sgt/Adv | $206,930 |
49. | Jonathan Lait | Asst Director Planning & | $202,337 |
50. | Claudia Keith | Chief Communications Offi | $201,182 |
51. | David Dahl | Fire Apparatus Operator E | $201,024 |
52. | Cornelius Maloney | Police Lieut-Adv | $199,628 |
53. | Adam Palsgrove | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $199,423 |
54. | Bobby Davis | Battalion Chief – Shift/E | $199,219 |
55. | Jose Ibarra | Overhead Underground Trou | $199,077 |
56. | Jesus Zuniga | Fire Fghtr Hz Mt EMT | $199,010 |
57. | Richard Bullerjahn | Police Sgt/Adv | $198,997 |
58. | Thomas Hamilton | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $198,648 |
59. | William Crump | Fire Captain EMT | $197,363 |
60. | Harriet Richardson | City Auditor | $197,267 |
61. | Alexander Afanasiev | Police Sgt/Adv | $196,628 |
62. | April Wagner | Police Lieut-Adv | $195,683 |
63. | Raymond Herrera | Util Syst Oper | $195,280 |
64. | Javier Olazaba | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $194,964 |
65. | John Alaniz | Police Agent/Adv | $194,715 |
66. | Tomm Marshall | Assistant Director Utilit | $193,590 |
67. | Rhyena Halpern | Assistant Director Commun | $193,185 |
68. | Jesse Aguilar | Fire Cap Haz Mat EMT | $192,792 |
69. | Ken Kratt | Police Sgt/Adv | $192,265 |
70. | Craig Lee | Police Sgt/Adv | $191,768 |
71. | Sheila Donovan | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $191,557 |
72. | Christopher Moore | Police Agent/Adv | $191,437 |
73. | Sarah Wallace | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $191,346 |
74. | James Reifschneider | Police Lieut-Adv | $191,329 |
75. | Shane Yarbrough | Training Battalion Chief | $191,281 |
76. | Michael Foley | Police Agent/Adv | $191,272 |
77. | Barry Marchisio | Fire Captain EMT | $191,029 |
78. | Anthony Sozio | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $190,543 |
79. | Edward Aguilar | Hazardous Materials Inspe | $189,683 |
80. | Kara Apple | Police Lieut-Adv | $189,344 |
81. | Yovan Sierra | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $189,276 |
82. | Tom Ting | Engr Mgr – Electric | $189,274 |
83. | Christine Baird | Fire Cap Haz Mat EMT | $187,433 |
84. | Kevin McNally | Battalion Chief – Shift/E | $186,895 |
85. | Nicolas Martinez | Police Sgt/Adv | $186,840 |
86. | Debra Lloyd-Zannetti | Utilities Compliance Mana | $186,662 |
87. | Nicholas Enberg | Police Officer-Inter | $186,576 |
88. | Cameron Wright | Police Officer-Inter | $186,188 |
89. | Jonathan Abendschein | Asst Dir Ut/Res Mgmt | $186,177 |
90. | Thomas Heydorff | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $186,177 |
91. | Todd Gracyk | Util Syst Oper | $185,967 |
92. | Eban Johnson | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $185,776 |
93. | Charles Ferry | Fire Captain EMT | $185,621 |
94. | Carlos Gracia | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $185,110 |
95. | Jon Hospitalier | Assistant Director Public | $184,713 |
96. | Kiely Nose | Director Office of Manage | $183,954 |
97. | Wayne Benitez | Police Sgt/Adv | $183,649 |
98. | James Allen | Manager Water Quality Con | $183,194 |
99. | Adam King | Fire Captain EMT | $182,789 |
100. | Joseph Penko | Firefighter EMT PARA HAZM | $181,890 |
101. | Luis Uribe | Util Comp Tech-L | $181,631 |
102. | Michael Simbulan | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $181,233 |
103. | Christopher Correia | Police Agent/Adv | $181,182 |
104. | Maximilian Nielepko | Police Sgt/Adv | $181,095 |
105. | Jesus Paneda | Police Sgt/Adv | $180,931 |
106. | Joshuah Mello | Chief Transportation Offi | $180,673 |
107. | Brian Philip | Police Sgt/Adv | $180,258 |
108. | Benjamin Becchetti | Police Sgt/Adv-Bilingual | $179,940 |
109. | Tommey Auzenne | Assistant Director Utl Cu | $179,820 |
110. | Shane Lopes | Fire Inspector EMT | $179,446 |
111. | Charles Stewart | Fire Cap Haz Mat EMT | $179,271 |
112. | James Thompson | Senior Electrical Enginee | $179,192 |
113. | Anthony Becker | Police Sgt/Adv | $178,516 |
114. | Anjanette Holler | Police Agent/Adv | $178,357 |
115. | Daniel Fortino | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $178,240 |
116. | Bradley Eggleston | Assistant Director Public | $177,730 |
117. | Marco Estrada | Police Agent/Adv | $177,477 |
118. | Eric Bulatao | Police Sgt/Adv | $177,408 |
119. | Anthony Mouton | SCADA Technologist | $176,351 |
120. | George Hoyt | Chief Building Official | $176,317 |
121. | Gil Friend | Chief Sustainability Offi | $175,952 |
122. | Kevin Wilcox | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $175,896 |
123. | Shaohsuan Fanchiang | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $175,756 |
124. | Erin Goodell | Police Agent/Adv | $173,994 |
125. | Michael Nafziger | Senior Engineer | $172,079 |
126. | Kristen O’Kane | Assistant Director Commun | $171,571 |
127. | Deonshawn Strother | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $171,121 |
128. | Jim Pachikara | Senior Electrical Enginee | $170,893 |
129. | Huynh Nguyen | Senior Electrical Enginee | $170,234 |
130. | Michael Mintz | Senior Electrical Enginee | $170,030 |
131. | Raj Patel | Manager Information Techn | $169,842 |
132. | Marianna Kratt | Police Agent/Adv | $169,478 |
133. | David Williams | Mgr Electric Oprns | $169,436 |
134. | James Bujtor | Senior Electrical Enginee | $168,970 |
135. | Jesse Wooton | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $168,435 |
136. | Brian Kerezsi | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $168,144 |
137. | Emilio Tiscareno | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $167,940 |
138. | Salvador Madrigal | Police Agent/Adv | $167,864 |
139. | Andrew Swanson | Manager Airport | $167,648 |
140. | Khashayar Alaee | Senior Management Analyst | $166,812 |
141. | Shiva Swaminathan | Senior Resources Planner | $166,522 |
142. | Raymond Chin | SCADA Technologist | $166,237 |
143. | Kenneth Dueker | Director Office of Emerge | $166,190 |
144. | Kyle Salisbury | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $166,171 |
145. | Matthew Raschke | Senior Engineer | $166,026 |
146. | Jorge Silva | Utilities Supervisor | $165,544 |
147. | Daren Anderson | Division Manager Open Spa | $165,276 |
148. | Amy French | Chief Planning Official | $165,253 |
149. | Carlos De Santiago | Police Agent/Adv | $164,322 |
150. | Cole Ghilarducci | Police Officer-Adv | $163,722 |
151. | Robert Craine | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $163,190 |
152. | James Stack | Senior Resources Planner | $163,081 |
153. | Brandon Stirm | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $163,031 |
154. | Ron Arp | Manager Solid Waste | $162,903 |
155. | David McAlee | Police Officer-Adv-Biling | $162,227 |
156. | Elizabeth Ames | Senior Project Manager | $162,200 |
157. | Javad Ghaffari | Mgr Util Oprns Wgw | $161,894 |
158. | Sascha Priess | Police Agent/Adv | $161,792 |
159. | George Haupert | Lineper/Cable Spl-L | $161,672 |
160. | Michael Wong | Manager Facilities | $160,700 |
161. | Sandra Lee | Assistant City Attorney | $160,661 |
162. | Eric Heller | Fire Apparatus Operator E | $160,633 |
163. | Jose Rivera | Lineper/Cable Spl | $160,549 |
164. | Jorge Salazar | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $160,510 |
165. | Walter Passmore | Manager Urban Forestry | $160,308 |
166. | Norman Park | Fire Fighter EMT | $159,808 |
167. | Jon Matsumoto | Fire Fighter EMT | $159,684 |
168. | John Preston | Fire Fighter EMT | $159,536 |
169. | Joel Hornung | Police Agent/Adv | $159,236 |
170. | Michael Kan | Police Officer-Inter | $158,845 |
171. | Paul Harper | Manager Budget | $158,754 |
172. | Michael Cameron | Fire Captain EMT | $158,556 |
173. | Heather Dauler | Senior Resources Planner | $158,397 |
174. | Orley Hatfield | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $158,140 |
175. | Sean Smith | Public Safety Dispatcher | $158,103 |
176. | James Crain | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $158,077 |
177. | David Yuan | Utilities Strategic Busin | $157,885 |
178. | Darren Numoto | Manager Information Techn | $157,649 |
179. | David Pecoraro | Police Agent/Adv | $156,967 |
180. | Tarun Narayan | Manager Treasury, Debt & | $156,928 |
181. | Lam Do | Superintendent Community | $156,675 |
182. | Kimberley Roderick | Emergency Medical Service | $156,561 |
183. | Sumy Nair | Senior Business Analyst – | $156,522 |
184. | Holly Boyd | Senior Engineer | $156,441 |
185. | Jesus Cruz | Util Syst Oper | $156,291 |
186. | Hamid Ghaemmaghami | Manager Real Property | $156,276 |
187. | John Reinert | Utilities Supervisor | $156,153 |
188. | Gayathri Kanth | Assistant Director Librar | $156,132 |
189. | Menter Starmer | Manager Planning | $156,039 |
190. | Robert Item | Senior Engineer – U | $155,735 |
191. | Kevin Enderby | Principal Business Analys | $155,554 |
192. | Doug Slezak | Fire Captain EMT | $155,169 |
193. | Thomas DeStefano | Police Agent/Adv | $154,960 |
194. | Erik Hayes | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $154,255 |
195. | Joshua Salkeld | Police Officer-Adv | $154,123 |
196. | Diane Lai | Division Head Library Ser | $153,965 |
197. | John Bauer | Overhead Underground Trou | $153,222 |
198. | Joshua Waldorph | Police Officer-Inter | $153,206 |
199. | Eric Figueroa | Police Officer-Inter | $153,069 |
200. | Michael Tsao | Principal Business Analys | $153,061 |
201. | Bradley Young | Police Agent/Adv | $153,034 |
202. | Myriena Stokes | Manager Revenue Collectio | $152,860 |
203. | Scott Yahne | Utilities Supervisor | $152,588 |
204. | Karin North | Manager Watershed Protect | $152,519 |
205. | Heather Souza | Police Agent/Adv | $151,720 |
206. | Tamara Jasso | Fire Ap Op Hz Mt EMT | $151,537 |
207. | John Montenero | Chief Procurement Officer | $151,529 |
208. | Alfred Santana | Lineper/Cable Spl | $151,412 |
209. | Paul Burgio | Police Officer-Adv | $151,263 |
210. | Luis Parham | Police Agent/Adv | $151,233 |
211. | Brent White | Firefighter EMT PARA HAZM | $150,440 |
212. | Christopher Mosko | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $150,010 |
213. | Kris Chat | Assistant Manager WQCP | $150,005 |
214. | Silvia Santos | Senior Engineer – U | $149,910 |
215. | Ray Diaz | Fire Fighter EMT | $149,648 |
216. | Adam Fortino | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $149,503 |
217. | Stephen Lindsey | Fire Inspector EMT | $149,382 |
218. | Sherry Nikzat | Senior Management Analyst | $149,195 |
219. | Matthew Hubbard | Police Officer-Inter | $149,047 |
220. | Sean Conners | Fire Captain EMT | $148,996 |
221. | Frank Alvarado | Utilities Supervisor | $148,833 |
222. | Padmakar Chaobal | Senior Engineer | $148,706 |
223. | Romel Antonio | Senior Engineer – U | $148,514 |
224. | Nicholas Raisch | Manager Employee Relation | $148,329 |
225. | Todd Carlsen | Utilities Supervisor | $148,208 |
226. | Kevin Crachian | Senior Technologist | $148,075 |
227. | Thomas Cook | Fire Inspector EMT | $147,984 |
228. | Kenneth Boyd | Utilities Supervisor | $147,812 |
229. | Paul Kaku | Senior Technologist | $147,714 |
230. | Taha Fattah | Business Analyst | $147,587 |
231. | Dagmar Poffenroth | Senior Technologist | $147,329 |
232. | Waleep Burrell | Lineper/Cable Spl | $146,987 |
233. | David Hui | Senior Technologist | $146,955 |
234. | Beth Minor | City Clerk | $146,861 |
235. | Brian Tognozzi | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $146,582 |
236. | Houman Boussina | Senior Performance Audito | $146,383 |
237. | Charles Keniston | Senior Resources Planner | $146,353 |
238. | Gopal Jagannath | Supervising Electric Proj | $146,027 |
239. | James Fleming | Mgr Util Telecomm | $145,801 |
240. | Sheavounda Walker | Public Safety Dispatcher | $145,659 |
241. | Samantha Bialorucki | Manager Laboratory Servic | $145,653 |
242. | Aaron Sunseri | Police Agent/Adv | $145,192 |
243. | Diem-Oanh Nguyen | Senior Performance Audito | $145,108 |
244. | Monica Padilla | Senior Resources Planner | $145,034 |
245. | Richard Baptist | Utilities Supervisor | $145,033 |
246. | Eric Schill | Fire Fighter EMT | $144,893 |
247. | Elena Suzuki | Sr Planner | $144,581 |
248. | Ryan Brennan | Police Agent/Adv | $144,532 |
249. | Mark Chase | Public Safety Communicati | $144,501 |
250. | Christopher Caravalho | Manager Information Techn | $143,994 |
251. | Amber Cameron | Senior Management Analyst | $143,607 |
252. | Jose Dino | Senior Technologist | $143,550 |
253. | Jose Jovel | Senior Engineer – U | $143,240 |
254. | Steven Guagliardo | Principal Management Anls | $142,748 |
255. | Michael Northup | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $142,720 |
256. | Anthony Enerio | Manager Customer Service | $142,522 |
257. | Daniel Fino | Police Officer-Inter | $141,965 |
258. | Steve Harvit | Lineper/Cable Spl-L | $141,892 |
259. | Russ Reich | Manager Planning | $141,792 |
260. | Todd Henderson | Senior Technologist | $141,708 |
261. | Raveen Maan | Manager, Utilities Credit | $141,666 |
262. | Brian Baggott | 40-Hr Trg Capt EMT | $141,575 |
263. | Scott Nowels | Metering Technician | $141,551 |
264. | Brian Furtado | Business Analyst | $141,470 |
265. | Oliver Contreras | Util Install/Rep | $141,293 |
266. | Bonnie Yoffe-Sharp | Veterinarian | $141,249 |
267. | Jasen Strickland | Utilities Supervisor | $140,788 |
268. | Albert Yang | Senior Deputy City Attorn | $140,622 |
269. | Derek Souza | Police Officer-Inter | $139,984 |
270. | Roland Rivera | Business Analyst | $139,969 |
271. | Thai Nguyen | Senior Technologist | $139,938 |
272. | Stephanie Haynes | Public Safety Dispatcher | $139,914 |
273. | Angelica Jimenez | Manager Employee Benefits | $139,766 |
274. | Dennis Huebner | Manager Maintenance Opera | $139,725 |
275. | Khalil Tannous | Police Officer-Inter | $139,512 |
276. | Richard Lais | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $139,447 |
277. | Anna Vuong | Sr. Business Analyst | $139,380 |
278. | John Kimbrough | Senior Technologist | $139,365 |
279. | Bruce Lesch | Manager Utilities Program | $139,318 |
280. | Nicholas Penko | Fire Fighter EMT | $138,953 |
281. | Todd Whitehurst | Police Officer-Adv-Biling | $138,951 |
282. | Nathaniel Rainey | Office of Emergency Servi | $138,300 |
283. | Julie Weiss | Project Manager | $138,152 |
284. | Doug Brees | Business Analyst | $137,960 |
285. | Mary Figone | Senior Management Analyst | $137,952 |
286. | Michael Ortiz | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $137,856 |
287. | Jazmin LeBlanc | Senior Management Analyst | $137,703 |
288. | John Clum | Public Safety Dispatcher | $137,683 |
289. | Samuel Rincon | Utilities Supervisor | $137,533 |
290. | Kirk Paige | Senior Technologist | $137,505 |
291. | Michael Dougherty | Senior Management Analyst | $137,464 |
292. | Peter Jensen | Landscape Architect Park | $137,455 |
293. | Michel Jeremias | Senior Engineer | $137,399 |
294. | Rosemary Morse | Manager Development Cente | $137,398 |
295. | Tuan Vu | Technologist | $137,313 |
296. | Nelson Primeaux | Lineper/Cable Spl-L | $137,160 |
297. | Nichole Single | F Fgh Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $137,131 |
298. | Rui Silva | Business Analyst | $137,066 |
299. | David Villarreal | Fire Fghtr Hz Mt EMT | $136,736 |
300. | Charles Muir | Manager Environmental Con | $136,719 |
301. | Pedro Ruano | Elec Undgd Inspec | $136,570 |
302. | David Inouye | Util Comp Tech | $136,567 |
303. | Mai Ngo | Business Analyst – S | $136,398 |
304. | Filiberto Castro | Util Install/Rep | $136,117 |
305. | James Stuart Jr | Manager Environmental Con | $135,903 |
306. | Frank Lee | Senior Management Analyst | $135,836 |
307. | Sushma Tappetla | Sr. Business Analyst | $135,758 |
308. | Kevin Walsh | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $135,185 |
309. | Parag Kumar | Senior Technologist | $134,871 |
310. | Michael Lau | Senior Technologist | $134,764 |
311. | Donna Hartman | Senior Management Analyst | $134,538 |
312. | Mark Williams | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $134,238 |
313. | Martha Walters | Business Analyst | $134,043 |
314. | Ignacio Paez-Rincon | Sr Operator Wqc | $133,927 |
315. | Dion Martinez | Senior Technologist | $133,921 |
316. | Stacy Lavelle | Senior Management Analyst | $133,702 |
317. | Chris Brickner | Substation Electrician | $133,401 |
318. | Raul Silva | Facilities Maint-L | $133,347 |
319. | Jodie Gerhardt | Manager Planning | $133,346 |
320. | Irene Silipin | Senior Management Analyst | $133,263 |
321. | Daniel Mendoza | Utl Install Repair Lead-W | $133,107 |
322. | Catherine Elvert | Mgr Communications | $133,083 |
323. | Isaac Armenta | Street Light Traffic Sign | $133,027 |
324. | Paula Borges Fujimoto | Manager Environmental Con | $132,926 |
325. | Manuel Macias | Fire Fighter EMT | $132,913 |
326. | Leticia Rodriguez | Utilities Supervisor | $132,817 |
327. | Rafael Rius | Traffic Engineering Lead | $132,741 |
328. | Daniel Seghetti | Police Officer-Adv | $131,857 |
329. | Raul Juarez | Manager Fleet | $131,475 |
330. | Douglas Vanbibber | Police Officer-Adv | $131,319 |
331. | Minka Van Der Zwaag | Manager Human Services | $130,788 |
332. | Karen Kienzle | Manager Community Service | $130,734 |
333. | Jessie Deschamps | Senior Management Analyst | $130,607 |
334. | Denis Huegle | Supervisor Inspection and | $130,275 |
335. | Philip Ciralsky | Project Engineer | $130,010 |
336. | Gabriel Quintero | Fire Fighter EMT | $129,920 |
337. | Marco Torres | Water Sys Oper II | $129,872 |
338. | Steve Banks | Manager Maintenance Opera | $129,869 |
339. | Kevin Mullarkey | Police Officer-Inter | $129,710 |
340. | Pedro Zalbidea | Sr Mech | $129,518 |
341. | Patricia Wong | Public Safety Dispatcher | $129,517 |
342. | Yuki Matsuura | Senior Performance Audito | $129,496 |
343. | Lindsay Moore | Public Safety Dispatcher | $129,051 |
344. | Megha Bansal | Project Engineer | $129,015 |
345. | Sherrie Wong | Senior Management Analyst | $128,926 |
346. | David Tchang | Police Officer-Inter | $128,544 |
347. | Nelson Gonzalez | Util Fld Svcs Rep | $128,329 |
348. | George Pons | Police Officer-Inter-Bili | $128,124 |
349. | Yahui Shang | Business Analyst | $127,829 |
350. | Young Tran | Project Engineer – S | $127,280 |
351. | Jacqueline Sze | Senior Accountant | $127,138 |
352. | Gene Lindsey Jr | Substation Electrician | $127,035 |
353. | Hung Nguyen | Project Engineer | $127,006 |
354. | Lena Perkins | Resource Planner | $126,910 |
355. | Melissa Kirkland | Public Safety Dispatcher | $126,892 |
356. | Marissa Vanbibber | Public Safety Dispatcher | $126,731 |
357. | Ian Johnson | Police Officer-Inter | $126,465 |
358. | Manuel Martinez | Util Fld Svcs Rep | $126,234 |
359. | Cecilia Melgar | Police Officer-Inter | $126,127 |
360. | Karen McAdams | Public Safety Program Man | $126,042 |
361. | Mary Cheryl Gloner | Senior Management Analyst | $126,005 |
362. | Karla Dailey | Senior Resources Planner | $125,985 |
363. | Corey Walpole | Supervisor WQCP Operation | $125,975 |
364. | John Aikin | Manager Community Service | $125,847 |
365. | Victor Farisato | Util Key Acct Rep | $125,526 |
366. | Lisa Scheff | Public Safety Program Man | $125,397 |
367. | Dave Dockter | Planning Arborist – S | $125,108 |
368. | An Le | Project Engineer | $125,087 |
369. | Daniel Ortiz | Police Officer-Inter | $125,047 |
370. | Evon Ballash | Assistant Building Offici | $125,040 |
371. | Tommy Yandell | Fire Fighter EMT | $125,022 |
372. | Christopher Conde | Police Officer-Inter | $125,008 |
373. | Thomas Kapushinski | Project Engineer | $124,816 |
374. | Joon Oh Jun | Police Officer-Inter | $124,588 |
375. | Shahla Yazdy | Project Engineer | $124,547 |
376. | Rajeev Hada | Project Engineer | $124,547 |
377. | Hari Thapa | Substation Electrician | $124,378 |
378. | Ryan Joy | Public Safety Dispatcher | $124,244 |
379. | Darci Vargas | Public Safety Dispatcher | $124,225 |
380. | Wesley Patnesky | Public Safety Dispatcher | $123,944 |
381. | Vanda Morrow-McCauley | Senior Human Resources Ad | $123,905 |
382. | Charles Risen | Facilities Maint-L | $123,814 |
383. | Darija Borkovic | Project Engineer | $123,736 |
384. | Narine Dass | WQC Plt Oper II | $123,710 |
385. | Jayant Mishra | Substation Electrician Le | $123,485 |
386. | Joseph Luttrell | Public Safety Dispatcher | $123,307 |
387. | Tonia Edehomon | Senior Technologist | $123,217 |
388. | James Luckey | Manager Community Service | $123,069 |
389. | Josefino Gonzales | Power Engr | $122,838 |
390. | Maria Lagman | Senior Accountant | $122,785 |
391. | David Delzer | Supervisor WQCP Operation | $121,861 |
392. | Eloiza Murillo-Garcia | Sr Planner | $121,851 |
393. | Marieke Gaboury | Theater Specialist | $121,748 |
394. | Jason Solis | Police Officer-Inter | $121,532 |
395. | Oscar Godinez | Manager Maintenance Opera | $121,386 |
396. | Brianna Quezada | Public Safety Dispatcher | $121,177 |
397. | Sonika Choudhary | Resource Planner | $121,044 |
398. | Carlton Black | Supervisor WQCP Operation | $120,858 |
399. | Henry Richards III | Lineper/Cable Spl | $120,839 |
400. | Kenneth Green | Fire Captain EMT | $120,829 |
401. | Louis Tinsley | Substation Electrician | $120,803 |
402. | Poorvi Rao | Resource Planner | $120,752 |
403. | Maurice Ruyter | Facilities Maint-L | $120,619 |
404. | David Cordova | Sr Water Sys Oper | $120,510 |
405. | Michael Olsen | Sr Operator Wqc | $120,509 |
406. | Kyle Mau | Metering Technician | $120,421 |
407. | Richard Lizama | HEO/Installer Repairer | $120,371 |
408. | Joshua Wallace | Utility Key Account Rep – | $120,183 |
409. | Lisa Caracciolo | Manager Communications | $120,179 |
410. | Todd Seeley | Manager Maintenance Opera | $119,922 |
411. | Julius Guay | Util Engr Estimator | $119,911 |
412. | James Ernest Wadleigh | Manager Maintenance Opera | $119,792 |
413. | Robert Longwell | Police Officer-Inter | $119,748 |
414. | Samantha Engelage | Senior Engineer | $119,667 |
415. | RuthAnn Garcia | Manager Library Services | $119,649 |
416. | Chris Yi | Senior Management Analyst | $119,515 |
417. | Jose Vigil | Util Fld Svcs Rep | $119,502 |
418. | Christopher Corrao | Sr Planner | $119,474 |
419. | Carolynn Bissett | Contracts Administrator | $119,321 |
420. | Stephanie Douglas | Superintendent Recreation | $119,180 |
421. | Rocelyn Fernando | Senior Accountant | $119,009 |
422. | Jessica Mullan | Senior Deputy City Attorn | $118,976 |
423. | Max Garcia | Fire Fighter EMT | $118,820 |
424. | Tuan Nguyen | Project Engineer | $118,322 |
425. | John Zalac | Police Officer-Adv | $118,149 |
426. | Clare Campbell | Sr Planner | $118,103 |
427. | Jayanthan Sivarajah | Senior Technologist | $117,676 |
428. | Brian Ward | Util Key Acct Rep | $117,647 |
429. | Brian Saulus | Cathodic Tech | $117,591 |
430. | Louis Luong | Electrician-Lead | $117,147 |
431. | Miguel Chacon | Superintendent Community | $116,786 |
432. | Fernando Martinez | Street Light Traffic Sign | $116,770 |
433. | John Castanha | Senior Human Resources Ad | $116,431 |
434. | Jitendra Kulkarni | Manager Information Techn | $116,351 |
435. | Dinaa Alcocer | Management Analyst | $115,912 |
436. | Lisa Wehara | Performance Auditor II | $115,650 |
437. | Cecilia Magana | Contracts Administrator | $115,453 |
438. | Jennifer Cioffi | Project Engineer | $115,430 |
439. | Thomas Kaiser | Utility Safety Officer | $115,350 |
440. | Jimmy Chen | Project Manager | $115,185 |
441. | Kathleen Whitley | Management Analyst | $115,056 |
442. | Mark Briseno | Street Light Traffic Sign | $114,843 |
443. | Derek Cardoza | Sr Operator Wqc | $114,679 |
444. | Christopher Anastole | Contracts Administrator | $114,278 |
445. | Jim Amores | Engineer | $114,147 |
446. | Terrance Mc Mahon | Asst Fleet Mgr | $113,879 |
447. | Juan Esprio | Lineper/Cable Spl | $113,685 |
448. | Ryan Johnson | Street Light Traffic Sign | $113,192 |
449. | Jennifer Gray | Geographic Information Sy | $113,020 |
450. | Teresita Alcalde | Accountant | $112,979 |
451. | Adam Howard | Manager Community Service | $112,847 |
452. | Kevin Carley | Utility Marketing Program | $112,768 |
453. | Thomas Hejza | Sr Operator Wqc | $112,757 |
454. | Murdo Nicolson | Project Manager | $112,732 |
455. | Richard Anderson | Street Light Traffic Sign | $112,498 |
456. | Frank Miu | Electrician | $112,275 |
457. | Jenny Jordan | Manager Library Services | $112,173 |
458. | Rhonda Parkhurst | Bldg Inspector Spec | $112,125 |
459. | Mark Ribeiro | Manager Community Service | $112,085 |
460. | Elise DeMarzo | Manager Community Service | $112,044 |
461. | Robert Dunbar | Bldg Inspector Spec | $111,908 |
462. | Daniel Ercolini | Utilities Engineer Estima | $111,552 |
463. | Robert Justus | Inspector, Field Svc | $111,220 |
464. | Gina Magliocco | Senior Management Analyst | $111,107 |
465. | Renee Howard | Sr Buyer | $110,865 |
466. | Abel Silva | Sr Util Field Svc Rep | $110,662 |
467. | Pamela Boyle | Manager Environmental Con | $110,642 |
468. | Anthony Meneses | Utilities Supervisor | $110,396 |
469. | Juan Valle | Police Officer-Adv-Biling | $110,010 |
470. | Dacia Tavares | Crime Analyst | $109,988 |
471. | Janet Billups | Claims Investigator | $109,957 |
472. | John Nguy | Engineer | $109,933 |
473. | Marina Ezrina | Engineer | $109,933 |
474. | Bradley Biehl | Sr Operator Wqc | $109,760 |
475. | Sarah Ip | Management Analyst | $109,701 |
476. | Yolanda Franco-Clausen | Police Officer-Inter | $109,486 |
477. | Archana Gupta | Technologist | $108,840 |
478. | Jesse Keen | Util Engr Estimator | $108,776 |
479. | Valeh Dabiri Alaee | Supervising Librarian | $108,710 |
480. | Frank Muzzi | Landfill Technician | $108,656 |
481. | Miguel Perez | Water Sys Oper II | $108,647 |
482. | Kodi De La Torre | Public Safety Dispatcher | $108,265 |
483. | Doug Bohna | Util Install/Rep-L | $108,218 |
484. | Chitralekha Moitra | Planner | $107,915 |
485. | Julius Lee | Police Officer-Inter | $107,662 |
486. | Eduardo Delapaz | Electrician | $107,430 |
487. | Amy Bartell | Management Spec | $107,420 |
488. | Daniel Williams | Util Fld Svcs Rep | $107,347 |
489. | Maybo AuYeung | Management Analyst | $107,288 |
490. | Susan Miley | Senior Accountant | $107,181 |
491. | Edgardo Gella | Facilities Technician | $107,084 |
492. | Gabor Szegedy | Electrician-Lead | $106,946 |
493. | Gregory McKernan | Electric Project Engineer | $106,660 |
494. | Arnold Greer | Lineper/Cable Spl | $106,615 |
495. | Paul Chamberlin | Court Liaison Officer | $106,483 |
496. | Wendy Hediger | Environmental Spec | $106,424 |
497. | Ryan Hoang | Sr Chemist | $106,284 |
498. | Ruchika Aggarwal | Assoc Engineer | $106,146 |
499. | Marco Solis | Lineper/Cable Spl | $105,962 |
500. | Saira Cardoza | Contracts Administrator | $105,718 |
501. | Aaron Miller | Plant Mechanic | $105,581 |
502. | Alexander Perez | Manager Library Services | $105,265 |
503. | Shane Long-Scott | WQC Plt Oper II | $105,251 |
504. | Christopher Luciani | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $105,228 |
505. | Joel Gonzalez | Util Install/Rep-L | $104,810 |
506. | Ramandeep Kaur | Electric Project Engineer | $104,727 |
507. | Charles Gallardo | Street Light Traffic Sign | $104,586 |
508. | Derek Sproat | Project Manager | $104,453 |
509. | Janice Svendsen | Executive Assistant to th | $104,358 |
510. | Alexandra Harris | Management Analyst | $103,759 |
511. | Rebecca Atkinson | Planner | $103,715 |
512. | Chris Sigur | Util Install/Rep-L | $103,620 |
513. | Richard Simms | Utl Install Repair Lead-W | $103,264 |
514. | Joshua Smith | Sr Mech | $103,139 |
515. | Jessica Brettle | Assistant City Clerk | $103,131 |
516. | Richard Dass | WQC Plt Oper II | $103,074 |
517. | Dentell Reed | Util Locator | $103,032 |
518. | Darrin Wong | Electrician | $102,905 |
519. | Roger Nguy | Assoc Engineer | $102,738 |
520. | John Carr | Bldg Inspector Spec | $102,702 |
521. | Edward Higgins | Street Light Traffic Sign | $102,663 |
522. | Jarrett Mullen | Project Engineer | $102,593 |
523. | Sekou Wiggins | Heavy Equip Oper | $102,586 |
524. | Jose Vargas | Heavy Equip Oper-L | $102,506 |
525. | Eric Talley | Util Install/Rep-L | $102,224 |
526. | Elizabeth Egli | Management Analyst | $101,862 |
527. | Evelyn Cheng | Management Analyst | $101,399 |
528. | Martin Simon | Utl Install Repair-Weldin | $101,101 |
529. | M Hess | Manager Library Services | $101,097 |
530. | Terri Hoang | Comm Tech | $100,848 |
531. | Stephen Kredel | Util Install/Rep | $100,839 |
532. | Larry Hartmann | Accountant | $100,697 |
533. | Kelly Haruta | Util Engr Estimator | $100,192 |
534. | Althea Carter | Coord Utility Proj | $100,192 |
535. | Melissa Smart | Coord Utility Proj | $100,192 |
536. | Matthew Tan | Engineer | $100,032 |
537. | Siew Ching Chin | Senior Engineer | $99,982 |
538. | William Warrior | Animal Control Off | $99,887 |
539. | Paul Gutierrez | HEO/Installer Repairer | $99,814 |
540. | Simon Williams | Business Analyst | $99,807 |
541. | William Morris | Plant Mechanic | $99,697 |
542. | Matthew Shelton | WQC Plt Oper II | $99,630 |
543. | Danitra Bahlman | Project Manager | $99,598 |
544. | Eric Williams | Motor Equip Mech-L | $99,595 |
545. | Stephanie Wu | Public Safety Dispatcher | $99,515 |
546. | Kyle Carbajal | Senior Industrial Waste I | $99,392 |
547. | Robert Bishop | Util Install/Rep | $99,349 |
548. | Thomas Miller | Facilities Technician | $99,323 |
549. | Alexander Viereck | Facilities Technician | $99,182 |
550. | Joshua Cook | Substation Electrician | $99,182 |
551. | Dean Goulart | Heavy Equip Oper | $99,171 |
552. | Leonard Melo | Inspector, Field Svc | $99,157 |
553. | Tyler Stetson | Coord Rec Prog | $98,934 |
554. | Duncan Leeman | Elec Undgd Inspec | $98,811 |
555. | Robert Valdez | Inspector, Field Svc | $98,614 |
556. | Philip Kamhi | Manager Transportation Pl | $98,448 |
557. | Regalado Gonzales | Facilities Technician | $98,421 |
558. | Samuel Colon | Plant Mechanic | $98,225 |
559. | Marleah Augustine | Supervising Librarian | $98,216 |
560. | Jordan Cowman | Coord Utility Proj | $98,048 |
561. | Anthony Blakeley-Williams | Fire Captain EMT | $98,040 |
562. | Christopher Jones | Police Officer-Inter | $97,967 |
563. | Joseph Duran | Facilities Technician | $97,784 |
564. | Sharon Eva | Manager Community Service | $97,462 |
565. | Michael Haynes | Inspector, Field Svc | $97,338 |
566. | Luis Hernandez III | WQC Plt Oper II | $97,013 |
567. | Colette Chew | Project Engineer | $96,958 |
568. | Scott Nattrass | Plant Mechanic | $96,720 |
569. | Lynn Krug | Inspector, Field Svc | $96,482 |
570. | Brian Jones | Ind Waste Invtgtr | $96,470 |
571. | Thomas Ward | WQC Plt Oper II | $96,328 |
572. | Geoffrey Wong | Chemist | $96,200 |
573. | Charles Henderson | Heavy Equip Oper-L | $96,180 |
574. | John Hughes | Restoration Lead | $96,086 |
575. | Manuel Ruiz | Cement Finisher | $96,052 |
576. | Jason Weir | Sr Water Sys Oper | $96,038 |
577. | Daniel Farmer | WQC Plt Oper II | $96,003 |
578. | Christopher Fujimoto | Ind Waste Invtgtr | $95,968 |
579. | Rick Rebollo | Heavy Equip Oper | $95,961 |
580. | Scott McKay | Assoc Planner | $95,630 |
581. | Barbara Teixeira | Administrative Assistant | $95,617 |
582. | Alexander Hess | Warehouse Supervisor | $95,614 |
583. | Vincent Vasquez | Cathodic Protection Techn | $95,393 |
584. | Ted Medina | Motor Equip Mech-L | $95,245 |
585. | Gloria Yu | Project Engineer | $94,989 |
586. | Jeanny Weatherford | Administrative Assistant | $94,794 |
587. | Antonio Saldana | Coord Pub Wks Proj | $94,788 |
588. | Valerie Tam | Engineer | $94,733 |
589. | Andre Rodriguez | Inspector, Field Svc | $94,490 |
590. | Suguna Pillay | Chemist | $94,364 |
591. | Matthew Johnson | WQC Plt Oper II | $94,118 |
592. | James Bourquin | Surveyor, Public Wks | $93,980 |
593. | Gunjan Kanwal | Senior Technologist | $93,927 |
594. | Joshua Lett | WQC Plt Oper II | $93,921 |
595. | Claire Hodgkins | Sr Planner | $93,918 |
596. | Julia Pollard | Administrative Assistant | $93,830 |
597. | Graham Owen | Sr Planner | $93,829 |
598. | Jeanette Serna | Coord Pub Wks Proj | $93,715 |
599. | Alfred Soto | Facilities Technician | $93,685 |
600. | Robert Steele | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $93,415 |
601. | Matthew Krupp | Manager Environmental Con | $93,291 |
602. | Erin Perez | Administrative Assistant | $93,266 |
603. | James Stephens | Code Enforcement Lead | $93,078 |
604. | Roman Tlatelpa | Util Install/Rep | $93,068 |
605. | Henry Rafael | Development Project Coord | $93,043 |
606. | Claudio Sousa | HEO/Installer Repairer | $92,952 |
607. | Brian Reynolds | Code Enforcement Off | $92,938 |
608. | James Moss | Inspector, Field Svc | $92,841 |
609. | Tony Petithomme | Inspector, Field Svc | $92,841 |
610. | Stephanie Mesterhazy | Coor Trans Sys Mgmt | $92,782 |
611. | Peter Quiroz | Gas and Water Meas and Co | $92,702 |
612. | Vincent Masetti | Plant Mechanic | $92,649 |
613. | Kai-Ping Yang | Chemist | $92,550 |
614. | Annie Rosendale | Development Project Coord | $92,529 |
615. | Judith Glaes | Code Enforcement Off | $92,332 |
616. | Heather Johnson | Code Enforcement Off | $92,332 |
617. | Elise Sbarbori | Manager Environmental Con | $92,100 |
618. | Bridgette Medved-Perez | Assoc Engineer | $92,084 |
619. | Joshua Lawler | Heavy Equip Oper | $91,862 |
620. | Karl Griswold | Sr Mech | $91,677 |
621. | William Robinson | Util Install/Rep | $91,634 |
622. | William Croft | Tree Trim/Ln Clr-L | $91,560 |
623. | Kalolaine Alipate | Cust Svc Spec | $91,332 |
624. | Leo Kalaw | Electrician | $91,302 |
625. | Marites Ward | Administrative Assistant | $91,212 |
626. | Cuong Hoang | Ind Waste Inspec | $91,201 |
627. | Mary Grace Castor | Senior Human Resources Ad | $91,182 |
628. | Timothy Shimizu | Assistant City Attorney | $91,173 |
629. | Eugene Brennan | Sr Planner | $91,128 |
630. | Victor Farisato III | Plant Mechanic | $91,123 |
631. | Danille Rice | Administrative Assistant | $91,064 |
632. | Brian Bingham | Heavy Equip Oper | $90,969 |
633. | Gloria Jimenez | Buyer | $90,940 |
634. | Cecil Lectura | Engr Tech III | $90,582 |
635. | Anvi Chanthery | Laboratory Tech Wqc | $90,268 |
636. | Fernando Gama | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $90,251 |
637. | Lisa Navarret | Administrative Assistant | $90,096 |
638. | Vergie Celestino | Accountant | $89,503 |
639. | Gregory Wilt | Electric Underground Insp | $89,499 |
640. | Rigoberto Valentin-Torres | Heavy Equip Oper | $89,466 |
641. | Raul Castro | Cement Finisher | $89,241 |
642. | Tarandeep Mann | Human Resources Represent | $89,220 |
643. | Alexandra Hamilton | Theater Specialist | $89,202 |
644. | Robert Hara | Ind Waste Inspec | $89,090 |
645. | Michelle Austin | Management Analyst | $89,038 |
646. | Kevin Calvert | St Sweeper Op | $89,034 |
647. | Daniel Hagemann | Cement Finisher Lead | $88,463 |
648. | Eli Mejia | Engineer | $88,422 |
649. | Troy Winters | Facilities Carpenter | $88,381 |
650. | Christina Keegan | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $88,369 |
651. | Scott Savage | Police Sgt/Adv | $88,337 |
652. | Brandon Burton | WQC Plt Oper II | $88,285 |
653. | Kenneth Hanks | Heavy Equip Oper | $88,217 |
654. | Curtis Dunn | Manager Community Service | $88,177 |
655. | Daniel Gozza | Motor Equipment Mechanic | $88,154 |
656. | Moises Marquez | WQC Plt Oper II | $88,077 |
657. | Jesus Martinez | Motor Equipment Mechanic | $87,869 |
658. | William Schade | Electrical Equipment Tech | $87,484 |
659. | Se Joon Park | Senior Technologist | $87,345 |
660. | Nealson Nguyen | Plant Mechanic | $87,302 |
661. | Richard Hirano | Desktop Technician | $87,182 |
662. | Francisco Gutierrez | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $87,016 |
663. | Dolores Barberini | Human Resources Technicia | $86,996 |
664. | James Givens | Heavy Equip Oper | $86,912 |
665. | Matthew Hayton | Police Officer-Inter | $86,893 |
666. | Patrick Jimenez | Heavy Equip Oper | $86,811 |
667. | Barclay Rush | Cust Srv Specialist-L | $86,803 |
668. | Kim Neff | Util Locator | $86,731 |
669. | Ajay Kumar | Engr Tech III | $86,630 |
670. | Brian Connelly | Police Officer-Inter | $86,428 |
671. | Lucy Larson | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $86,260 |
672. | Brian Jeong | Engr Tech III | $86,091 |
673. | Erik Monk | Engr Tech III | $86,091 |
674. | Tabatha Boatwright | Administrative Associate | $86,050 |
675. | Michael Luetgens | Facilities Technician | $85,979 |
676. | Kenneth Bay | Coord Utility Proj | $85,942 |
677. | Sheryl Davis | Desktop Technician | $85,909 |
678. | Kyle Burchfiel | Police Officer-Inter | $85,768 |
679. | Joe Rapanut | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $85,605 |
680. | Ramiro Ramirez | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $85,524 |
681. | David Gotlieb | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $85,460 |
682. | Juan Granados Pulido | Cement Finisher | $85,458 |
683. | Maria Patino | Human Resources Represent | $85,454 |
684. | Kelly Burger | Police Officer-Adv | $85,367 |
685. | Olga Francisco | Accountant | $85,359 |
686. | Molly Boyes | Human Resources Technicia | $85,247 |
687. | Zachary Wicht | Police Officer-Inter | $85,224 |
688. | Margaret Zittle | Ind Waste Inspec | $85,093 |
689. | Eric Van Zandt | Equip Operator | $84,922 |
690. | Steven Melo | Maintenance Mechanic-Weld | $84,800 |
691. | Cody Macartney | Animal Control Officer Le | $84,702 |
692. | Theresa Moreno | Management Spec | $84,683 |
693. | Elias Padilla | Facilities Painter | $84,369 |
694. | Francisco Castaneda | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $84,146 |
695. | Miguel Ortiz | Substation Electrician Le | $84,096 |
696. | David Carnahan | Deputy City Clerk | $84,009 |
697. | David Chu | Desktop Technician | $83,756 |
698. | Deena Prasad | Human Resources Technicia | $83,741 |
699. | Shari Carlet | Engineer | $83,645 |
700. | Jesus Barron | Util Install/Rep | $83,623 |
701. | Bruce Will | Cement Finisher | $83,616 |
702. | Clifford Grech | WQC Plt Oper II | $83,582 |
703. | Agustin Solis | Cement Finisher | $83,483 |
704. | Amy Johnson | Program Assistant II | $83,383 |
705. | AnaBella Gonzalez | Administrative Assistant | $83,142 |
706. | Suzanne Ramirez | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $83,072 |
707. | Crystal Jensen | Util Credit/Col Spec | $82,979 |
708. | Manuel Padilla | Facilities Painter | $82,961 |
709. | Kent Cunningham | Animal Control Off | $82,874 |
710. | Tim Lee | Laboratory Tech Wqc | $82,784 |
711. | Tricia Hoover | Secretary to City Attorne | $82,744 |
712. | John Borges | WQC Plt Oper II | $82,735 |
713. | Julie Driscoll | Program Assistant II | $82,653 |
714. | Bret Thomson | WQC Plt Oper II | $82,623 |
715. | Jeffrey Hamby | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $82,561 |
716. | Samuel Gutierrez | Sr Planner | $82,338 |
717. | Tony Sanchez | Desktop Technician | $81,985 |
718. | Glenn Berry | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $81,945 |
719. | Scott Johnson | Motor Equipment Mechanic | $81,907 |
720. | Quy Cao | WQC Plt Oper II | $81,607 |
721. | Jessie Hay | Assoc Engineer | $81,405 |
722. | Gonzalo Rozo | Program Assistant I | $81,393 |
723. | Kathleen Jones | Manager Community Service | $81,259 |
724. | Melissa Morwood | Sr Librarian | $81,140 |
725. | Carlos Goulart | Traf Cont Maint I | $81,027 |
726. | Paul Anderson | Park Maint – Lead | $80,783 |
727. | Loretta Olmos | Management Analyst | $80,609 |
728. | Yolanda Cervantes | Administrative Assistant | $80,358 |
729. | Margaret Adkins | Program Assistant II | $80,083 |
730. | Lisa Myers | Park Ranger | $79,956 |
731. | Susan Caudill | Zero Waste Coordinator | $79,923 |
732. | Richard Claeys | Acct Spec-Lead | $79,478 |
733. | Richard Curtis | Program Assistant I | $79,370 |
734. | Norberto Bugarin | Tree Trim/Ln Clr | $79,311 |
735. | Paula Silva | Police Records Specialist | $79,145 |
736. | Victor Huizar | Equip Operator | $78,916 |
737. | Eric Wong | Resource Planner | $78,914 |
738. | Ana Elisa de Campos Salles | Sr Librarian | $78,776 |
739. | Preet Maan | Business Analyst | $78,553 |
740. | George Parry | Park Ranger | $78,526 |
741. | Rodney Soares | Sr Librarian | $78,285 |
742. | Ernesto Ramirez | Elec Asst I | $78,257 |
743. | John Sawin | Motor Equipment Mechanic | $78,147 |
744. | Deborah Anthonyson | Sr Librarian | $78,056 |
745. | Joseph Martin | Util Credit/Col Spec | $77,928 |
746. | Paul Neuman | Desktop Technician | $77,882 |
747. | Luis Izquierdo | Cust Svc Represent | $77,839 |
748. | Todd Mcpherson | Parks/Golf Crew-Lead | $77,800 |
749. | Lewis Paris | Traf Cont Maint I | $77,732 |
750. | Chase Hartmann | Coord Rec Prog | $77,731 |
751. | Oscar Fajardo | Project Engineer | $77,490 |
752. | Salote Tamale | Development Project Coord | $77,404 |
753. | Ken Boucher | Traf Cont Maint Ii | $77,285 |
754. | Stan Wirth | Util Install/Rep-L | $77,250 |
755. | Dave Duncan | Tree Maint Person | $77,219 |
756. | Jose Martinez | Tree Maint Person | $77,219 |
757. | Fermin Mora | Equip Operator | $76,921 |
758. | Elizabeth Stewart | Sr Librarian | $76,790 |
759. | Chris Scrogings | Payroll Analyst | $76,650 |
760. | Margaret Quillman | Library Associate | $76,608 |
761. | Mary Constantino | Management Assistant | $76,587 |
762. | Talanoa Tuifua | Acct Spec | $76,430 |
763. | Tony Kommavong | Water Sys Oper II | $76,401 |
764. | Brian Haines | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $76,321 |
765. | Audrey Afe-Tuufuli | Administrative Specialist | $76,110 |
766. | Christine Tam | Senior Resources Planner | $75,534 |
767. | Jeanette Bianculli | Property Evid Tech | $75,463 |
768. | Catherine Bourquin | Program Assistant II | $75,413 |
769. | Robin Ellner | Administrative Associate | $75,383 |
770. | Musa Muzaffar | Community Serv Offcr | $75,354 |
771. | Tarlochan Sandhu | Management Spec | $75,336 |
772. | Michael Hill | Desktop Technician | $75,244 |
773. | Roberto Martinez | Metering Technician | $75,185 |
774. | Jeannette Washington | Animal Control Off | $75,152 |
775. | Alicia Spotwood | Administrative Associate | $75,040 |
776. | William Gutoff | Junior Museum & Zoo Educa | $75,033 |
777. | Hiromi Kelty | Utility Marketing Program | $75,024 |
778. | Sandra Grivas | Coord Utility Proj | $74,868 |
779. | Amos Burns | Util Syst Oper | $74,722 |
780. | Shih Liang Hur | Parking Operations Lead | $74,635 |
781. | Kimberly Lunt | Administrative Associate | $74,571 |
782. | Jean Bready | Police Agent/Adv | $74,537 |
783. | Janet Lin | Sr Librarian | $74,371 |
784. | Debra Asher | Administrative Associate | $74,334 |
785. | Michelle Chavez | Property Evid Tech | $74,225 |
786. | Sharon Miller | Emergency Medical Svc Dat | $74,202 |
787. | Margaret Cain | Coord Rec Prog | $74,165 |
788. | Michelle Flaherty | Deputy City Manager | $74,156 |
789. | Alison de Geus | Sr Librarian | $74,110 |
790. | Joann Dixon | Veterinarian Tech | $74,100 |
791. | Johnny Mulato | Gas and Water Meas and Co | $74,084 |
792. | Ampelio Salas | Parks/Golf Crew-Lead | $73,969 |
793. | Gabriel Mora | Community Serv Offcr | $73,967 |
794. | Christopher Quick | Community Serv Offcr | $73,782 |
795. | Jane Ratchye | Management Spec | $73,225 |
796. | Christine Pennington | Librarian | $73,020 |
797. | Jodi Ball | Gas and Water Meas and Co | $72,937 |
798. | Shannon Ford | Administrative Associate | $72,384 |
799. | Pui Kin Lam | Community Serv Offcr | $72,382 |
800. | Karen Richins | Librarian | $72,338 |
801. | Peter Tran | Community Serv Offcr | $71,910 |
802. | Catrinel Radu | Administrative Associate | $71,780 |
803. | Oracio Tapia | Sprinkler Sys Repr | $71,780 |
804. | Roxanne Rutherford | Administrative Associate | $71,735 |
805. | Randall Hart | Laboratory Tech Wqc | $71,625 |
806. | Michael Dehlinger | Cust Svc Represent | $71,561 |
807. | Kenneth Swain | Lineper/Cable Spl | $71,393 |
808. | Dale Miskelly | Animal Services Spec II | $71,385 |
809. | Clifton Wright | Administrative Associate | $71,306 |
810. | Arad Kedar | Junior Museum & Zoo Educa | $71,267 |
811. | Colin Williams | Elec Asst I | $71,264 |
812. | Vicente Tecson Jr | Acct Spec | $71,261 |
813. | Keith Bunnell | Util Install/Rep | $71,211 |
814. | Renee LaRosa | Program Assistant I | $71,188 |
815. | Dolores Morquecho | Administrative Associate | $71,097 |
816. | Christopher Zittle | WQC Plt Oper II | $70,974 |
817. | Sandra Hickson | Animal Services Spec II | $70,950 |
818. | Fernando Oliveira | Storekeeper | $70,874 |
819. | Stacy Henderson | Police Records Specialist | $70,797 |
820. | Steven Ritchie | Storekeeper | $70,789 |
821. | Dong Hoang | Coord Pub Wks Proj | $70,599 |
822. | Anita Henley | Community Serv Offcr | $70,442 |
823. | Carla Savage | Administrative Associate | $70,390 |
824. | Ines Thiessen | Program Assistant I | $70,366 |
825. | David Andel | Fleet Svcs Coord | $70,259 |
826. | Joe Berkey | Meter Reader | $70,241 |
827. | Lisa Palacio | Cust Svc Represent | $70,166 |
828. | Cheyenne Vega | Cust Svc Represent | $69,840 |
829. | Rui Pereira | Offset Equip Op | $69,801 |
830. | Joanne Ramirez | Acct Spec-Lead | $69,689 |
831. | Janelle Day | Meter Reader-Lead | $69,659 |
832. | Jonathan Ancheta | Traf Cont Maint Ii | $69,593 |
833. | Peter Castelino | Human Resources Represent | $69,560 |
834. | Marilou Sundstrom | Acct Spec | $69,465 |
835. | Lydia Wallace-Pounds | Administrative Associate | $69,453 |
836. | Nichol Banks | Acct Spec-Lead | $69,429 |
837. | Arturo Jimenez | Park Maint Person | $69,367 |
838. | Justin Hughes | Elec Asst I | $69,302 |
839. | Leslie Clarkson | Cust Svc Represent | $69,235 |
840. | Elena Pacheco | Legal Fellow | $69,204 |
841. | Paige Safe | Engineer | $69,171 |
842. | Dorothy Dale | Administrative Associate | $69,157 |
843. | Roberto Marquez | Sprinkler Sys Repr | $69,128 |
844. | Ratu Serumalani | Sprinkler Sys Repr | $69,128 |
845. | Misael Vela | Sprinkler Sys Repr | $69,128 |
846. | Dana Lamberson | Administrative Associate | $69,109 |
847. | Janice January | Administrative Associate | $68,978 |
848. | Rhei-Ling Evans | Administrative Associate | $68,976 |
849. | Rachel Chiu | Administrative Associate | $68,976 |
850. | Rebecca Duchon | Administrative Associate | $68,976 |
851. | Ghebilet Paulos | Administrative Associate | $68,976 |
852. | Julie Garcia | Acct Spec-Lead | $68,907 |
853. | Andrew Vega | Bldg Serviceperson-L | $68,895 |
854. | Andrez Escamilla | Equip Maint Serv Per | $68,761 |
855. | Hsiu-Hsing Chang | Library Associate | $68,756 |
856. | Heidi Williams-Cardoso | Police Records Specialist | $68,748 |
857. | Clarissa Barnes | Police Records Specialist | $68,551 |
858. | Lacey Lutes | Utility Marketing Program | $68,484 |
859. | Kelsi Oshiro | Assoc Engineer | $68,459 |
860. | Jonathan De Silva | Acct Spec | $68,375 |
861. | Jose Morales | Util Install/Rep | $68,287 |
862. | Tin Nguyen | Power Engr | $68,279 |
863. | Ieng Ngo | Bldg Serviceperson-L | $68,208 |
864. | Maria Contreras | Administrative Associate | $68,115 |
865. | Judy Ng | Administrative Associate | $68,025 |
866. | Baldemar Serrato Santacruz | Park Maint Person | $67,983 |
867. | Jose Barajas | Park Maint Person | $67,983 |
868. | Gustavo Ibarra | Park Maint Person | $67,983 |
869. | Reanna Tong | Program Assistant II | $67,924 |
870. | Julie Tannock | Police Officer-Inter | $67,667 |
871. | Lisa Benatar | Utility Marketing Program | $67,644 |
872. | Sangita Dutt | Administrative Associate | $67,558 |
873. | Nadya Chuprina | Program Assistant II | $67,322 |
874. | Maximo Puga | Park Maint Person | $67,129 |
875. | Alberto Sandoval | Util Install/Rep Ast | $66,873 |
876. | Dom Del Pozo | St Maint Asst | $66,845 |
877. | Christine Mariscal | Administrative Specialist | $66,530 |
878. | Kadri Raja-Corrollo | General Laborer H | $66,511 |
879. | Joshua Berta | Acct Spec | $66,501 |
880. | Daneka Braziel | Program Assistant I | $66,498 |
881. | David Scott | Park Ranger | $66,308 |
882. | Joseph Saccio | Asst. Director Administra | $66,206 |
883. | Christine Luong | Management Spec | $66,194 |
884. | Shelby Oxenrider | Payroll Analyst | $66,129 |
885. | Laura Neusel | Police Records Specialist | $65,690 |
886. | Priscilla Camacho | Police Records Specialist | $65,681 |
887. | Natalie Khwaja | Program Assistant I | $65,602 |
888. | Courtney Schumm | Project Manager | $65,471 |
889. | Lissa Rendon | Cust Srv Specialist-L | $65,447 |
890. | Gina Feil | Librarian | $65,339 |
891. | David Sigua | Library Associate | $65,269 |
892. | Jonathan Copeland | Storekeeper-L | $65,069 |
893. | Steven Miller | Police Officer-Inter | $65,067 |
894. | Vicki Tran | Library Associate | $65,029 |
895. | Daniel King | Police Officer-Inter | $65,008 |
896. | Matt Watson | Library Associate | $64,954 |
897. | Peter Pfeiffer | Library Specialist | $64,892 |
898. | Cory Sacerdoti | St Sweeper Op | $64,834 |
899. | Armando Ferrer Jr. | Business Analyst | $64,795 |
900. | Roger Silva | Acct Spec | $64,776 |
901. | Robert Skolmen | Library Associate | $64,597 |
902. | Daniel Bergen | Library Specialist | $64,561 |
903. | Robert Gray | Bldg Inspector Spec | $64,480 |
904. | Evan Kort | Bldg/Plg Technician | $64,444 |
905. | Tanya Schornack | Administrative Associate | $64,259 |
906. | Kyle Shea | Bldg Inspector Spec | $63,998 |
907. | Hector Sanchez | Bldg Serviceperson | $63,697 |
908. | Isaias Aguilar | Bldg Serviceperson-L | $63,680 |
909. | Carol Turner | Administrative Associate | $63,478 |
910. | Phyllis Davis | Administrative Associate | $63,478 |
911. | James Morace | Police Officer-Adv | $63,296 |
912. | William Leslie | Bldg Serviceperson | $62,802 |
913. | Megan Alexander Batista | Administrative Associate | $62,659 |
914. | David Pringle | Park Ranger | $62,464 |
915. | Rafael Urbina | Meter Reader | $62,334 |
916. | Rene Avalos | Utl Install Repair-Weldin | $62,183 |
917. | Stephanie Retsek | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $62,153 |
918. | Judy Maloney | Management Spec | $61,843 |
919. | Jenny Nelson | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $61,725 |
920. | Olivia Ochoa | Library Specialist | $61,421 |
921. | Reggie Mallorca | Library Specialist | $61,361 |
922. | Richard Bicknell | Manager Community Service | $61,352 |
923. | Ryan Oyama | Development Project Coord | $61,129 |
924. | Maristela Cardoso | Library Specialist | $61,098 |
925. | Andrew Joice | Library Specialist | $61,098 |
926. | Anh Nguyen | Library Specialist | $61,098 |
927. | Richard Ojeda | Bldg Serviceperson | $61,065 |
928. | David LaCedra | Library Specialist | $60,841 |
929. | Miguel Silva | Meter Reader | $60,835 |
930. | Maggie Lai | Librarian | $60,667 |
931. | Irma Mora | Administrative Associate | $60,665 |
932. | Joanna Tran | Program Assistant II | $60,482 |
933. | Andrew Raj | Administrative Associate | $60,384 |
934. | Robert Beacom | Assistant Police Chief | $60,144 |
935. | Lindsay Joye | Resource Planner | $60,022 |
936. | Bill Burman | Library Specialist | $59,446 |
937. | Amanda Bates | Police Records Specialist | $59,429 |
938. | Jose Perez Sanchez | Program Assistant I | $59,324 |
939. | Leslie Salzmann | Library Specialist | $59,149 |
940. | William Gray | Community Serv Offcr | $58,225 |
941. | Dixon Yee | Resource Planner | $58,132 |
942. | Erwin Gonzales | Coord Rec Prog | $58,078 |
943. | Jonathan Desmas | Meter Reader | $58,012 |
944. | Dalton EC King | Offset Equip Op | $57,668 |
945. | Saeid Sadeghi | Util Engr Estimator | $57,644 |
946. | Jessica Medrano | Park Maint Person | $57,282 |
947. | Alexander Hermann | Fire Fighter EMT | $57,164 |
948. | Genaro Pena | Equip Maint Serv Per | $56,832 |
949. | Grace Abusharkh | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $56,547 |
950. | Jaime Rios | Meter Reader | $56,455 |
951. | John Dean | Fire Captain EMT | $56,330 |
952. | Emily Vance | Planner | $56,185 |
953. | Chelsey Roos | Library Associate | $55,924 |
954. | J Hernandez Guerrero | St Maint Asst | $55,737 |
955. | Samuel Tompkins-Jenkins | Library Specialist | $54,912 |
956. | Haleigh King | Planner | $54,457 |
957. | Kaitlyn Plett | Public Safety Dispatcher | $53,615 |
958. | Richard Brown | Sr Operator Wqc | $53,408 |
959. | Michael Fuller | Meter Reader | $52,597 |
960. | Eric Kapoor | Acct Spec | $52,262 |
961. | Jimmy Rosales | HEO/Installer Repairer | $52,232 |
962. | Eric Mosqueda | Community Serv Offcr | $52,040 |
963. | Shae Iwasaki | Junior Museum & Zoo Educa | $51,892 |
964. | Kenneth Zertuche | Util Fld Svcs Rep | $51,484 |
965. | Christina Thurman | Engr Tech III | $50,793 |
966. | Dan Lou | Sr Librarian | $50,557 |
967. | Sylvia Star-Lack | Coor Trans Sys Mgmt | $50,382 |
968. | Davin Clark | Water Sys Oper II | $49,621 |
969. | Garrett Sauls | Bldg/Plg Technician | $48,387 |
970. | Heather Mitchell | Junior Museum & Zoo Educa | $48,213 |
971. | Vicki Thai | Engineer | $47,928 |
972. | Laura Kuryk | Manager Accounting | $47,231 |
973. | Juan Gurrola | Equip Operator | $47,035 |
974. | Kenneth Crary | Inspector, Field Svc | $47,011 |
975. | Melody Vega | Administrative Associate | $46,998 |
976. | Sachi Hwangbo | Administrative Specialist | $46,698 |
977. | Leasina Tau | Cust Svc Represent | $46,598 |
978. | Dasmesh Lally | Cust Svc Represent | $46,537 |
979. | Lori Hartmann | Acct Spec | $46,395 |
980. | Eladio Moreira | Facilities Technician | $45,098 |
981. | Timothy Grippi | Management Spec | $45,025 |
982. | Cherie Walkowiak | Staff Specialist H | $44,587 |
983. | Jeremy Joice | Storekeeper | $44,523 |
984. | Margaret Monroe | Management Spec | $43,304 |
985. | Christopher Hutchinson | Resource Planner | $43,175 |
986. | Daniel Irwin | Police Officer-Inter | $42,339 |
987. | Kathy Swartz | Librarian | $41,377 |
988. | Sione Vaka | Project Construction Insp | $39,685 |
989. | Karl Schneider | Management Spec | $39,641 |
990. | Carlos Aceves | Arts & Science Profession | $38,799 |
991. | Carolyn Yee | Management Spec | $38,183 |
992. | Nicole Frazier | Senior Technologist | $38,114 |
993. | Selene Foster | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $37,246 |
994. | Michelle Piasecki | Arts & Science Profession | $37,240 |
995. | Francisco Ramirez | Management Spec | $36,882 |
996. | Jeanette Castelino | Management Spec | $36,817 |
997. | Alexander Higares | Administrative Specialist | $36,686 |
998. | Terry Chiccino | Project Construction Insp | $36,652 |
999. | Christine Enderby | Program Assistant I | $36,203 |
1000. | Agustin Liquigan | Util Install/Rep | $35,816 |
1001. | Chandra Nicola | Arts & Science Profession | $35,471 |
1002. | Brad Kilpatrick | Police Officer-Inter | $35,333 |
1003. | Cynthia Lien | Library Specialist | $35,243 |
1004. | Dawn Nivas | Senior Business Analyst – | $35,111 |
1005. | Richard Stoner | Arts & Science Profession | $34,650 |
1006. | Jamie Perez | Management Analyst | $34,184 |
1007. | Camden Kimura | Librarian | $33,987 |
1008. | Rebecca Passarello | Arts & Science Profession | $33,295 |
1009. | Connie Chu | Administrative Associate | $33,173 |
1010. | Karen Pauls | Administrative Specialist | $32,848 |
1011. | Debra Burger | Management Spec | $32,702 |
1012. | Deniz Tunc | Performance Auditor I | $32,494 |
1013. | Crystal Liu | Arts & Science Profession | $32,463 |
1014. | Norman Miranda | General Laborer H | $32,225 |
1015. | Sharon Reich | Instructor III – H | $32,129 |
1016. | Emely Barajas | Acct Spec | $32,065 |
1017. | Cindy Torres | Administrative Associate | $32,003 |
1018. | Bryan Hagins | Utilities Supervisor | $31,922 |
1019. | Charles Henderson III | St Maint Asst | $31,665 |
1020. | Heather Schultz | Instructor II – H | $31,552 |
1021. | Eita Tamale | Management Spec | $31,403 |
1022. | Chaitali Paliwal | Management Spec | $31,169 |
1023. | Ian Hagerman | Management Spec | $30,766 |
1024. | Jennifer Davis | Management Analyst | $30,726 |
1025. | Karen Davis | Management Analyst | $30,722 |
1026. | Erica Greenberg | Management Spec | $30,432 |
1027. | Cecille Paula Motas | Project Specialist – H | $30,081 |
1028. | Alicia Easton | Coord Utility Proj – S | $30,014 |
1029. | Celina Sandoval-Gallo | Program Assistant I | $29,924 |
1030. | Sarah Fitzgerald | Program Assistant I | $29,900 |
1031. | Brian Parkman | Librarian – H | $29,377 |
1032. | Kaitlin Freese | Open Space Technician – H | $29,313 |
1033. | Kevin Guerito | Library Specialist | $29,286 |
1034. | Edward Perez | Jourey Level Laborer H | $29,059 |
1035. | Tarla Draper | Administrative Specialist | $29,016 |
1036. | Justin Zagunis | Resource Planner | $28,289 |
1037. | Ikie Corbin | Custodial Assistant | $28,260 |
1038. | Cara Silver | Senior Assistant City Att | $28,213 |
1039. | Jone Saukitoga | Administrative Specialist | $28,045 |
1040. | Alene Pham | Administrative Specialist | $27,874 |
1041. | Chauntyl Frederick | Library Associate | $27,821 |
1042. | Chandra Hubbell | Arts & Science Profession | $27,558 |
1043. | Jose Valle | Motor Equipment Mechanic | $27,551 |
1044. | Keith Southern | Arts & Science Profession | $26,985 |
1045. | Jenny Lo | Library Clerk – H | $26,887 |
1046. | Angel Palacios Jr | Maintenance Assistant – H | $26,746 |
1047. | Michael O’Neill | Warehouse Supervisor | $26,637 |
1048. | Ivan Tsai | Arts & Science Profession | $26,608 |
1049. | Weihong Li | Staff Specialist H | $26,573 |
1050. | Clark Akatiff | Management Spec | $26,536 |
1051. | Brian Kimmy | Arts & Science Profession | $26,444 |
1052. | Veronica Dao | Administrative Specialist | $26,442 |
1053. | Erlindo Sabado | Custodial Assistant – H | $26,364 |
1054. | Tom Nguyen | Custodial Assistant – H | $26,334 |
1055. | Patrick Rode | Recreation Leader III | $26,275 |
1056. | Brittany Benjamin Amante | Arts & Science Profession | $26,187 |
1057. | Omar Nunez | General Laborer H | $26,035 |
1058. | Jesse Brister | Engr Tech III | $25,676 |
1059. | Edbert Nguyen | Project Specialist – H | $25,557 |
1060. | Jesus Lopez-Olivares | Print Shop Assistant – H | $25,532 |
1061. | Fidelia Avina | Library Clerk – H | $25,330 |
1062. | Lawrence Jackson | Project Construction Insp | $25,102 |
1063. | Ken Heiman | Arts & Science Profession | $24,923 |
1064. | Susan Perales | Administrative Specialist | $24,781 |
1065. | Richard Park | Jourey Level Laborer H | $24,654 |
1066. | Trudi Wallick – Horrocks | Clerical Assistant – H | $24,330 |
1067. | Marlon Kasberg | Zoological Assistant – H | $24,260 |
1068. | Laurence O’Brien | Management Spec | $24,223 |
1069. | David Ferlauto | Arts & Science Profession | $24,170 |
1070. | Steve Baca | Management Spec | $24,160 |
1071. | Cheyne Abbey-Chong | Management Spec | $24,149 |
1072. | Jeanne Nix | Librarian – H | $23,984 |
1073. | Miki Shim | Arts & Science Profession | $23,911 |
1074. | Madina Klicheva | Administrative Associate | $23,739 |
1075. | Elyse Fink | Arts & Science Profession | $23,359 |
1076. | Judith Spirn | Library Clerk – H | $23,333 |
1077. | Byron Binns | Arts & Science Profession | $23,262 |
1078. | Kathleen Harrington | Library Clerk – H | $23,242 |
1079. | Marcelina Perez | Custodial Assistant – H | $23,174 |
1080. | Gordon Baillie | Assistant Park Ranger – H | $23,132 |
1081. | Aleksander Tycz | Recreation Leader III – H | $22,988 |
1082. | Matthew Steele | General Laborer H | $22,920 |
1083. | Hildy Kiefer | Clerical Assistant – H | $22,850 |
1084. | Stacey Sarmiento | Administrative Specialist | $22,849 |
1085. | Dixie Story | Library Clerk – H | $22,844 |
1086. | Jessica Goodman | Manager Library Services | $22,815 |
1087. | John Williams | Custodial Assistant – H | $22,784 |
1088. | Marija Ivanovic | Library Clerk – H | $22,664 |
1089. | Nicolas Oliver | Legal Fellow | $22,609 |
1090. | Valerie Tramack | Library Clerk – H | $22,484 |
1091. | Jennifer Gonsalves | Arts & Science Profession | $22,357 |
1092. | Anne Elvin | Instructor I – H | $22,339 |
1093. | Erum Maqbool | Staff Specialist H | $22,298 |
1094. | Alicia Romero | Custodial Assistant – H | $22,234 |
1095. | Angelica Ricafort | Administrative Associate | $21,849 |
1096. | Connie Hemphill | Maintenance Assistant – H | $21,842 |
1097. | Maryam Fereydouni | Library Clerk – H | $21,562 |
1098. | Jeff Pugh | Library Clerk – H | $21,530 |
1099. | Nicole Kreyger | Library Clerk – H | $21,417 |
1100. | Karen McGillis-Moskaluk | Administrative Specialist | $21,387 |
1101. | Paul Bains | Management Spec | $21,062 |
1102. | Esteban Lizarraga Tirado | Custodial Assistant – H | $21,017 |
1103. | Denise Laxen di Zazzo | Arts & Science Profession | $20,911 |
1104. | Paul Van Hook | Util Fld Svcs Rep | $20,891 |
1105. | Ricardo Castro | Custodial Assistant – H | $20,464 |
1106. | Helen Kim | Library Clerk – H | $20,321 |
1107. | Vanessa Silva | Administrative Associate | $20,320 |
1108. | Elizabeth Johnson | Library Clerk – H | $20,309 |
1109. | Paulo Santos | Open Space Technician – H | $20,183 |
1110. | Amanda Salisbury | Clerical Assistant | $20,176 |
1111. | Jason Lewis | General Laborer H | $20,025 |
1112. | Virginia Chow | Human Resources Technicia | $20,013 |
1113. | Chen Sun Lu | Custodial Assistant – H | $19,913 |
1114. | Jeffery Heckathorn | Administrative Associate | $19,891 |
1115. | Sara Martinez | Library Clerk – H | $19,809 |
1116. | Jose Elizalde | Custodial Assistant – H | $19,793 |
1117. | Dominic Inn | Jourey Level Laborer H | $19,601 |
1118. | Sarah Velichko | Arts & Science Technician | $19,599 |
1119. | Kathleen Gordon | Instructor III – H | $19,580 |
1120. | Peter Gollinger | Project Manager | $19,533 |
1121. | Joshua Jackson | Recreation Leader III – H | $19,484 |
1122. | Rebecca Kohn | Coord Library Prog | $19,304 |
1123. | Alec MacPherson | Arts & Science Profession | $18,992 |
1124. | Heather Shupe | Management Spec | $18,876 |
1125. | Anna Soland | Arts & Science Profession | $18,675 |
1126. | Claire Lin | Library Clerk – H | $18,583 |
1127. | Michaeline DeCaro | Instructor I – H | $18,409 |
1128. | Maria Guzman | Management Spec | $18,313 |
1129. | Troy Murray | Library Clerk – H | $18,262 |
1130. | Jeremy Palmitier | Fire Appratus Op EMT | $18,132 |
1131. | Antoine Trader | Fire Fighter EMT | $18,132 |
1132. | Hazel Roxas | Management Spec | $18,119 |
1133. | Gail Thoreson | Library Page – H | $18,092 |
1134. | Philip Fosu | Assoc Engineer | $18,026 |
1135. | David Lindberg | Arts & Science Profession | $17,962 |
1136. | Carley Bolitho | Open Space Technician – H | $17,935 |
1137. | Aaron Perkins | Senior Engineer – U | $17,699 |
1138. | Holly Keating | Zoological Assistant – H | $17,642 |
1139. | Marcus Barbour | Police Officer-Inter | $17,638 |
1140. | Lorianna Giarrizzo | Librarian | $17,593 |
1141. | Emily Butterly | Recreation Leader III – H | $17,587 |
1142. | Fredicka Noh | Public Safety Dispatcher | $17,397 |
1143. | Vera Rajic | Library Clerk – H | $17,332 |
1144. | Steven Hendrickson | Management Spec | $17,300 |
1145. | Caitlyn Marianacci | Arts & Science Profession | $17,236 |
1146. | Robert Young-Jackson | Custodial Assistant | $17,207 |
1147. | Michele McCarthy | Zoological Assistant – H | $17,179 |
1148. | Cory Hall | Arts & Science Technician | $17,038 |
1149. | George Gaffney | Library Page – H | $17,028 |
1150. | Alejandro Meza | Recreation Leader II | $16,762 |
1151. | Pamela Chun | Engr Tech III | $16,617 |
1152. | Jacqueline Baumsteiger | Fire Fighter EMT | $16,364 |
1153. | Remy Jordan | Opr Prmdc-12.5 EMT | $16,364 |
1154. | Richard Wetzel | Management Spec | $16,184 |
1155. | Tymoteusz Drobot | Police Officer-Inter | $16,076 |
1156. | Penelope Hutchinson | Instructor II | $15,932 |
1157. | Pamela Moore | Library Clerk – H | $15,870 |
1158. | Linsey Almassey | Arts & Science Technician | $15,767 |
1159. | Erica Baran | Recreation Leader III – H | $15,360 |
1160. | Victoria Miljanich | Library Page – H | $15,306 |
1161. | Salvador Llamas | General Laborer H | $15,301 |
1162. | Kiana Oliva | Police Officer-Inter | $15,151 |
1163. | Jungwon Yoon | Coord Library Prog | $14,724 |
1164. | Sudharsana Venugopalan | Library Page – H | $14,713 |
1165. | Alison Healy | Management Spec | $14,369 |
1166. | Weili Tseng | Library Clerk – H | $14,363 |
1167. | Greg Tanaka | City Council | $14,346 |
1168. | Kenneth Gutierrez | Util Syst Oper | $14,224 |
1169. | Lucy McLaurin | Library Clerk – H | $14,175 |
1170. | Vincent Lin | Staff Specialist H | $14,171 |
1171. | Molly Diamond | Recreation Leader III – H | $14,123 |
1172. | Kimberly Sims | Administrative Specialist | $13,914 |
1173. | Gregory Scharff | City Council | $13,719 |
1174. | Howard Yancey | Management Spec | $13,330 |
1175. | Susan Bodenlos | Management Spec | $13,286 |
1176. | Elena Kapbasova | Library Page – H | $13,210 |
1177. | Corinna Mori | Instructor II – H | $13,209 |
1178. | Christopher Parrish | Arts & Science Profession | $13,183 |
1179. | Elizabeth Kniss | City Council | $13,119 |
1180. | Miki Smith | Library Page – H | $12,481 |
1181. | Asante Greene | Administrative Specialist | $12,404 |
1182. | Brina Elmore | Public Safety Dispatcher | $12,258 |
1183. | David Irving | Librarian | $12,255 |
1184. | Md Riaz Ahmed Khan | Management Spec | $12,225 |
1185. | Kacy Buchin | Clerical Assistant | $12,167 |
1186. | Bradley Herran | Management Spec | $12,118 |
1187. | Kevin Nguyen | Recreation Leader I | $12,018 |
1188. | Kylie Crandall | Recreation Leader III – H | $11,991 |
1189. | Karen Holman | City Council | $11,891 |
1190. | Eric Filseth | City Council | $11,891 |
1191. | Thomas DuBois | City Council | $11,891 |
1192. | Cory Wolbach | City Council | $11,891 |
1193. | Elizabeth Hernandez | Recreation Leader III | $11,787 |
1194. | Lydia Kou | City Council | $11,725 |
1195. | Adrian Fine | City Council | $11,725 |
1196. | Pedro Guzman | Management Spec | $11,704 |
1197. | Doris Chen | Librarian | $11,678 |
1198. | Paulina Shapona | Instructor III – H | $11,630 |
1199. | Susan Malcolm | Library Page – H | $11,611 |
1200. | Kathy Chin | Library Page – H | $11,530 |
1201. | Blake Ragsdale | Recreation Leader III – H | $11,503 |
1202. | Rachel Gates | Management Spec | $11,319 |
1203. | Alison Hlady | Instructor II – H | $11,311 |
1204. | Refugio Flores | Custodial Assistant – H | $11,279 |
1205. | Christina McGuire | House Manager – H | $11,230 |
1206. | Kimberly Hendrix | Administrative Specialist | $11,159 |
1207. | Oluwatobi Adekanye | Management Spec | $11,100 |
1208. | Gloria Humble | Management Spec | $11,075 |
1209. | Sheila Christine Smith | Instructor II | $11,049 |
1210. | Rohit Rana | Senior Business Analyst – | $11,033 |
1211. | Lauren Rhodes | Library Page – H | $10,882 |
1212. | Marcus Moreno-Ramos | Recreation Leader II – H | $10,824 |
1213. | Brittany Leung | Management Spec | $10,760 |
1214. | Diamond Perkins | Coord Utility Proj | $10,721 |
1215. | Robert Tompkins | Management Spec | $10,659 |
1216. | Fatima Alcantar | Library Clerk – H | $10,629 |
1217. | Jennifer O’Flaherty | Arts & Science Profession | $10,616 |
1218. | Joshua Watson-Mitchell | Administrative Associate | $10,563 |
1219. | Yu Lu | Library Page – H | $10,444 |
1220. | Bitew Tisase | Library Page – H | $10,434 |
1221. | Tracy Tope | Management Spec | $10,225 |
1222. | Lokman Fong | Planner | $10,186 |
1223. | Danny Baggs | Arts & Science Profession | $10,171 |
1224. | Jetinder Grewal | House Manager – H | $10,105 |
1225. | Naomi Permutt | Librarian – H | $10,035 |
1226. | Jason Brigel | Recreation Leader III | $10,029 |
1227. | Sara Perales | Administrative Specialist | $10,022 |
1228. | Roylene Chand | Administrative Specialist | $10,004 |
1229. | Megan Valencia | Recreation Leader III | $9,956 |
1230. | Kendrick Kelly | Library Page – H | $9,831 |
1231. | Melissa Cheng | Recreation Leader II | $9,817 |
1232. | Gregory Unger | Water Sys Oper I | $9,697 |
1233. | Sarah Kolarik | Management Spec | $9,684 |
1234. | Joe Teresi Jr | Senior Engineer | $9,543 |
1235. | Juliet Norvig | Instructor I – H | $9,413 |
1236. | Brooklyn Willis | Recreation Leader II | $9,352 |
1237. | Sheila Bishop | Management Spec | $9,346 |
1238. | Martha Avila-Zavala | Recreation Leader III | $9,211 |
1239. | Tessa Reeder | Management Spec | $9,180 |
1240. | Joanna Tang | Management Spec | $9,177 |
1241. | Eric Jensen | Police Reserve I | $9,174 |
1242. | Corinne DeBra | Recreation Leader III | $9,132 |
1243. | Josh Brigel | Recreation Leader III | $9,107 |
1244. | Jarku Virtanen | Arts & Science Profession | $9,107 |
1245. | Daniel Cuevas | Police Officer-Inter | $9,050 |
1246. | Isabel Zacharczuk | Assoc Engineer | $9,041 |
1247. | Julia McElhinney | Staff Specialist H | $8,837 |
1248. | Joanna Young | Library Page – H | $8,777 |
1249. | Lacee Kortsen | Manager Community Service | $8,744 |
1250. | Marion Evison | Library Page – H | $8,729 |
1251. | Christina Pham | Recreation Leader I | $8,493 |
1252. | Adijat Idris | Clerical Assistant – H | $8,456 |
1253. | Russell Kamiyama | Mgr Electric Oprns | $8,423 |
1254. | Lisa Perrott | Arts & Science Profession | $8,390 |
1255. | Christine Walker | Instructor II | $8,237 |
1256. | Alexander Contini | Recreation Leader III – H | $8,229 |
1257. | Bunny Bornstein | Library Page – H | $8,198 |
1258. | Larry Siegel | House Manager – H | $8,115 |
1259. | Robert Scilingo | Open Space Technician – H | $8,024 |
1260. | Alexander Dudin | Recreation Leader I | $7,969 |
1261. | Amir Boulett | Recreation Leader II – H | $7,871 |
1262. | Vicente Ochoa | Custodial Assistant | $7,629 |
1263. | Jennifer Yee | Recreation Leader III – H | $7,547 |
1264. | Danielle Condit | Bldg/Plg Technician | $7,481 |
1265. | Noah Asing | Recreation Leader II | $7,444 |
1266. | Javod Ghods | Clerical Assistant – H | $7,321 |
1267. | Helen Nguyen | Recreation Leader II | $7,266 |
1268. | Aisha Chabane | Recreation Leader I | $7,181 |
1269. | Michelle Carothers | Instructor I – H | $7,060 |
1270. | Lisa Bolger | Management Spec | $7,038 |
1271. | Jennifer Wei | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $6,961 |
1272. | Messay Betru | Staff Specialist H | $6,829 |
1273. | Joyce Christiansen-Salameh | Recreation Leader III | $6,766 |
1274. | Camille LaMaster | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $6,633 |
1275. | Cherese Mae Cabardo | Recreation Leader III – H | $6,620 |
1276. | Pamela Dorrell | Instructor II | $6,481 |
1277. | Toribia Isela Noh | Recreation Leader III | $6,380 |
1278. | Margaret Coleman | Assistant City Attorney | $6,315 |
1279. | Justin Yip | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $6,296 |
1280. | Nemo Swift | Recreation Leader III | $6,213 |
1281. | Ritu Advani | Recreation Leader II | $6,206 |
1282. | Daniel Howell | Recreation Leader II | $6,184 |
1283. | Taylor Matel | Recreation Leader II | $6,138 |
1284. | Lora Groves | Arts & Science Profession | $6,124 |
1285. | Nicole Dizon | Recreation Leader II | $6,124 |
1286. | Everett Choy | Custodial Assistant – H | $6,114 |
1287. | Mayerly Short | Recreation Leader I | $6,108 |
1288. | Michael Rodriguez-Jimenez | Recreation Leader II | $6,098 |
1289. | Steven Herring | Recreation Leader II | $6,084 |
1290. | Elias Platte Bermeo | Management Spec | $6,048 |
1291. | Luke Mulhall | Acct Spec | $5,989 |
1292. | Domenico Paolo | Management Spec | $5,985 |
1293. | Joelle Welch | Librarian – H | $5,976 |
1294. | Kathryn Cox | Recreation Leader II | $5,961 |
1295. | Hayley Poore | Recreation Leader III | $5,904 |
1296. | Jonathan Navarro | Custodial Assistant – H | $5,903 |
1297. | Amanjit Grewal | Engr Tech III | $5,773 |
1298. | Karol Gallucci | Management Assistant | $5,687 |
1299. | Alfredo Gonzalez Velez | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $5,644 |
1300. | Margaret Schoenholtz | Recreation Leader III – H | $5,627 |
1301. | John Hutalla | Custodial Assistant – H | $5,559 |
1302. | Cary Faulkner | Recreation Leader III | $5,543 |
1303. | Leila Benest | Recreation Leader I | $5,529 |
1304. | Rachel Nin | Arts & Science Profession | $5,507 |
1305. | John Reilly | Recreation Leader I | $5,496 |
1306. | Sean McCluskey | Recreation Leader I | $5,476 |
1307. | Brian Nguyen | Recreation Leader I | $5,475 |
1308. | Grant Phelps | Recreation Leader III | $5,471 |
1309. | Emma Moran | Instructor II – H | $5,442 |
1310. | Chastin Chung | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $5,424 |
1311. | Frank Mendez | St Sweeper Op | $5,420 |
1312. | Fayann Han | Recreation Leader II | $5,373 |
1313. | Viviana Quesada | Clerical Assistant | $5,351 |
1314. | Laurel Nelson | Recreation Leader III | $5,337 |
1315. | Edward Li | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $5,336 |
1316. | Heidi Kobara | House Manager – H | $5,270 |
1317. | Maya Ghai | Recreation Leader I | $5,220 |
1318. | Conrado Aspiras | Library Page – H | $5,216 |
1319. | Chantal Gaines | Assistant to City Manager | $5,196 |
1320. | Betty Han | Administrative Specialist | $5,183 |
1321. | Natalie Costa | Recreation Leader II | $5,081 |
1322. | Kelcy Campbell | Arts & Science Profession | $5,068 |
1323. | Aliya Kapbasova | Library Clerk – H | $5,039 |
1324. | Kathleen Liu | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $5,033 |
1325. | Rebecca Neff | Management Spec | $5,030 |
1326. | Henry Queen | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $5,028 |
1327. | Dimiter Zlatkov | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,972 |
1328. | William Chi | Recreation Leader I | $4,929 |
1329. | Judy Dong | Library Page – H | $4,904 |
1330. | Joy Chan | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,859 |
1331. | Clara Luehrs | Recreation Leader I | $4,818 |
1332. | Shirley Yu | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,815 |
1333. | Michael Weiss | Library Page | $4,750 |
1334. | Audrey Tsien | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,750 |
1335. | Georgia Luehrs | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,734 |
1336. | Edward Clapp | Arts & Science Profession | $4,716 |
1337. | Jerico Abanico | Recreation Leader III | $4,596 |
1338. | Melanie Reilly | Recreation Leader I | $4,585 |
1339. | Karen Saxena | Recreation Leader II | $4,569 |
1340. | Loree Lee Harper | Zoological Assistant – H | $4,502 |
1341. | Rye Ri Lim | Management Spec | $4,493 |
1342. | David Zeisler | Recreation Leader II | $4,441 |
1343. | Neive Wellington | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,395 |
1344. | Benjamin Tycz | Recreation Leader I | $4,374 |
1345. | Karina Quintero | Open Space Technician – H | $4,354 |
1346. | Audrey Lamis | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,284 |
1347. | Mary Mercurio | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,266 |
1348. | Jordan Quigley | Recreation Leader II | $4,242 |
1349. | Alexa Weinstein | Recreation Leader II | $4,194 |
1350. | Angelina Calderon | Management Spec | $4,186 |
1351. | Erin Kathleen MacElroy | Recreation Leader I | $4,139 |
1352. | Guy Parmeter | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,126 |
1353. | Alexis Rudd | Police Reserve I | $4,102 |
1354. | Moira Saxena | Recreation Leader I | $4,044 |
1355. | Cynthia Kim | Program Assistant I | $4,032 |
1356. | Nathan Chun | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $4,032 |
1357. | Giselle Richmond | Recreation Leader I | $4,001 |
1358. | Mercedez Powers | General Laborer H | $3,995 |
1359. | Callum Day Ham | Recreation Leader I | $3,982 |
1360. | Michael Ferolino | Recreation Leader II | $3,939 |
1361. | Amber Espar | Recreation Leader III | $3,930 |
1362. | Evan Rosenberg | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,928 |
1363. | Kelson Lau | Power Engr | $3,926 |
1364. | Margaret Cheung | Recreation Leader I | $3,894 |
1365. | Amelia Clough | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,846 |
1366. | Daniel Ryan | Police Reserve I | $3,840 |
1367. | Albert Perez | Recreation Leader III | $3,833 |
1368. | Tony Silva | Elec Asst I | $3,796 |
1369. | Cameron Fiske | Recreation Leader I | $3,762 |
1370. | Raj Sodhi | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,738 |
1371. | Quinn Anderson | Instructor I | $3,721 |
1372. | Sarah O’Riordan | Recreation Leader I | $3,603 |
1373. | Omri Yaari | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,601 |
1374. | Rahul Sankar | Recreation Leader I | $3,588 |
1375. | Randy Wu | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,552 |
1376. | Cheryl Bains | Recreation Leader II | $3,455 |
1377. | Leonardo Trejo-Bien | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,440 |
1378. | Samuel Yang | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,433 |
1379. | Richard Chandler | Recreation Leader II | $3,432 |
1380. | Drake Schiller | Recreation Leader I | $3,432 |
1381. | Carolyn Kuimelis | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,430 |
1382. | Jared Yang | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,388 |
1383. | Amy Peeples | Management Spec | $3,376 |
1384. | Aaron Schultz | Recreation Leader II | $3,370 |
1385. | Dianna Romero | Custodial Assistant – H | $3,350 |
1386. | Isabel Hadly | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,345 |
1387. | Alexa Miller | Recreation Leader I | $3,334 |
1388. | Kenny Egan | Recreation Leader III | $3,328 |
1389. | Kyle Hetzel | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,322 |
1390. | Josephine Waliman | Recreation Leader I | $3,285 |
1391. | Mackenzie Kay | Recreation Leader III | $3,238 |
1392. | Joel Boccio | Recreation Leader II | $3,205 |
1393. | Brandon Chin | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,179 |
1394. | Janet Shea | Recreation Leader I | $3,153 |
1395. | Gregory Jerian | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,144 |
1396. | Grace Thayer | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,114 |
1397. | Cletus Coble | Library Page | $3,091 |
1398. | Anthony Zunino | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,084 |
1399. | Tatiana Sreenivasan | Recreation Leader II | $3,079 |
1400. | Abigail Clarke | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,045 |
1401. | Gretel Gunther | Management Spec | $3,042 |
1402. | Dylan Kim | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $3,035 |
1403. | Frine Castro | Custodial Assistant – H | $3,007 |
1404. | Marcus Campbell | Custodial Assistant – H | $2,982 |
1405. | Jacob Axelrod | Recreation Leader I | $2,961 |
1406. | Fred Reitman | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,957 |
1407. | Melvin Dumas | Custodial Assistant – H | $2,920 |
1408. | Alexandro Sepulveda | Public Safety Dispatcher | $2,912 |
1409. | Ted Immonen | House Manager | $2,817 |
1410. | Hector Carretero | Motor Equipment Mechanic | $2,808 |
1411. | Charlene Ronne | Recreation Leader II | $2,799 |
1412. | Breanna Homrighausen | Library Clerk – H | $2,794 |
1413. | Eric Weiss | Management Spec | $2,746 |
1414. | Melissa DuBois | Recreation Leader I | $2,681 |
1415. | William Dougall | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,675 |
1416. | Alana Forrest | Management Spec | $2,660 |
1417. | Sarah Syed | Sr Planner | $2,602 |
1418. | Jamie Dorst | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,547 |
1419. | Jared Yang | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,540 |
1420. | Chandler Bastiansen | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,533 |
1421. | Rick Farr | Police Reserve II | $2,502 |
1422. | Laura Bloomfield | Librarian | $2,498 |
1423. | Christopher Markman | Sr Librarian | $2,478 |
1424. | Alec Vercruysse | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,473 |
1425. | Bryan Look | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,432 |
1426. | Paige Knoblock | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,425 |
1427. | Cyrus Cary | Program Assistant | $2,420 |
1428. | Trevor Wylie | Arts & ScienceTechnician | $2,419 |
1429. | Bradley Angell | Senior Management Analyst | $2,415 |
1430. | Kyle Stephens | Library Page – H | $2,401 |
1431. | Brooke Menesini | Recreation Leader II | $2,387 |
1432. | Cassie Grana | Recreation Leader II | $2,360 |
1433. | Oliver Enos | Police Officer-Inter | $2,359 |
1434. | Amy Steinmann | Instructor II – H | $2,358 |
1435. | Tamarah Zimek | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,346 |
1436. | Hafez Mohseni | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,321 |
1437. | Heewon Park | Arts & Science Profession | $2,288 |
1438. | Benjamin Beisheim | Recreation Leader I | $2,256 |
1439. | Megan Cooper | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,231 |
1440. | Lisa Bilir | Resource Planner | $2,151 |
1441. | Evan Lum | Arts & Science Aide – H | $2,151 |
1442. | Zoe Rosenfeld | Arts & Science Profession | $2,151 |
1443. | William Leong | Recreation Leader II | $2,141 |
1444. | Barbara Jacobson | Administrative Specialist | $2,115 |
1445. | Milo Audije | Recreation Leader I | $2,113 |
1446. | Ian Mungai | Recreation Leader I | $2,100 |
1447. | Jonathan Young | Recreation Leader I | $2,088 |
1448. | Josh Pu | Recreation Leader II | $2,060 |
1449. | To the Estate of Alexis Bryce | Recreation Leader II | $2,041 |
1450. | Rebecca Barbee | Prod Arts/Sci Prog | $2,033 |
1451. | Koh Suzuki | Recreation Leader II | $2,010 |
1452. | Mary Acevedo Flores | Assistant Park Ranger | $2,007 |
1453. | Amy Llewellyn | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $2,003 |
1454. | Garrett Melick | Recreation Leader I | $1,994 |
1455. | David DeGeronimo | Recreation Leader I | $1,989 |
1456. | Vincent Fuller | Recreation Leader I | $1,959 |
1457. | Jennifer Hill | Recreation Leader III | $1,948 |
1458. | Sabrina Dahlen | Recreation Leader I | $1,920 |
1459. | Erin Mahoney | Recreation Leader I | $1,907 |
1460. | Bharat Sampathi | Recreation Leader I | $1,871 |
1461. | Ravi Shah | Recreation Leader I | $1,860 |
1462. | Peter Colombo | Recreation Leader II | $1,860 |
1463. | Kimberly Collet | Police Reserve I | $1,845 |
1464. | Geraldine Phillips | Recreation Leader I | $1,833 |
1465. | Elaina Chan | Administrative Specialist | $1,826 |
1466. | Olga Blanson | Administrative Specialist | $1,806 |
1467. | Yaquelin Perez | Clerical Assistant – H | $1,796 |
1468. | Mary Wicher | Library Page – H | $1,693 |
1469. | Rachel Tang | Recreation Leader I | $1,680 |
1470. | Kevin Miske | Recreation Leader II | $1,663 |
1471. | Emma Braun | Recreation Leader III – H | $1,657 |
1472. | Michael Wu | Recreation Leader I | $1,608 |
1473. | Geoffrey Campbell | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,605 |
1474. | Alexa Gelfenbaum | House Manager | $1,557 |
1475. | Mai Nguyen | Library Page – H | $1,549 |
1476. | Edward Butler | Recreation Leader I | $1,548 |
1477. | Vernel Leslie | Recreation Leader II | $1,542 |
1478. | Evan Bromberg | Recreation Leader II | $1,534 |
1479. | Sebastian Fernandez | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,526 |
1480. | Daniel Santos | Library Page – H | $1,485 |
1481. | Michelle Fang | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,467 |
1482. | Deokja Chung | Library Page – H | $1,456 |
1483. | Timothy Waymouth | Recreation Leader II | $1,436 |
1484. | Paige Ogawa | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,435 |
1485. | Andrew Dimock | Recreation Leader II | $1,432 |
1486. | Louis Marzano | Recreation Leader I | $1,416 |
1487. | Alexander Twoy | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,392 |
1488. | Ofri Enav | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,349 |
1489. | Sandro Chavez | Recreation Leader II | $1,346 |
1490. | Lou Guionnet | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,327 |
1491. | Shunmel Syau | Recreation Leader I | $1,308 |
1492. | Juan Gonzalez | Recreation Leader I | $1,302 |
1493. | Jonathan Kessler | Recreation Leader II | $1,274 |
1494. | Ami Hensley | Management Spec | $1,274 |
1495. | Markus Waiters | Custodial Assistant – H | $1,271 |
1496. | Robert Stoesser | Police Reserve I | $1,260 |
1497. | Joseph Saxe | Arts & Science Profession | $1,251 |
1498. | Garrett Reynolds | Recreation Leader I | $1,249 |
1499. | Mackenzie Mosier | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,244 |
1500. | Elise Tavella | Librarian | $1,243 |
1501. | Megan Cole | Recreation Leader II | $1,214 |
1502. | Debra Cosentino | Recreation Leader III | $1,210 |
1503. | Michael Caceres | Recreation Leader II | $1,210 |
1504. | Lawrence Dudash | Recreation Leader II | $1,194 |
1505. | Robert Ruiz | Recreation Leader III | $1,181 |
1506. | Christopher Horpel | Recreation Leader II | $1,164 |
1507. | Eric Lopez | Recreation Leader I | $1,149 |
1508. | Cayla Koga | Recreation Leader III | $1,134 |
1509. | Elizabeth Greenfield | Management Spec | $1,120 |
1510. | Taeaonaisaua Tu’ufuli | Stock Clerk | $1,110 |
1511. | Hilary King | Clerical Assistant | $1,108 |
1512. | Kasra Orumchian | Recreation Leader I | $1,104 |
1513. | Justina Trinh | Library Page – H | $1,089 |
1514. | Albert Malik | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,069 |
1515. | Sophia Xu | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $1,038 |
1516. | Colin Schultz | Recreation Leader I | $1,008 |
1517. | Scott Peters | Recreation Leader I | $997 |
1518. | Jessica Jen | Recreation Leader I | $947 |
1519. | Vivian Feng | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $924 |
1520. | Kelcie Lai | Recreation Leader I | $899 |
1521. | Kate Heller | Recreation Leader I | $890 |
1522. | Michael Slinger | Management Spec | $849 |
1523. | Sean Newton | Recreation Leader II | $833 |
1524. | Marya Li | Recreation Leader I | $797 |
1525. | Terri Spicer | Recreation Leader III | $794 |
1526. | Joseph Kelmon | Recreation Leader I | $772 |
1527. | Sitara Simons | Recreation Leader I | $756 |
1528. | Minki Kim | Recreation Leader III | $733 |
1529. | Daniel Figueira | Police Officer-Adv-Biling | $726 |
1530. | Thomas Burton | Recreation Leader I | $720 |
1531. | Max Kelmon | Recreation Leader I | $708 |
1532. | Theodore Taubeneck | Recreation Leader I | $672 |
1533. | Cody Carefoot | Recreation Leader I | $638 |
1534. | Samuel Zuccaro | Management Spec | $557 |
1535. | Elaine Chu | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $517 |
1536. | Anita Tran | House Manager | $485 |
1537. | Guadalupe Razo-Diaz | Recreation Leader I | $485 |
1538. | Laurel Comiter | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $456 |
1539. | Freeman Simon | Recreation Leader I | $452 |
1540. | Karen Chou | Administrative Associate | $442 |
1541. | Sakshi Satpathy | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $373 |
1542. | Brian Xu | Recreation Leader I | $372 |
1543. | Elizabeth Ruder | Management Spec | $303 |
1544. | Patrick Burt | City Council | $278 |
1545. | Neha Chawla | Swim Instructor/Lifeguard | $216 |
1546. | Lance LeDrew | House Manager | $172 |
1547. | Gregory Schmid | City Council | $167 |
1548. | Benjamin Cleasby | Recreation Leader I | $144 |
1549. | Marc Berman | City Council | $139 |
1550. | Curtis Liang | Recreation Leader I | $51 |
The problem with this is that it only includes salary not total compensation. If you include pensions, benefits, overtime, etc. you have to literally double the salary. So Jim Keene actually makes $327.6*2= $655.2k. This is many times higher than the average Palo Alto household (~$135k/yr.). Most private sector compensation doesn’t include generous pensions which payout for the employee’s spouse or employee’s lifetime.
Yes, it would be nice to know what the cost of pension benefits would be, but I’m not sure anybody has an handle on it. What “Overpaid” doesn’t understand is that pension benefits are “defined benefit plans”, meaning the pensioner gets the same amount of money every month regardless of whether the pension fund has had an excellent year or loses money. And since these benefits are paid out throughout the pensioner’s lifetime, you need to know how long the pensioner will live if you want an accurate figure for the liability. But there’s no way of knowing how long people are going to live, Life expectancies are constantly increasing. Yes, the cities and CalPERS have actuarials (people who try to predict how long a pensioner will live), but their forecasts are usually wrong. And the policy-makers (i.e., council members) fudge the actuarial forecasts to make it seem as if the unfunded liabilities are lower so that they can spend money on other things. So, “Overpaid” you’re not going to get a reliable number for the cost of pension and retire healthcare benefits. Sorry. Now if we had defined contribution pension plans (like 401(k)s), the story would be entirely different.
When you see a list like this you wonder why do they need all these people and why do they have to pay them so much. Every company I’ve worked for (I’m retired) would carefully go over its payroll to see who is needed and whose job could be eliminated. But I’m watching the council meetings and the meetings of the finance committee I rarely hear that topic. Then you read in the paper all the stupid things people waste their time on at the city — plastic bag bans, soda taxes, real estate transaction taxes, an office cap that never is reached, roundabouts, speed bumps — and you shake your head. I’m all for the police being well paid because it’s a tough job dealing with all the crazy dangerous people out there. And I’m glad to know we have a well staffed fire-paramedic department, but do we need Chief Sustainability Officer??? The only time I heard about council wanting to trim the payroll was when they wanted to cut positions in the Auditor’s Office. That’s not a good place to cut if you want to keep an eye on the city’s spending, which might have been the reason it was targeted.