By the Daily Post staff
The Palo Alto Utilities Department says that of 12:30 today (March 22) there are still 116 customers without electrical power, but that’s a far cry from earlier today.
At 7:18 this morning, the Utilities Department reported that 4,481 customers in several neighborhoods were without power. This follows the wind storm on Tuesday that caused widespread outages in both Palo Alto and other Mid-Peninsula cities.
At around 9:15, crews had restored power to 3,409 customers, but 1,064 remained.
As of noon, only 116 are without power.
The Utilities Department says crews are working to restore those customers. The cause of the outage is under investigation.
I would like to highly commend the fast and efficient work done by the Palo Alto Utility company and other workers during this latest storm. Two rows of houses on Louis Rd. and Nathan Way in south Palo Alto lost power on Tuesday afternoon when a large piece of a tall redwood tree crashed through the power lines running between those streets, breaking the lines and also damaging one of the poles. I figured that it would take some time for power to be restored due to the extent of the damage as well as to the numerous other outages and down power lines that had occurred. The utility workers were able to repair the damage and restore power to us by mid-afternoon on Wednesday, much sooner than we expected (and before any food was lost), and they seemed to be very competent and professional in doing so. I also thank the PA Fire department for their quick response and to whoever was out there at 4am Wednesday morning cutting away branches and clearing debris before the utility workers could do their work.