Daily Post Staff Writer
As thunder and lightning rumbled through the mid-Peninsula, an earthquake struck the South Bay at 9:39 a.m. Monday.
It wasn’t a big one — only 3.8 magnitude — but some Twitter users reported feeling it as far north as Menlo Park.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter was about 5 miles northeast of Alum Rock.

The combination of the thunderstorm and hail in some parts of the Bay Area, including Oakland, made for a surreal morning.
It snowed on Mount Hamilton and the Diablo Range. Small hail was seen in San Jose, Monterey, Pacific Grove, Oakland and parts of Santa Clara County.
Some East Bay roadways were coated with hail around 9:30 a.m. The National Weather Service issued an advisory for Santa Cruz County reporting heavy showers, lightning and possible dime-sized hail.
A ClipperJet landed at Mineta San Jose International Airport after being hit by lightning at 9:30 a.m. when the plane was 5 miles west of the airport en route to San Jose.
None of the eight passengers on board were injured.
“Earthquake and hail in Mountain View today … what next, Bitcoin will drop to $200??” Orbital Insight engineer Boris Babenko posted on Twitter at 3:50 p.m.
“Rain, hail, wind, thunder, lightning, AND an earthquake? Mother Nature ain’t having it today,” Carl Cortez posted at 9:40 a.m.
San Jose resident Andrew Tucker remarked that Mountain View’s weather was downright placid compared to the South Bay.
“San Jose: *Thunder booms, lightning flashes, hail rattles the windows, and a 3.9 earthquake rumbles the ground* Mountain View: *one gray cloud slowly pans across the sky*,” Tucker posted on Twitter yesterday.
Some said they didn’t feel the quake at all.
“SJ kid here, work in Menlo Park, didn’t feel it. House near Monterey, wife at home, quake not felt there either,” a Twitter user named WindaWester posted at 10:02 a.m.