Attorney says her client filed a forged a court document

Linda Haskin-Gologorsky who has gone by the name Princess Leia Lucas.

Correction: A previous version of this story misstated the number of times Princess Leia Lucas has been found incompetent by the court. It has only been once. And she has since been deemed competent. Additionally, her attorney is not new to her case, having been on it for a year and a half. The story has been corrected.

Daily Post Staff Writer

A San Mateo woman who is facing criminal prosecution for filing fake documents with the county was called out by her own attorney yesterday (March 15) in court for filing a document with her attorney’s name on it, according to the District Attorney.

Princess Leia Lucas, whose legal name is Linda Haskin-Gologorsky, 66, allegedly submitted forged documents to the court in her divorce case in 2016.

She was previously found incompetent by the court but has since been deemed competent.

Her attorney, Jessica Agnich, told the judge that she wanted to withdraw a motion to have the court drop charges against her client, according to District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe.

Agnich told visiting Judge Anne Bouliane that although her name was on the motion to dismiss, she did not write the motion or file the paperwork.

According to Wagstaffe, Lucas filed the paperwork, and put her attorney’s name on it, without telling Agnich.

In 2017, the District Attorney’s office yesterday obtained an order from Judge Donald Ayoob to have her stay away from three county offices in the Government Center: Assessor/County Clerk, Treasurer/Tax Collector and Superior Court Clerk.

The unusual request was prompted by Haskin-Gologorsky’s frequent submissions of documents to those offices, according to the DA’s office.

Lucas came to the attention of authorities during her divorce when she submitted documents that claimed she bought the house she and her husband shared before they got married.

She testified under oath that all of the documents were real, Wagstaffe said.

If her fake documents had been accepted by the court, she would have received sole possession of the house, according to the DA.

Investigators for the DA found files for the fake documents and even a fake court seal on her computer, Wagstaffe said.

Lucas is out of jail on $535,000 bail.

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