By the Daily Post staff
Men’s health will be the focus of a free informational event on Saturday (June 16) at El Camino Hospital’s Los Gatos Campus, 815 Pollard Road. Topics include sleep apnea and enlarged prostates.
At this fair, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., men can discuss their health with experts in a variety of specialities including cardiac care, electrophysiology, chiropractic car, ear, nose, throat, gastroenterology, internal medicine, kidney stone treatment, radiation oncology, orthopedics, podiatry, prostate cancer, urology and more.
There will be two lectures presented by board-certified physicians:
• Diagnosis and treatment for obstructive sleep apnea, presented by Dr. Anahid Hekmat, medical director of El Camino’s Sleep Lab. Surgical options for sleep apnea will be discussed by Dr. Philip Ho, an ear, nose and throat surgeon.
• Enlarged prostates will be the topic of a session by Dr. Edward Karpman, a urologist who is co-director of the hospital’s Men’s Health program.
The event includes a free barbecue lunch and a special performance by Tiffany Austin, a jazz performer. Those who pre-register and attend the event will be entered into a drawing to win an Amazon Echo.
To preregister for Saturday’s fair, call (800) 216-5556 or go to www.elcaminohospital.org/MHF