CORRECTION: Recent articles in the Daily Post (Aug. 31, Sept. 6, 8 and 21) about the San Mateo County Sheriff’s office that included references to Victor Aenlle, the Office’s Executive Director of Administration/Chief of Staff, should have included that he is a duly sworn reserve police officer. In addition, while the county of San Mateo is the named “Respondent” in the Unfair Practices Charge filed by the San Mateo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association, Aenlle is identified in the allegations of the charge as allegedly having been involved in alleged retaliatory communications and unfair practices.
The unions representing deputies and sergeants in the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Department are planning a press conference to talk about a no-confidence vote they plan to hold regarding Sheriff Christina Corpus.
Meanwhile, Corpus at a Women Leaders in Law Enforcement Conference in Los Angeles, according to District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe.
“You know when suddenly hundreds of your staff are taking you on, I fly home,” Wagstaffe said. “I’m going to see what I can do, but leadership comes in different forms.”
The unions are upset that Corpus is imposing additional overtime requirements due to manpower shortage in her department. See previous story for details. In addition to the no confidence vote, the unions have filed legal complaints with the Public Employment Relations Board, or PERB, which has the ability to impose fines or other remedies.
The unions plan to hold a news conference to state their case, NBC Bay Area reported. County Supervisor Ray Mueller said Wednesday night via text that he might be invited to the news conference but nothing was confirmed.
Another county supervisor, David Canepa, told NBC that he expects the unions and the sheriff to work things out themselves.
“We’ll continue to monitor it, but if they can’t figure it out, maybe the Board Of Supervisors has to figure it out for them,” Canepa said.
The Post has asked Corpus’ office for comment several times but has not received a response.
A letter from the unions’ boards to their members said one of their major concerns is Victor Aenlle, Corpus’ head of administration and chief of staff.
“We have heard of him repeatedly overstepping his role as civilian chief of staff, and have also been made aware of numerous HR complaints,” the letter said. “As a result (the board of the two unions) have determined that a no confidence vote of the general membership is the next step.”
Zero surprise here. She’s never been a leader. Victor has never been a leader. Combined they have the leadership experience of your typical DEI hires hell bent on “making a difference,” with zero experience to do so. To the woke progressives who supported her, reap what you sow. To the brave men and women working at the Sheriff’s Office, one among you must have the courage to take the necessary steps to run and oppose this fool and her boyfriend. One of you must have the guts to demand her resignation so that a true leader can take over. Until then, as a wise deputy once said to me, “nobody cares that nobody cares.”
I can’t wait for the public information request return from California POST related to Victor. I wonder if she still has his and her dogs defecating on the third floor like when she started?
I mean that photo says it all. That’s a boss and subordinate photo. Just business. Remember everyone. It’s a sheriff you can trust.
If there is in fact a press conference, reporters need to delve in and inquire about Corpus’ relationship with Anall. If they dig deep enough they may find some answers
I agree the photo says it all. [Portion removed — Terms of Use violation.] Many of us were hopeful and optimistic when Christina was first elected. A Sheriff we can trust? Not quite. Her behavior is jaw dropping.
Now she has the absolute gall to travel with Aenlle to LA while the SO is in shambles ? Taxpayers of course footing the bill?
Women have a hard enough time getting elected into high-powered positions and she has let them all down. Corpus is weak and submissive to her Chief of Staff , a man who has created such division , distrust and never should have been given the position he’s in . It’s abhorrent.
Mueller , Callagy , Wagstaff what say you ? Please do your job. Let’s look into the 35k a month lease Aenlle negotiated and how the building has remained empty for 8 months .
Her judgement is clearly flawed and she doesn’t deserve to be our Sheriff. How long will this debauchery go on?
One more thing : If this story couldn’t get any more despicable , Sheriff Corpus recently made the comment that she was not aware of any complaints/ concerns made against Aenlle. She is LYING through her teeth. Numerous deputies and SO employees have gone to her with their grievances against Aenlle, tried to warn her but she refused to listen. She received more than one resignation in her office due to her tyrant Chief of Staff. Yet , she continues to praise Aenlle , a complete disregard for the well-being of the deputies and hard-working employees at the SO.
These articles and forums seem to be the only place we can vent our grievances . Thank you journalists for keeping the public updated on the situation.
“I have not seen anything come to me and I have not seen him act in a way that would be concerning,” Corpus said. “I have only seen him be professional with people and be a champion for our professional staff.”
Another lie because she was told by the county attorneys that there was an investigation into his behavior due to multiple HR complaints.
I guess Christina forgot about the MULTIPLE law suits claiming retaliation with VICTOR AENLLE in them. Christina lies through her teeth that she NEVER has heard any complaints about Victor. Christina LIES about not ever seeing him act unprofessional. CHRISTINA LIES LIES LIES digging her hole deeper and deeper. She deserves consequences.
Does anyone know if the county has a government funded daycare contract? Yes there is one. Does anyone know why dr Vicky would enter into a 10 year lease to rent a building for a sheriffs daycare for 35000 a month for a building that isn’t zoned for daycare? Did doctor Vicky follow the county process for leasing property or did he just do the deal like he is still a real estate agent? Does dr Vicky get a commission for that deal? Does the county know if he did? I do know that the building is empty and taxpayers have paid over 280,000 for rent so far. For everyone at home that’s 4.2 million over ten years. That doesn’t count upgrades to the building, hiring of staff, another contract because I don’t think the sheriffs office can do daycare? You could literally give free daycare to the 15 or less percent of the sheriffs office that would use it. I’m certain it would not be 420,000 per year to cover that cost. There is seriously something wrong with this. When is the county going to wake up. This is not ok.
As I have said in previous posts, the destruction of the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office is occurring because Christina Corpus does not have the requisite experience to lead a large law enforcement agency with added complexities of managing the corrections, civil and court security functions. This is exacerbated because she chose as her closest advisor, Victor Aenlle, a realtor whose only law enforcement experience was gained as a newly hired Deputy Sheriff who had a brief tenure with the Sheriff’s Office. [Portion removed — Terms of Use violation. Unproven allegation]. This has been compounded by hiring other executives and managers from outside the Sheriffs office. None of those persons had any experience in corrections, prisoner transportation, court security or the Sheriffs civil bureau. These hires, Hsiung, Perea, Monaghan, Fox, Phillips and Aenlle brought nothing to the Sheriffs office and they took promotional opportunities from hard working, dedicated and experienced practitioners that had done everything asked of them to be promoted. These career Sheriffs employees had waited to promote and demonstrated loyalty to both the agency and the citizens of San Mateo County. Instead, Aenlle, a senior Corpus campaign advisor, Fox, the husband of the Corpus campaign lawyer, Phillips, an academy classmate and friend of Corpus were hired over in house Sheriffs employees with years of specialized Sheriffs office experience. The only way to return the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office to it prior status as a great organization is to recall Corpus and terminate all of the outside executive and management personnel that she hired. With Aenlle, Fox and Perea, that is an easy decision. Aenlle brings nothing to the SO and is the single most disliked person in the Sheriffs office. Like Aenlle, Perea and Fox are bullies who were universally disliked at their former agencies. With Monaghan and Phillips, it is more difficult because they are both generally well liked. The problem remains that like Chris Hsiung, Monaghan and Phillips took promotional opportunities from deserving Sheriffs employees. Worse yet, they are enablers who could have, but did not stand up to the reign of terror created by Corpus and the eminently unqualified Victor Aenlle. Let’s recall Corpus, get rid of her hand picked team and return professional leadership to a once great public safety agency.
You can’t blame Hsiung and Monaghan; they didn’t TAKE promotional opportunities from S/O employees, they were OFFERED them…and why wouldn’t they want those prestigious positions?? Little did they know what they were getting into. Hsiung has already exited stage left (and is probably SO happy to no longer be part of this dumpster fire)and hard to say what Monaghan is thinking or planning at this point…he probably feels like like a cornered mouse in a snake pit!
Andrew CZ,
Corpus has never been a leader and could barely manage her patrol bureaus let alone the whole office. She always had admin sergeants or assistants helping her and doing all her work and presentations. As for Victor, Perea and Fox being bullies that’s where I have to speak up. First of all Victor is too short to bully anyone unless he’s picking on a toddler. Perea is too much of an idiot and would have to remember the person’s name. Fox tried to bully someone but all that did was catch him an HR complaint. The one thing Perea and Fox have in common is their old agencies threw a party when they left.
Let’s start the recall!!
You shouldn’t lump Hsiung in this list of losers. Victina (they are one) couldn’t handle his competence and true leadership abilities. He’s fortunate he was asked to go aka got out before the dumpster blew up in flames.
Oh, one other thing for your entertainment value. Right after Hsiung’s departure and the IMMEDIATE replacement of Parea in the same memo on Husiung’s last day (hmmmm, no planning with that move), I went to a party with mostly SFPD in attendance, including several retired who Parea had worked with and/or for. As one of them who Parea worked FOR so succinctly put it, “I wouldn’t hire that guy as a dog catcher”. Good times!
Oh, one other sidebar for your entertainment pleasure. Right after Hsiung’s departure and the IMMEDIATE replacement of Perea in the same memo on Husiung’s last day (Hmmmm, no planning with THAT move), I went to a party with mostly SFPD in attendance, including several retired who Perea had worked with and/or for. None of them had one good thing to say about him; I’ll spare you the adjectives they used (Ok,ok, “useless” was one of them). As one of them who Perea worked FOR so succinctly put it, “I wouldn’t hire that guy as a dog catcher”. Good times!
I think the sheriffs denial of any knowledge of cute little doctor Vicky’s behavior is amusing yet exceptionally untruthful. You can look into superior court records. They are public. Look at Wozniak vs the sheriffs office. Read what doctor vicky did. Then remember all of these HR complaints. One involved a female employee that was brought to tears by little cute doctor Vicky’s unacceptable behavior. These two items show that the sheriffs statement of no knowledge is a bold face lie as she was served for one and was told of the HR complaint by the county . Something that she is an expert on. Lying. Here is the thing. Look at the Lyme aid photo and make up your mind. Then as taxpayers come to the realization that if the county thought 8 million was a lot for Barker, there are big lawsuits coming from good civilian female employees that are being mistreated. When is the county going to reflect on the HR complaints, the daycare rental and lots more including a civilian chief of staff that is a reserve police office yet wears a uniform, a chief of staff badge and orders real cops around. Ones that passed an FTO and have the proper certifications. Anyone ever see a reserve officer wearing a chief of staff badge and ordering around real cops. You haven’t because little doctor Vicky is the only one. He is the only one because no agency would ever allow this. Reserves are part time employees and they do not manage, supervise or make policy decisions. Those are facts. I sure hope the county wises up before this joke blows up in their face and it will. Elected officials should be afraid. Look at Millbrae. People can get recalled.
I understand that two major networks are considering re-casting Car 54 Where Are You. Apparently Christina and Victor, aka: Tattoo, are auditioning for the show and that’s why they are in LA for a week.
Either that or Christina is seeking to join the Newsom Administration as the head of California Lottery Security Division, where she has a 50-50 chance of being hired. Tattoo come along free, but gets all the real estate contracts for the State.
Christina got elected Sheriff largely in part because of Aenlle and she knows it. How? Because he manipulated his way into the Hispanic community as her Campaign manager, using his salesman like “charm” and con-man tactics. Always promising voters that she would make a difference. They were going to “clean up” the Sheriff’s Department and bring back respect. His intentions always self-serving.
Christina was his ticket into the SO, a place where he was largely disliked and shunned. The Chief is divisive and unqualified but Christina continues to allow this. Who pays the price for this? You do, we do.
Corpus got elect because she lied. She lied to the corrections officer and deputies promising them changes to policy and procedures. She lied to Fixin San Mateo who went and campaigned on corners for her. She lied when asked if she was in a relationship with the doctor. If her mouth is moving she is lying.
PLEASE ask for spouses to come forward to report on the experiences through this corrupt sheriff office complaint about to explode.