Belmont and South San Francisco are the two latest cities to endorse Measure A, which would change the San Mateo County Charter to allow the Board of Supervisors to fire Sheriff Christina Corpus.
South San Francisco’s council voted 4-1, with Vice Mayor Mark Addiego against, to endorse the measure.
Addiego said he is appalled by the situation in the Sheriff’s Office, but found a 400-page report by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell to be lackluster and was skeptical because many of the allegations in the report came from one person. She interviewed 40 people for the report.
“When I read this report, it reminded me of a daytime soap opera,” he said. “Everything that I read left me scratching my head.”
He questioned why Corpus has not been charged by District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe with any crime.
“Where is DA Wagstaffe? When are charges (going to be) brought? If there’s some criminality here, why haven’t we heard from that?” he said.
The South San Francisco council meeting drew a speaker, Dan Stegink of Pacifica, who was wearing a costume from the 1980s TV show “The Greatest American Hero.” Stegink was the lone resident who signed the ballot argument against Measure A.
Other cities that have either passed “no confidence” resolutions against the sheriff or endorsed Measure A have said that the negative effects of a sheriff’s office in shambles trickle down to every city in the county
“When the county’s law enforcement system is failing, it doesn’t just impact the sheriff’s department,” said Belmont Mayor Julia Mates.
Even though Belmont, Redwood City and South San Francisco have their own police departments, they still work closely with the Sheriff’s Office and rely on it for certain law enforcement services.
“Our police force closely interacts with the sheriff’s department,” said Redwood City Councilwoman Diane Howard during Monday’s city council meeting.
“Our citizens may interact with sheriff’s department staff on the roads within Redwood City and in our unincorporated neighborhoods.”
Most council members from each city agreed that removing Corpus to prevent further disarray in the Sheriff’s Office is an urgent matter that cannot stall.
As for Corpus, she thinks that city councils should not be taking official stances on matters at the county level, she wrote in a statement.
“While collaboration between city and county leadership is essential to our shared success, it is both inappropriate and counterproductive for city officials to engage in politically motivated attacks on county.
Calls for Corpus to resign arose after a 400-page investigation into her administration was released in November, containing findings of abuse of power, retaliation, conflicts of interest, intimidation, homophobia and racism in her office.
The Board of Supervisors currently does not have the authority to remove the sheriff or any other elected official, so they put the charter amendment on the ballot.
The author of the investigative report into Corpus, Cordell, concluded that the sheriff should resign.
“Lies, secrecy, intimidation, retaliation, conflicts of interest, and abuses of authority are all the hallmarks of the Corpus administration,” Cordell wrote.
I’ll bet Corpus is pleased to have people wearing super hero costumes helping her campaign. Can things get any more ridiculous than this?
Biggest questions now are:
what happens when Measure A passes? What happens when the Sheriff fights the results as unconstitutional etc and throws some random cases out there?
Who steps in as Sheriff? What happens until the special election if Parea is acting Sheriff? The real reason he didn’t quit with Fox surfaces… the nightmare will continue well into 2025
The fairy tale ending is a long way away.
Perea has been complicit in all of the wrongful actions by the Sheriff and Victor since he joined the Sheriff’s Office, so I expect the Board of Supervisors to fire him as well. That leaves Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan – who is still a County employee despite Corpus’ attempt to fire him for speaking with Judge Cordell during her investigation – as next in line to take the office.
Let’s hope you are right.
Hoping Parea is next to go since he is not elected but it may not be as easy as that!
I pray the Board of Supervisors can appoint Monaghan ! Make things right Monaghan!
The amendment is needed in the 14 California counties that are considered charter counties. The other 44 California counties are General counties.
Charter counties need a voted amendment for the board of supervisors to remove a sheriff WITH CAUSE. Unfortunately , there will still be a process after the measure A is passed. The board has to vote 4/5 present the sheriff with reasons and then the sheriff can respond etc. then the command staff is basically Dan Parea unless there is corruption charges or something on nature filed against the under sheriff. So this will be an ugly battle. A battle to see if the board can appoint someone and then a general election.
This is all very bad on so many levels. Very sad for the people left working at the sheriff office looking for a quick fix to an impossible situation. The trickle down effect begins to unfold into something possibly much much worse than can be imagined. I hope that I am wrong.
Like many people, I feel duped by the lack of legal action from state attorneys, DOJ, FBI, heck the DA- anyone step in and stop the corruption.
When your only supporter is grown man wearing a Halloween costume speaking on your behalf, you’re as good as done! Christina and Victor, pack your bags, the end is near. Also, don’t count out Wagstaffe. He’s a smart guy and will wait for Measure A to pass before he slaps you both silly with a series of criminal complaints.
Really? I hope so. Not sure why Wagstaffe wont just do that now and save the county the need for a measure A vote or court hearings etc. Charge these people for gross negligence, civil rights violations, misappropriating funds, labor law violation, nepotism and include Parea with her as a co conspirator. Just act on something this has been going on for years.
These people think they have gotten away with everything and will continue to be corrupt till the bitter end. Activate something and stop the wonder twin in Pacifica from showing up to council meetings. This is embarrassing as the sole supporter of the sheriff on the ballot to be someone with mental illness. What a waste of time. How did that guy even know to sign the petition?
stegnik guy isn’t there for this election
he’s there for the recall
Christina — How do you sleep at night?
How do you breathe knowing you have destroyed your career, your marriage, your family and your reputation for this personal gain?
How do look into your children’s eyes knowing the choices you have made have caused them so much uncertainty and anxiety, uprooting their home life for what?
How do you feel knowing you tossed your family and friends aside for all of this?
How does it feel to lose everything that ever mattered to you except your false pride?
How does one justify any affair with another woman’s husband and you won’t stop?
How does it feel when people are questioning your moral character?
How do you see yourself when you look in the mirror?
How do you keep pretending you are honest and pure when your actions show otherwise?
How do you walk the halls where you are detested, where everyone scatters, and no one wants to be in your presence?
How do you look into the eyes of the employees and pretend to care about them?
How does it feel knowing how badly you have hurt so many in your destructive path?
How will you feel when you are no longer any use to Victor and he’s gone?
How does it feel knowing people want you to just go away, taking him with you?
How do you face the public when they no longer believe in any part of you and your failed promises.
How does it feel knowing there is little or no respect for you and who you have become?
How does it feel knowing you have let so many down, so many that had great hopes for you and what you might have been?
How does it feel knowing how much you have disappointed this county, this community?
How do you feel in the dead of the night when everything is still, and the silence is deafening? Whose voices do you hear?
How do you see your tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day …
How do you sleep at night?
Nice try- any chance at getting to her mentally went out the door 6-12 months ago.
She needs to be charged that is her only option at this point. The next option is to figure out Parea. Good luck- pray for this to end soon. Time is up
Obviously the Christina and Victor show needs to end, but let me raise a more serious question: Why didn’t the Board of Supervisors sound the alarm sooner? They must have known what was happening in the sheriff’s department’s but the defended her, I guess, because she’s a fellow Democrat. I think we need to investigate what the supervisors knew and when they knew it. I’m wondering whether they were OK with all this corruption until it became known to the public (thank you Daily Post). The supervisors have always had this “circle the wagons” mentality when anybody in the county government is accused of anything. That’s corruption, too.
Let’s hope you are right.
Hoping Parea is next to go since he is not elected but it may not be as easy as that!
I pray the Board of Supervisors can appoint Monaghan ! Make things right Monaghan!
It’s easy- he is unclassified too, so he can get fired just like how they treated and fired Monaghan!
Hasn’t been very easy getting rid of this sheriff if PareA is default sheriff I hope the board can intervene ASAP to get rid of him and appoint someone that will bring this chaos to an abrupt stop. The sheriff office needs peace and repair not some random new person thrown in the lmix- no some random person that hasn’t been working with the county, who the people know and respect and who understand firsthand the situation. Noone wants another repeat of this situation.
How many more cities who vote no confidence before this incompetent nutcase gets some self-respect and resigns?
Truth is none . Corpus cannot think or take direction without the obsessive Aenlle telling her what to do .
Her pathetic” meet and greet “ today was a joke but really more disturbing because little man Aenlle was lurking only 2 feet away . He is desperately trying to help her hang on bc without her he has zero chance of ever getting back in.
Step down Corpus , you can’t comb over what you’ve done This is not your hairline, it’s your corruption. We all see.
Well- the process it take for elected officials to be removed starts with an independent investigation that w from July to November then measure A (march 2025) prior to a grand jury (which took 2 years in santa clara) or a recall in 2026
Not an easy fix to remove a sheriff. Things need to change with abuse of power.
The attorney general doesn’t do his job in supervising the sheriff either- he ignored the case the board sent to the AG about bolanos too. The current sheriff case should be dealt with by someone with authority and NOW!
Did anyone else go to coffee at Live Cafe Saturday. They sre paranoid and delusional. First of all maybe 20 or so people came to praise the Sheriff. She started off by sayin they expected angry protestors to come. They kept asking for reporters from the Daily
Post too. I guess s few select people rally for the Sheriff’s selfish needs, other people realize that this situation is about supporting the employees, the county and getting someone that cares about following laws, policies and procedures.
The county has had it with the poor me narrative and that everyone has been out to get the sheriff because she’s a latin female etc this makes me sick to think people believe this. Or that people think this is ALL about overtime pay and labor disputes. Or that the investigative report only includes one person #3 and that the report called the lease agreement company CBRE the wrong name.
I reread the investigative report, and found SEVERAL concerning issues that need to be investigated further. The majority of the report includes Victor Aenlles transcript and points out issues of overstepping his role and powers Aenlle has over the sheriff in making decision. I read Aenlle gave out priority conceal and carry licenses to friends and family, that Aenlle didnt follow county policies to get a property leased and blames Mike Calagy for now letting construction start and the $35000 property sits there. I read Aenlle’s opinions of people influence careers and if they get demoted or fired. I read Aenlle took a flight to and from Hawaii with the incumbent Sheriff and her kids. The sheriff and aenlle had abc7 interviews on this after and their stories don’t add up just bumping into each other and grabbing a coffee to yes we are friends of 17 plus years I trust this man to we just happened to be on the same flight to Hawaii? Come on – the nepotism laws are clear if you are dating OR OR OR if you have a friendship that you can’t be impartial to then there is an inappropriate relationship at work and is called nepotism. You can’t hire unqualified people to roles paying $200000-$250000 a year because you need to work with your buddy- by the way who gave the sheriff her ring finger jewlery she has on lately?
Aenlle also dismantled the sheriff’s team that initially campaigned to get her hired. Aenlle pushed his fake badge and attitude at a woodside lunch with Trump to get a picture with the (former) president at the time. The arrogance, ego issues and power this man has over the sheriff is real.
What else is real is that the relationship is inappropriate. The HR complaints are RIGHT in front of the Sheriff and she refuses to investigate the HR issues and dismisses them- the issue is that the Sheriff will allow this man to do anything, say anything and get away with anything. The sheriff will not be impartial, put Aenlle on admin leave or even put the unqualified man into another non executive team position. Aenlle is banned and the Sheriff still believes he should work at the sheriff’s department .
What friend is with you 24/7 ? After losing a paid position at work, what type of friend drives you to coffee shops and martial arts studios on weekends to give the public speeches? Why is this sheriff with this man 24/7 and trying to still get him a paid position that he is not qualified for? Why is this man so much more important than ANY person including the unions, the county employees, city council members? Why is this man walking around with a gun 24/7?
Let’s NOT forget the fuzz bumper texts about a county employee . So take out the designer boots and tiffany jewelry and who cares what CBRE stands for – the report has 40 not 1 or 2 people 40 shared experiences- these are current or former employees and a couple members of the public that witnessed offenses. The narrative about this report being a hit job is just more reason to believe the sheriff is a liar and fraud. There are so MANY other violations that are flashing violation signs that only a liar and CORRUPT person would twist the narrative to latina female, out to get me, good old boys club, the report is a hatchet job – blame blame blame and NO ACCOUNTABILITY-ZERO ownership, at no time has this sheriff actually realized she is the problem allowing Aenlle to work at the Sheriff’s office, hiring Dan Parea, letting Hsiung leave, firing Monaghan, not having department meetings, ignoring the unions, demoting people to schedules that conflict with their kids, the urgency to arrest the union president over $950 in question, the public display of reading announcements and not answering questions, the sheriff not providing days and times to talk to judge Cordell (and the county had to pay market wages for the investigation she brings that up too $200000 for a scripted report that is defamation of these 40 people and the county), replying to these issues with crime stats and making this DAILY about herself.
The gig is up- the public sees the light. THERE ARE SOOOO MANY ISSUES. The entire department has voted no confidence in corpus the executive team etc. This is disgraceful, disappointing, disgusting to the core. This sheriff needs to resign and stop these games. Noone believes her anymore .
What exactly is this power grab? Who are good old boys? How many other latina females in the county are singled out in the county? This sheriff is mentally unstable and lost her chance to fix this situation last year. Measure A is legal in California, is legal in charter counties and is legal going to pass. The public sees the lies and corruption the support is overwhelming for the Sheriff office employees.
Brown Bear sees a Red Bird, who sees a Yellow Duck, who sees a Blue Horse, and all the people in the department , all the county (and even the pathetic leader)
What do you see?
Corpus continues to spew lies in her attempt to overt an obvious landslide of “Yes” on Measure A. At the same time, she refuses to take any semblance of responsibility for all the harm she has caused to the sheriffs office and the community at large. It is amusing a small few number of people can say they actually support her, but cannot point to any successes which she had a direct influence on (and her crime stats are as full of BS as she is).
The victims of Corpus get picked up along the way and manipulated by the Latina female narratives- that there is no evidence or sworn testimony and all about labor negotiations. Yet- why didn’t Corpus just fix that? The Sheriff can meet with unions and negotiate? Of that were the issue this would be fixed 9 months ago.
The remaining HR complaints get twisted to the county paid for a hatchet job and discounts 40 people – 40! How does she she wakenup believing her lies is right!
Be patient – Steve Wagstaffe is playing CHESS. Let Measure A prove that everyone wants her gone, then watch the magic happen…
The next game might be worse- depending on who the county appoints- this may catch a few people off guard.
Hope the cards land where everyone wants them to. Betting this gets interesting before common sense is heard. Try and keep Victor’s buddies away. At least get someone that knows the people,
can play nice in the sandbox. Not any retired Sheriff Office people please.
Basically, there is NO support for the current sheriff. People either see the value in Measure A to get her out soon or they want a recall to get her out in 2026. Either way she is out.
I vote to get prosecuted and get her out NOW! The peoole that don’t have to deal with the daily retaliatory hostile environment don’t care about waiting until 2026.