Daily Post Staff Writer
Mark Zuckerberg’s congresswoman, Rep. Anna Eshoo, may have only grilled him for four minutes before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Wednesday, but he’s not off the hook yet.
Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, hurled 12 of the 510 questions at the Facebook co-founder that were crowd-sourced from her constituents, according to her office.
Eshoo submitted all 510 questions into the committee’s official record, and Zuckerberg will be required to answer all of them.
Zuckerberg, who is 33 and lives in Palo Alto’s Crescent Park neighborhood, admitted at the hearing that his personal information was swiped along with millions of other Facebook users by Cambridge Analytica, a firm that assisted the Trump campaign.
Facebook and its employees have contributed $39,800 to Eshoo’s campaigns since 2014, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
On April 6, Eshoo said she asked the 21,141 subscribers to her email newsletter to submit one question they would ask Zuckerberg if given the opportunity.
Her staff then sorted the questions into seven categories: policies Facebook will adopt in response to the Cambridge Analytica controversy, the privacy given to user data, specific questions about the Cambridge Analytica controversy such as when did Facebook know what had happened and why they waited to alert users, government policies in response to the controversy, Facebook’s role in the 2016 election, broader questions about Facebook’s business model and miscellaneous.
I was impressed by Eshoo’s questioning last week. She was focused and pushed for answers without out letting him filibuster. I’m glad she’s taking this step to get even more information out of him.
Anna Eshoo is a great example of why we need term limits. 25-years and going strong! Is it any coincidence that these fake-American politicians are always far-leftists?