By the Daily Post staff
Belmont police are looking for the two people who stole a package from the front porch of a home in the Belmont Heights neighborhood. One waited in a car while the other grabbed the package from a doorstep, and was photographed by a doorbell camera.
It happened Friday (March 23) at 12:43 p.m. in the 2700 block of Waltham Cross St.
The man who took the package is a medium complected adult in his late 20s to early 30s, approximately 5-foot-10 with a mustache and glasses. He was wearing a black hooded jacket and jeans.
He got away in a gray 4-door Chevrolet or GMC pick-up truck with chrome wheels. There was lumber and possibly a ladder in the bed of the truck. The truck came in off Comstock Circle and fled northbound on Waltham Cross toward St. James Road.
The video of this crime can be viewed at the Belmont Public Safety YouTube Channel.
Anyone with information on this theft, particularly residents in the Belmont Heights Neighborhood having additional video of the thieves or their vehicle, is asked to contact Belmont Police at (650) 595-7400 or [email protected].