By the Daily Post staff
Palo Alto City Councilman Tom DuBois announced today (May 30) that he will be running for re-election, becoming the third candidate for the three seats up for grabs this fall.
The other candidates are Alison Cormack, the driving force behind the $76 million library bond issue in 2008, and incumbent Cory Wolbach.
Councilman Eric Filseth, whose term expires this year, hasn’t said whether he is running for re-election.
DuBois said he would continue to focus on the issues he believes are important to residents, “housing, transparent government, and sensible, balanced growth that considers cumulative impacts to traffic, parks, schools and other city infrastructure.”
DuBois, 54, is employed by Google and lives on Matadero Avenue. He has an electrical engineering degree from Carnegie Mellon and an MBA from Georgetown. He has started and run several technology companies as CEO.
He moved to Palo Alto more than 20 years ago and is raising two children here, one in high school and the other in college.
As for his four years on council, DuBois said, “I have been an open book — I have voted exactly how I’ve told people I would.” On council he has led efforts to establish residential parking permits, protect retail, establish an office cap, combat jet noise and complete the city’s Comprehensive Plan.
“Palo Alto is at a crossroads,” he said. “We need to convert offices into housing to counter the enormous pressures our infrastructure is facing from commuters. We need to protect neighborhoods and ensure people can park in front of their own house. I will always advocate for residents’ concerns on the city council.”
Only three seats will be available in the Nov. 6 election because the council is going from nine seats to seven following Measure D in 2014. Council members Karen Holman and Greg Scharff are termed out after serving eight years each.
Hope some people step up to challenge the incumbents. This city is on the wrong track and we need new people on the council.
Last year he was head of council’s rail committee and they didn’t get anything done. We lost a year in deciding about grade separations. Maybe it’s not his fault but he headed the committee. I want council members who do more than tread water.
After 4 years, traffic is worse. If he hasn’t been able to improve the traffic situation, why re-elect him?
As I recall, DuBois got elected by opposing the Maybell senior housing project. In 4 years, very few housing units have been built, though council – feeling the pressure – promises more in the future. I’d like an incumbent to have a better record when it comes to housing. I’m not saying I’ll vote against DuBois, but he seems to be too much of a tool of the NIMBY, PASZ crowd. I think we can do better but it all depends who runs. (Definitely voting against Filseth if he runs!!!)