Proposal sparked by Stanford violation moves forward

Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Supervisor
Joe Simitian, Santa Clara County Supervisor

By the Daily Post staff

A proposal to notify the public of zoning violations by Santa Clara County landowners has been ushered ahead by the Board of Supervisors, weeks after the county fined Stanford $7,937 for stockpiling dirt in an oak woodland area of the campus golf course.

The board voted Tuesday (Oct. 30) to have county leaders come up with ways to notify interested members of the public when penalties are issued.

Board President Joe Simitian proposed the idea after the county Planning Department fined Stanford for storing 24,000 cubic yards of dirt without a permit.

“Obviously we don’t want to send out an alert every time somebody’s hedge grows a foot or two too tall,” Simitian said. “On the other hand, when we’ve got large uses of significant interest and where violations may have significant public interest, it seems that we ought to find a way to let folks know.”