Instead of a first come, first serve method of distributing vaccines, Gov. Gavin Newsom has decided the distribution will take place in tranches that emphasize “equity.”
Right now, California is in Phase 1A of vaccine distribution, which covers:
• Health care workers
• Workers and residents at skilled nursing facilities and other long-term care homes
Phase 1B includes people who are unable to work from home, live or work in highly impacted areas, or are most likely to spread the virus to coworkers or the public. Phase 1B is broken down into two tiers.
Phase 1B, Tier One
• People 65 and older
• Teachers and child care workers
• Emergency services workers
• Grocery store employees
• Farm workers
Phase 1B, Tier Two
• Workers in transportation and logistics
• Workers in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors
• Critical manufacturing workers
• Prisoners
• The homeless
Phase 1C
• Anyone 50 and older
• Anyone 16 to 64 years old with an underlying health condition or disability
• Workers in water and waste management
• Workers in the defense, energy and chemical sectors
• Communications and IT workers
• Financial services and government operations workers
• Community service groups
Other phases have yet to be determined.
Looks like I’m in 1C and a guy begging for handouts on University Ave is ahead of me. Bravo Mr. Governor. You’ve just confirmed what I’ve always thought … that you want the homeless to move here, and that’s why SF is full of them.