CORRECTION: Recent articles in the Daily Post (Aug. 31, Sept. 6, 8 and 21) about the San Mateo County Sheriff’s office that included references to Victor Aenlle, the Office’s Executive Director of Administration/Chief of Staff, should have included that he is a duly sworn reserve police officer. In addition, while the county of San Mateo is the named “Respondent” in the Unfair Practices Charge filed by the San Mateo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Aenlle is identified in the allegations of the charge as allegedly having been involved in alleged retaliatory communications and unfair practices.
Daily Post Staff Writer
San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus fired Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan on Friday after he confirmed he was interviewed by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell, who is investigating the office, San Mateo County Supervisor Ray Mueller said.
Cordell is now expanding her investigation to include whether Monaghan was fired in retaliation for speaking to Cordell, according to Mueller.
Mueller said the Board of Supervisors is prepared to take legal action if Monaghan was fired because he talked to Cordell.
Mueller said the board will protect those interviewed in the investigation.
Corpus fired back, saying “Mueller’s statement is pure speculation. He should have the facts before weighing in on an important subject like this.” She didn’t deny she fired Monaghan in retaliation, however, she just attacked Mueller, who was once her political ally.
Corpus said that as sheriff, she decides who to hire and fire in the sheriff’s department. “The coach picks the team. Period,” Corpus statement said.
Corpus’ most controversial hiring decision was picking Victor Aenlle to be her chief of staff and director of administration. Unions representing deputies and sergeants have filed a complaint with the Public Employment Relations Board against the county, and that complaint said he was involved in alleged retaliatory communications and unfair practices.
HR complaints have been filed against Aenlle, too. And last week, in an unprecedented move, 96% of union members voted in favor of no confidence against Aenlle.
Nonetheless, Corpus is staunchly defending Aenlle. She has decided to allow him to remain on the job during the Cordell investigation. Normally, officers are put on paid leave during an investigation.
Monaghan’s firing comes three months after former Undersheriff Chris Hsiung suddenly left the department. Hsiung was replaced by former San Francisco Deputy Chief Dan Perea.
Hsiung and Monaghan, veterans of local law enforcement, both joined the sheriff’s office in Feburary 2023, one month after Corpus took the helm. Hsiung came up through the ranks at Mountain View Police before becoming chief in 2020.
Monaghan came up through the ranks of the San Mateo Police Department before becoming chief in Tiburon in 2021. He had worked closely with County Manager Mike Callagy when he was in the San Mateo Police Department.
Deputys union President Carlos Tapia told the Post that after he found out about Monaghan’s firing, he got calls from people wondering if they were next.
“I can’t answer that question, I don’t know that,” Tapia said. “I would have to think that there has to come a point where the county has to come in and say enough is enough because this is madness.”
Tapia said that Monaghan has always been friendly toward the union and he is beginning to see a trend of people who are friendly to the union leaving for one reason or another.
“This is Victor, this is what he does,” Tapia said. “He isolates people, doesn’t include them in certain decisions and then eventually this is what he does.”
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust (yeah)
Hey, Victor’s gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
How does this woman look her children in their eyes and feel good about herself? Let alone look at her mom and feel like a decent human being. Get your soul back Christina if that is even possible at this point. You are a terrible human being. There is never a day anyone called you a coach and no day do you deserve to even be one. Victor, Dan go rot in hell with Christina Corpus. Corrupt weak people. Hated by all.
Love it s blind.. everyone knows why Victor gets special treatment. Corpus’ historic campaign victory has been tarnished and forgotten because she chose to defend this little guy. She’s gonna go down as the worst Sheriff in San Mateo County history. A sheriff you can absolutely NOT trust.
Fired for cooperating with an OFFICIAL COUNTY INVESTIGATION!!! Me thinks yet another lawsuit is pending….Time for the Board of Supervisors to take action. Time for a recall vote. Corpus and her little angry henchman lack any moral foundation whatsoever. Let’s get rid of them!
The statement released by Sheriff Corpus in response to Supervisor Mueller’s statement is that of a maniacal narcissist. “The coach picks the team. Period.” That is about as juvenile and unprofessional as it gets. It is time to recall Sheriff Corpus before she fires every single staff member who was interviewed by Judge Cordell.
I heard some time ago, if one or two students is disgruntled in a class, it’s a student’s fault. If, however, the entire class is disgruntled, it’s THE TEACHER’S FAULT.
Wake up teacher Corpus, your entire class ( and school ) is VERY upset with YOU!!
YOU are the boss, the buck stops with YOU! Time to fix yourself or get out!!
Hey Tina, you fired the wrong guy. The Assistant Sheriff actually held an Advanced POST certificate, passed FTO, was actually a law enforcement professional. The complete opposite of who you seem to surround yourself with. I’ve known you to be a coward since the day I met you over 20 years ago, just resign and travel with the fake doctor/chief of staff without any of the above mentioned creds. Wait, maybe some fake Marine will post a response in your defense, oh wait, he scurried away like a house mouse. So glad to be gone from that dumpster fire of an agency you’ve made it become.
Oh look the two petulant children are at it again. Cute little doctor Vicky esquire chief of staff MBA and his sidekick sheriff “coach picks the team, period” Corpse have fired another high ranking official at the Sheriffs Office. Canepa tells the taxpayers they will not tolerate retaliation. Well I think it’s really clear we have that now. Monaghan is many things but he was honorable,loyal and ethical. There was no legal reason to fire him. But you have Captain Foxy who want to be someone. Hey dr Vicky, put me in coach. I want to play assistant sheriff. This is the most absurd nonsense I have ever seen from a law enforcement agency. Please someone anyone do your job, do it quickly and remove the sheriff you can’t trust, doctor Vicky ( but he is soooo cute) and undersheriff borat. An interesting quote applies to these morons. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. It’s time. Someone help the taxpayers.
The Queen of Hearts, with crown held high,
A smile that masked a watchful eye.
Beside her stood, so short and small,
The Mad Hatter, madder than them all.
Her words were velvet, promises sweet,
But in her grip, few dared to meet.
For if you crossed her—oh, beware!
“Off with their heads!” she’d loudly declare.
She ruled with fear, her heart like stone,
Yet posed as kind upon her throne.
She used her subjects, bent their will,
With every nod, the air grew still.
And Alice, pure, with eyes so wide,
Just tried her best to stay alive.
A sweet young girl in a twisted game,
Surviving under hearts of flame.
Yet through it all, the Hatter stayed near,
With riddles and tea, unbound by fear.
In madness, he found his own way to cope,
Dancing on edges, balancing hope.
Though small and strange, he knew the game,
And whispered her secrets, never the same.
His laughter hid truths, his eyes were sly,
For even madmen see where danger lies.
Well the Titanic just hit the iceberg. It’s just a matter of time now. The doctor and Danny should start packing.
The Sheriff is a democratically elected position.Read the law.Sheriff Corpus has much support and goodwill in the community.Her proactive community policing and hiring of a diverse workforce resonates in all parts of the County.
Disgruntled employees isn’t a basis for removal.Look at your favorite former President Trump.
The Board of Supervisor has no authority over the Sheriff. Look at other counties and how the Board failed in trying to control the Sheriff. LA County former Sheriff Villanueva and current Riverside extreme Trumpy Sheriff Bianco are main examples. If LA County Board,of one of the most liberal counties in the nation, were unable to do anything to the right wing Sheriff(says it all)… Bad news for those that don’t like her is that you all need to wait for the next election to challenge her. I do suggest the Sheriff Corpus makes sure that she is certain about the new leadership hires hires! not a good look to keep replacing leadership.
Maybe some of those trumpies and desantis supporters within the Department think about Florida? that way you can serve under a governor you are proud of!!!
You have no clue what you are talking about. There is no goodwill throughout the community. You really think a few ice cream socials and make you throw up in your mouth look at me press releases about nonsense is goodwill, you are blind to the reality of what is really going on in this department. So go back to your hole and stop trying to defend this pathetic administration.
Hey there “ San Mateo Progressive” aka Dr Vicky Esquire PHD . You are no progressive only a con man who was able to manipulate sheriff Corpus . No progressive likes a man who bullies women. Try not to be so obvious next time with your post.
The ship is sinking Foxy ,save yourself while you can. Don’t go down with these unethical morons.
This is the most naive post I have seen here yet. This is not a partisan issue, and Trump has nothing to do with it – other than the photo op Victor got with Trump last week in Woodside. Stop looking on listening through your partisan ideology and pay attention to the real message. Do you really think that all 306 union members who voted No Confidence on Victor’s leadership – 96% of those who voted – were really all far right extremists???? Corpus and her little Napoleon are great at social media posts, but their leadership is terrible. That is the point…
This post is the literal definition of Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS. In 15 years you’ll see infomercials asking if you or a loved one have ever suffered TDS or been exposed to someone who has. Tina is a failure. San Mateo County is less safe with her and her “number 2” at the helm. In fact, I’d argue she is systemically exposing the county to less safer streets, an increasingly dangerous jail, a lax court security posture, and sadly exposing the county to large paying lawsuits that she will lose. With more to come, but hey, she’s got therapy dogs for deputies too afraid to work the street.
All that so you “progressives” can say, “she is woman, watch her soar.” If she was a woman that was a leader, had real street experience, and knew what she was doing, that’s one thing. This is literally the definition of a diversity hire (election) so that you and others that supported this mess could prove a woman can do the job. Maybe another woman could, but certainly not this one.
As far as “the good doctor,” goes, TDS sufferer, he is not a duly sworn full-time peace officer, he’s never passed the required training to do so, if he had, Tina would’ve made him an Assistant Sheriff or Undersheriff, but he can’t and didn’t, so there’s that. I wonder if you appoint your significant other to positions of power to shield yourself and help you make decisions? Probably, my bad, you’re a progressive, it’s assumed.
Who? Who supports her, especially now? She says shes a coach and ignores her unions- said she will not be intimidated into negotiating with her people? And then acts victimized when the county is forced to step in. Pretty much says it all
Your sheriff is claiming sexual harrasmemt which is laughable. Ask her how many marriages she broke up while at the Sheriff s office.
Hostility and failure to follow labor laws is a start for problems. Telling your unions they are a good old boys club and don’t matter is another step towards issues. Ignoring HR complaints from harrassed women.
You have a man without minimum qualifications on an executive team tormenting staff. You have a sheriff and a man on her executive having an inappropriate relationship against labor laws rules. You have an unethical Sheriff and now leaders that lead by fear and have isolated the entire department.
2 weeks ago 96% of the union voted to remove Victor and there was no thought to listen from the Sheriff. She is a fraud. She is a terrible manipulative lying immoral human.
You have someone pretending to be be something they are not. How else do you stop that without a recall or investigation!
These people are dangerous and scary. The support system she knce had is crumbling fast and people are in disbelief.
The county stepped in because they were begged and forced to. Shame on you Christina for trying to blame all of this one again on someone else. Shame on you for this witchhunt you made up accusing the county manager of something that you know is your dirty lies. You are deplorable
C’mon everybody…you know Victor is the one writing all the memos and responses under Christina’s name! Right now, she’s probably curled up in the fetal position in her bathroom and Victor’s outside knocking on the door, saying “We can do this! We just need to stick together! We’re invincible and untouchable!”
Bolanos was bad and she is worse. She has always been vindictive but she has reached new heights in that department. I think it is time for a recall.
I hate to tell you folks but… Given the relationship between Sheriff Corpus and little Victor ( and I think it’s pretty clear ), even if Corpus gets rid of him, she WILL go after the people that spoke ill of her little man. The vendetta will commence until the Board of Supervisor gets rid of Corpus.
Thought for a while she could actually repair her damage, but that will not happen. Sheriff Corpus need to be RECALLED immediately !
All of Gretchen efforts attempting to flood out the negative press articles about Victor with positive propaganda press announcements went down the toilet when this story dropped. SMH. It appears that Victor cannot stop his impulse to shoot from the hip and try to justify his actions later approach. How long can this implosion continue?
The REAL ISSUE is how did someone so incompetent become sheriff? Because Carlos serially promoted her for reasons other than work related performance & ability. Her skills were demonstrated in another arena.
Hmmmm. This really makes you wonder. The firing of a member of the executive team was announced by the news. The board of supervisors are upset and rightfully. The lovely sheriff fired off an immature and pathetic memo back to the board, shows her great leadership and competency. Now, it makes you wonder if she has said anything to the men and women of the sheriff’s office? My guess would be a resounding “NO!!” So these hardworking employees learned from the news and that’s it. What great leadership!!! I feel bad for the hardworking deputies and correctional officers who work hard everyday and have to suffer from the Mickey Mouse antics of there administration.
Bottom line, while most successful corporations love independent thoughts and ideas that are developed to improve the company, Corpus has proved that she leads by the opposite. You either agree with her or most likely Lil Vicky’s vision and ideas or you are done. She and Victor rule fear and the threat of retaliation. Time for them to go. Can’t wait for Judge Cordell’s investigation to be made public, will be very interesting to see what she has uncovered.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Monaghan is immediately scooped up as an assistant chief, deputy chief, or a police chief of a local or Bay Area department if an opening exits. The cream rises to the top as they say!!!
Christina; EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE- is seeing you IN THE WRONG! You side kick convinced you with conspiracy theories, rumors and selfish information to make this about you. A boss acknowledges their workers, you are their voice.and work for THEM! You have unions, women, men begging for you to listen and you ignore these requests to open your eyes and make a difference. You make this entire political groups are now turn against you because you are in the wrong. The intervention need to happen to get you help. AL-ANON is there for your co-dependency issues. Start making a list of people you gave single handledly lied to, wronged and bruised their hard work with evil choices. You need to put your big girl panties on. My kids overheard parents talking and said who is this Sheriff that is not there doe her people, children can see you are wrong and can tell you make bad chocies. I am floored just apauled. I don’t want to turn on the news and keep hearing that another board is there to support your people and then see you post about going to a badge pining ceremony, get interviewed by latin channels saying this is so unfair to poor Victor, oh look we have a building for daycare oh look at me look at Victor. Look Dan will say whatever I tell him to. Oh I have more organizational changes to make things worse for my SO. Hide behind publicity tacktics, pay to have your face come up first. Your choices have made things worse for your people and worse for yourself. You can NOT choose a man (a little souless man) over your department and think this will end well.
You should have acknowledged this, you should have been professional, you should have fixed this situation. Instead you let someone send fear invoked emails, you someone reply that you will not be intimidated, these past few weeks have been a political theatre, the coach picks their team- who the F writes that? I mean Victor you are unprofessional, uneducated, disrespected by the entire COUNTY of leaders, residents, children. You only you two are wasting money, time nd resources to fulill yourselves. This ain’t Mexico, there are labor laws there are rules and YES by golly there are people about to educate you that the Sheriff and her team of loses has rules too. Grow up, get counseling from someone normal. Noone supports you noone wants to see you run and hide and cry anymore. Enough. You are a latino woman, you went through this law enforcement academy, you got your masters, you are destroying your reputation and it makes me sick to have you representing women. You are vial and as a woman i am angry so angry over your negligence. Do the right thing. Have NORMAL leaders that make peope feel heard, safe valued! That is NOT VICTOR that is NOT DAN! and that is not Fox and Dan’ s buddy from the SO- this is not a business. Them is department has people with families, men women and children are impacted negatively because of YOU. Because of Victor. Because of Dan and whoever else you torture us with now. You are vial and have become EVIL. Your children and your own family will see this and know the truth. God is watching you!
Ryan has always been hard working, kind and a true leader. Everyone stands around him. How shameful what you have done to him . I hope it makes your heart come to life soon.
You need to apologize to him with all of your heart someday and apologize to your people for turning your back on everyone good.
Vengeance for Victor and rumors through Victor’s insecurities have ruined your career and have ruined you as a person. Dan is just as lame, he hid in SFPD doing nothing for anyone.
We want Ryan back! We stand with his leadership style. We believed and
now we are terrified of EVIL “D&V” =domestic violence=Dan &Victor remember that. Do not victimize your people.
A true leader is unafraid of potential conflict or criticism, especially when they have the confidence that what they are doing is for the good of the team. Employees respect a leader who represents their interests in any situation. Possessing a strong set of values and a clear vision helps a true leader remain courageous through any challenge.
Aside from showing confidence in your decisions and confronting conflicts, being courageous at work can include having the ability to be direct with your employees. Being a leader means you make decisions that directly affect your team members, so it’s important to stay confident and courageous in your actions.
Integrity is the most important quality of a great leader. It refers to the quality of being honest and having moral principles. Leaders with high integrity act in accordance with their words. They practice what they say and they own their mistakes, as opposed to hiding them and blaming their team or making excuses.
Every great leader pursues moral uprightness. Followers trust leaders with high integrity more than those with low integrity. Trust is a very critical catalyst in leadership. Where there is little trust from the followers, leaders are unable to effectively execute tasks to the achievement of the set goals.
Integrity defines the values of a leader and it is undeniably the most important attribute that generates the ability for leaders to influence others to act to the achievement of the set goals.
The California Constitution authorizes county charters to provide steps for the removal of county officers, including an elected sheriff
Let’s be honest. This was entertaining for a bit like a bad soap opera, but it’s getting stupid now. No one respects little cute doctor Vicky phd esquire mba. He needs to go now. The Board of Supervisors need to terminate him. Monaghan is another clear cut lawsuit the county will lose. The sheriff needs to go and now. She is the coach of an 0 and 30 team. Recall her now. Anyone that knows her, knows she is incompetent. It’s time. Get rid of them.
The Board of Supervisors can’t fire Anelle or anyone on her staff. That’s state law. If she doesn’t can him, we’ll have to do a recall, like what San Francisco did to remove their DA and members of their school board. The reason why she’s firing people who have helped Judge Cordell is that her report will peovide ground for a recall or possibly criminal charges.
Gretchen just released a statement that Sheriff Corpus will hold a press conference this eve at 7 pm to call out the “abuse of power from SM County “ as well as announce changes in her administration. What kind of strategy is this ?
She is nervous with the investigations and now trying to change the course of public opinion.
When will this st show stop ? When will she stop pretending that she and her side kick Aenlle are victims when they are the ones that have caused such discourse and division . I’m over this BS Sheriff.
Aenlle is not elected snd wants you to think he is untouchable. Along with her staff they have law and rules and can. Wait my friends. Keep being brave and keeping sharing and coming forward. Don’t be bullied be smart. Eyes wide open. The halls and offices have cameras.
There is ONE positive post about corpus on this and it’s likely a minion trying to save face. The number of requests for recall is alarming and needs an action to be had. Unfortunately if she does fire victor he’ll just be doing his job from the phone. They both need to go. Hold a “no confidence” vote for her and likely the numbers would match.
Retaliation is happening all the time under corpus, and unfortunately internally everyone is silent because of it. Corpus and victor need to go.
Recall is not the best path. Hear me out. It is my understanding that all SMCSO employees are, without exception, County of San Mateo employees who work in the Office of the Sheriff. The San Mateo County, Employee Relations Handbook reads, in pertinent part, “As part of the County’s relationship with the employee organizations, and as required by California law, management must provide reasonable advance written notice to employee organizations whenever it intends to implement a rule or workplace change that will likely affect employees in that department or unit.” The employment memorandums of understanding (MOU) that govern employees wages, hours and working conditions, is between the County and each Labor Union. California Government Code §3505 describes how the governing body of a public agency, or such boards, commissions, administrative officers or other representatives as may be properly designated by law or by such governing body, shall meet and confer in good faith regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of such recognized employee organizations, making the announcements and accusations made in the Sheriff’s hastily called Sunday press conference make it appear that the Sheriff is unfamiliar with simple and common California labor laws, as well as the organizational structure of the County. Mr Callaghy is the County Executive and all County employees work for him and are obligated to abide by County policies, as well as their respective employing departments. All County employees also work for the Board of Supervisors. The Sheriff is an elected official, yet remains answerable to both the County Executive and the Board on many fronts. The surfacing of this elementary knowledge, and these aspects of public employment, simultaneously surfaces the question of whether or not Assistant Sheriff Monaghan was presented with his terminal pay simultaneously, at the same time the Sheriff informed him of his termination employment, as required by California Labor Code §201(a). Failure to do so would violation the Labor Code and appear to be willful misconduct. Was the County HR involved in this decision or any of the actions to terminate the employment of a Sheriff’s Office Executive? Just who was present and what was the reason given for the termination? A difference of vision? What remedial steps, or progressive discipline, preceded termination? Did any? Most unfortunately, perhaps a Grand Jury is the appropriate investigative body for what appears to be willful misconduct of both elected and appointed officials in the Sheriff’s Office at this point!
Let me make this clear you don’t work for Callegy. There is a human resources at San Mateo Sheriff Office and you have seen and read MANY MANY MANY complaints on Victor. The investigation from the board of supervisors is because you continue to IGNORE every complaint about Victor and in-fact you bully HR too? YOU are a liar and a pathetic female latino leader representative. This has nothing to do with your race and color and everything to do with you choosing people now without mini my qualifications to work in a leadership role. You need to be recalled. Never have you taken responsibility. Now this is Mike Callegy’s fault that the approved the overtime pay you ASKED FOR? WTF what about the unions that you keep ignoring?
Wow! People need minimum requirements for a Executive leadership roles. Thank you Corpus for posting the 4 page letter on X that you sent to Callegy. Wow! I don’t even know where to start. First, stop allowing Victor to write your speeches and complaints! You are supposed to be a leader representing the SO, you are NOT a coach noone even respects you at all especially now. You sound like a 5 year old that can barely read.
Not sure what you call a long time coming but since you also posted that Victor did in fact ask Monaghan about the investigation in the presence of Dan Parea. Well there is that violation confirmed too.!
And now Victor is trying to have you point out the classification he lacks with POST to a retired Deputy Chief and County Manager. Wow! Just incredibly stupid. Hopefully , the public is seeing how childish, uneducated and unqualified Corpus and Victor are.
Oh and also yes, most people have to ask if you are violating a nepotism law- especially when they are receiving complaints and evidence. Most people follow up on complaints and follow the law. The SO has those same laws.
Recall Corpus she is incompetent and she is in fact showing she is surrounding herself with bullies. Watching that smug pathetic face of Victor stand behind her- explain why he is not on admin leave during this investigation and explain how many more complaints have come in once the investigations started! Explain how you have a retaliation lawsuit already and many more and how lie and say you are unaware of any complaints! Corpus Corpus Corpus, you are in fact a first class idiot.
Don’t you usually present someone that is highly respected with the opportunity to resign and/or not slander them on TV. Fore someone over a different vision? If Monaghan’s vision is ethics, integrity, respect i stand with HiM!
And as for the SO vision has that changed in the past 2 years since he started or is that a fly by the seat of our pants vision to whatever Victor wakes up to. I am curious what the vision is now- lead by fear, ignorance, scare tactics, intimidation. All employees work for Victor you must obey him like a dictator. Don’t forget the unions you ignore and make everything about yourself. Again you fire Monaghan and make this about yourself too. Narcissistic evil vial woman. [Portion removed — Terms of Service Violation. We can’t publish rumors that haven’t been substantiated.]
Recall or arrest the Sherrif, whatever is fastest!
Now she is going after Callagy because she doesn’t want the focus to be on little Vicky. Nice try but that’s not going to work. Her own people are telling her there is a problem within the agency and asking her to fix it. Instead she goes after someone else and does not address the main issue (Vicky).
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Her department is burning to the ground and she’s blaming everyone but herself. How pathetic. Great leader.
This latest publicity stunt by Sheriff Corpus and her Chief of Staff to take the focus off their misdeeds is not a surprise to any of us . The Sheriff using “ good ol boy “ and “ woman of color “ soundbites to unscrupulously gain sympathy from the taxpayers is despicable .
How convenient in the middle of an investigation against her admin she now claims discrimination and bullying.
She fired Monaghan , a good man who has
dedicated his life to law-enforcement and service after she found out he cooperated with the investigation. If that isn’t retaliation, I don’t know what is.
Don’t back down Callagy , Mueller , Tapia , so many are counting on you . DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED.
Some questions San Mateo County residents should demand the “sheriff” answer:
Can you tell us about your best, non FTO felony arrest?
Can you tell us how many solo on view felony arrests you’ve made?
Can you tell us how many solo on view felony arrests the doctor chief has made?
Can you tell us about the most complex investigation either you or the doctor chief have led or even worked?
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Can you tell us who actually supports you?
Tina, the Peter Principle elevated several levels above your intelligence and abilities. Just resign and save yourself further embarrassment. At this point you are beyond pathetic.
What’s funny is that she is keeping her organization in the dark. She goes public to gain support from the citizens when in fact she has said nothing to her own staff. Instead of fixing the issues at home and communicating with her staff she has said absolutely nothing. But she’ll go out to the media and claim racism and misogyny. Be a leader and communicate with your people instead of being a 15 year old going on social media and press conferences. Have a sit down and call an all hands meeting and take questions. She won’t do that because she’s a coward like her chief of staff.
Actually, she’s afraid OF her Chief Of Staff. As the hole gets deeper and deeper she’s out of options so he feeds her the next move which she has to implement. The fact that she’s following his lead is ridiculous. He’s leading her and the SO to ruin. What a toxic man.
EVERYONE can vouch for Ryan Monaghan. You want to go head to head with him this will be a slam dunk WIN for MONAGHAN. You are a weak, pathetic human being Corpus. Monaghan is a proven long law enforcement leader. People that once had faith in you that also know Monaghan can vouch for his professionalism. You are going down and fast. Noone I mean NOONE supports you at this point.
OMG, I had soooo many things to say and ya all beat me to the punch. It amazes me how Corpus defends HER actions, or lack of action, as her right as the elected Sheriff of the county. Now that most people are seeing what is REALLY going on, She (Corpus) has become the victim. Corpus writes, “To move forward, we must accept our mistakes and injustices and take corrective action to ensure a better path to the future”
Sheriff, DID YOU write this? Are you listening to what you are saying?
How dare you write this when the DSA and OSS have been pleading for the same thing and you dismiss their request because, as you say “let me be clear: the authority to manage my staff and maintain the integrity of the office rests solely with me, as your elected Sheriff”.
Powerful words coming from someone who refuses to come to the table and resolve your internal issues.
Sheriff Corpus goes on to say how inappropriate it is for Mr Callagy to interfere with the Sheriff’s decision to fire Assistant Sheriff Monoghan because if his “personal relationship” with Monoghan. WOW!
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You can’t go crying to Warren Slocum about an issue that was of your making.
Trying to defend little victor by calling him “Dr” is a far stretch of the imagination. He is nothing more than a failed Reserve deputy who was unable to pass a field training program. The assumption that little victor is a “fully accredited” 16-year deputy is full of… well you all know what.
Sheriff, Maybe you should have READ the letter little Victor wrote for YOU and understand some corrections may be needed.
Stop wasting taxpayer money, Sheriff. Your time is DONE. Go sell real estate with Aenlle!
Stolen valor? How about making people call him DOCTOR when he never finished his thesis in CREATIVE and ETHICAL LEADERSHIP?? (That’s a laugh), and his online university went belly up in June. Respect is earned not demanded. No one demands to be called Doctor ESPECIALLY outside of a medical setting or University. The amount of attention paid to his false education is ridiculous. Maybe he’s living his thesis. In which case it should be rewritten. FAIL!
Christina,have you ever been to a conference or meeting with Monaghan? People all over this city, county, country know and respect him. There is unprecedented support for Monaghan.
You need a reality check about what you are doing ALL for one little unqualified reserve deputy. Now unqualified US and questionable AS. Not looking good for you. Must be hard for a latino female surrounded by all of those men YOU chose to be on your team. And all the women’s complaints you ignore. No a good look no a good person not a leader of any kind.
YOU DID THIS CORPUS! You ignored complaints, humiliated your unions and are a sad representation of a female leader. We are see through your lies now. We ALL want you to leave the SO along with your fear invoking leadership group. Can’t point the finger anymore. The truth will prevail!