This story has been updated to include a response from the Sheriff.
Daily Post Staff Writer
San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus’ plans for a childcare center and substation are being put on hold due to a lack of a budget plan, according to an email from County Executive Mike Callagy.
Callagy’s email includes a list of reasons he thinks the sheriff’s plan for a childcare center ought to be halted — including the allegation that her office did not follow county protocols related to the substation, resulting in $750,000 being spent on a vacant building.
Corpus responded to Callagy yesterday, saying his assertions about her office’s budget are incorrect and unfairly penalize her employees who would benefit from the center. She also said her office followed county protocols, even hiring a project manager he suggested.
Callagy’s email had pointed out that the sheriff’s office’s budget surplus has shrunk from “a healthy $33 million reserve to a reserve of only $3 million, which falls below the reserve threshold required, under the County’s budget policy, which mandates departmental reserves of at least 2%.”
The county’s Office of Budget and Performance previously told the Post that the major items the sheriff’s office paid for with its surplus include spending $27.8 million on its headquarters project.
Sheriff’s spokeswoman Gretchen Spiker previously defended the surplus drop, saying it’s “normal practice to budget one-time capital and technology projects in fund balance,” such as the sheriff’s office’s new headquarters and a server upgrade.
Now that the headquarters project is wrapping up this fiscal year, “we are confident in our ability to build our reserves back up to the recommended levels,” Spiker said.
The sheriff’s office announced the launch of a law enforcement child daycare center on Sept. 19, aiming to use it to improve retention and attract more employees, according to a statement issued by Corpus.
The center is looking to be located at 686-690 Broadway in Redwood City, according to a records request from the Post. The Sheriff’s Office’s initial social media post about the ribbon cutting in Redwood City on Sept. 19 said approval for construction would go before the Board of Supervisors on Oct. 8. However the item has not appeared on any agenda yet.
Callagy said in the email that Corpus’ proposed agenda items regarding the childcare center for the Board of Supervisors meeting on Nov. 12 were not going to be on the agenda. Callagy’s staff had reached a member of Corpus’ twice telling them they needed to meet with and plan with Callagy’s office so the Sheriff’s Office could repay the county.
“Your staff didn’t follow the mandated procurement process for the buildout of the new Sheriff’s substation, it resulted in significant delays resulting in the incurring of $750,000 in taxpayer expense over the last year and a half for a vacant building,” Callagy said in the email.
Corpus refuted Callagy’s claim that her office has not followed the correct procedure, and instead has “diligently” followed every direction from Callagy’s office.
Corpus says she remains ready to bring the child care center to the board next week and explain to the board how her office plans to finance the project.
“I strongly urge you to immediately place this item back on the Board’s agenda. Our employees should not be penalized for political maneuvering or personal disagreements. Removing this project from consideration at this juncture appears to be a retaliatory action and a continuation of inappropriate interference in the operations of the Sheriff’s Office,” Corpus wrote.
The Post found through a previous records request that Callagy halted Corpus’ termination of Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan on Sept. 17.
Callagy said in an email to Corpus that the termination might be seen as retaliation or an attempt to interfere with an independent investigation of the Sheriff’s Office being conducted by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell, based on complaints involving Corpus’ department.
Which brilliant mind decided it woukd be a good idea to put a day care center next to a paint facility – Sherwin Williams Paints at 696 Broadway.
The same people that thought a Sheriff’s substation should be located in Redwood City proper in an industrial park.
Yes. Because of her not following up on a theft that happened to me last year on November 10th at a gas station in montera , I lost $365k on fantasy 5 and still to this day nothing has come of it not even a surveillance video has been investigated into. Something has to be done to stop Christina and her lover Victor from defrauding the citizens in which they work for as public servants
750,000 of taxes gone for a vacant space? Sure looks like either arrogance, ignorance, and/or stupidity. The “Sheriff” needs to be held accountable for this absurdity.
As time goes on, Sheriff Corpus sounds less and less competent and focused on a small group of people not a COUNTY.
The wrong people advising her.
Lacking proper knowledge and skills to do things the moral and ethical way.
And why is this man Victor still working there? Enough is enough. We have all had it with these public childish games. Read his article that ignored so many issues that have been made public. I don’t see how anyone can trust him especially a sheriff.
Growing list of willful misconduct:
• Using public funds not earmarked for such a purpose, launched a law enforcement child daycare center with the aim to use it to improve retention and attract more Sheriffs employees
• Sheriff’s staff (Chief of?) didn’t follow the mandated county procurement process for the buildout of the new Sheriff’s substation
• $750,000 in taxpayer expense over the last year and a half for a vacant building, only used as a headquarters for a private corporation, the Sheriff’s Office Foundation
• Approval for construction of the law enforcement child daycare center has not yet gone before the Board of Supervisors
• Project lacks a budget plan
• Did not follow county protocols, plural, related to the substation
• As a county department head, allowed the budget surplus to fall below the reserve threshold required under the County’s budget policy
• Failed to meet with, and plan with Callagy’s office, so the Sheriff’s Office could repay the county, after being told twice of the need to do so
• Personally engaged in a termination process that might be reasonably seen as retaliation, or an attempt to interfere with, an independent investigation of the Sheriff’s Office
When will an accusation be composed and presented to the San Mateo County Grand Jury to investigate those and other behaviors of willful misconduct, pursuant to CA Govt Code §3060? When does willful misconduct become corruption? Does the FBI need to step in to initiate investigations of corruption?
Here are some facts. Cute little doctor Vicky esquire phd entered into a lease and didn’t follow county policy and procedure. Has that happened before at the sheriffs office before little elf Vicky. Answer no. 750,000 of taxpayer money wasted. Guess what. There are 9 more years on the lease. Is it gonning to stay vacant at a cost of 4.6 million tax payer dollars. Frankly, I pay property taxes and this is disgusting. Get rid of elf victor and his mindless puppet.
Sheriff Corpus never lets the facts get in the way of a good story. Is Victor the “broker” on the deal?
Kudos to the Daily Post staff for updating the original story to include a response from the Sheriff. The Sheriff’s response is both thought provoking and informative, yet likely not in a manner as intended by the Sheriff.
Is it true that the Sheriff’s budget still have a $33 million reserve, not a reserve of only $3 million? If it is only $3 million then Callagy is correct.
Is it true that the Sheriff’s departmental reserves match the county requirement of at least 2%? If it is less than 2% then Callagy is correct.
How in the world can Sheriff Corpus, in her right mind, perceive that Callagy’s comments might, “unfairly penalize her employees who would benefit from the center”? Does the Sheriff understand the County offers childcare adjacent to the government center, closer than her proposed new site, where the vast majority of her employees report to work daily? Has the Sheriff previously commissioned, or accomplished, any studies to see how a contribution of $750,000.00 from Sheriff’s funds may have improved childcare services at the existing center? Has the Sheriff commissioned a study exploring how the tax and compensation affects of providing childcare for Sheriff’s employees, based on their employment status, might cascade to retirement earning calculations and unfunded payout liabilities at the time of those employees retirements from the county? Has the Sheriff put those newly leased buildings to any purpose not yet shared publicly? Rhetorically, how does the Sheriff’s, or her staff’s, ineptitude to communicate, collaborate, plan and work as part of a county team of employees working together within county protocols, rules and guidelines somehow morph into a culpability of Callagy toward Sheriff’s employees?
Without addressing Corpus’ assertion that her office has, “followed every direction from Callagy’s office”, the Sheriff gives the clear appearance that she fails to recognize the more salient requirement upon herself, and her staff, not to operate as an independent, autonomous silo or island, but to communicate, collaborate, plan and work as part of a county team of employees working together within county protocols, rules and guidelines. Does the Sheriff realize that a project manager does not accomplish the Sheriff’s work for her?
As far as Corpus’ assertion that Callagy, while doing nothing more than apparently operating well within the bounds of his appointment as the county’s Chief Executive has somehow, “penalized [sheriffs employees] for political maneuvering or personal disagreements”, it appears that the Sheriff herself is doing her absolute best to engage in retaliatory actions by inappropriate interference in the operations of the County, and the County Executive. The term “political maneuvering” has only been surfaced most by, and has been frankly quite overused, Sheriff Corpus to deflect her responsibilities, to deflect blame and inexplicably to mysteriously absolve her own responsibility and mis-steps. Being an elected Sheriff does not absolve, nor relieve, any Sheriff from working collaboratively with all county employees.
California’s required code of conduct and ethics for all Law Enforcement Officers reads, in pertinent part, “I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of my department. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of my duty. I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities, or friendships to influence my decisions.”
Has Sheriff Corpus achieved this required standard of behavior and conduct?
Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price were both recalled yesterday. It’s long overdue to start circulating the recall petition for signatures.
Ditto to Hawkeye’s comment. PADP should research into whether Victor received any alleged kickbacks on the real estate deals of the Sheriff’s office: the McGuire Facility conversion, 690 Broadway, and the Old Chamber in Halfmoon Bay.
Kudos to the Daily Post for outing these wrongdoings