Correction: Victor Aenlle was lawfully present in the sheriff’s department headquarters building on Jan. 23. The order barring him from nonpublic areas of the building has an exception — he can enter if invited by the sheriff, which is the case here. The Post asked Aenlle to comment on Thursday, Jan. 23, before this story was posted, and he did not respond.
Employees of the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office felt intimidated yesterday when the sheriff’s former chief of staff, Victor Aenlle, returned to the department’s headquarters in Redwood City, according to an email a sheriff’s captain sent to employees today.
Many of those employees had cooperated in an investigation of Aenlle and Sheriff Christina Corpus.
Capt. Mark Myers said in an email (below) that it appeared Aenlle was carrying a gun. Myers also said that the sheriff’s puppy repeatedly urinated during the visit.
The county Board of Supervisors terminated Aenlle’s job on Nov. 13 and County Manager Mike Callagy banned him from entering any county facilities that aren’t open to the public. Aenlle no longer receives a paycheck from the county.
But employees weren’t aware that Aenlle could return to the sheriff’s headquarters on the Fifth Floor of 330 Bradford St. if he was accompanied by Sheriff Corpus.
Things are tense in the sheriff’s office right now because the county Board of Supervisors has put a charter amendment on the March 4 ballot that would give them the power to remove Corpus from office. An independent investigation by retired Superior Court Judge LaDoris Cordell found a pattern of “lies, secrecy, intimidation, retaliation, conflicts of interest and abuse of authority” by the sheriff.
Capt. Myers sent the following email to sheriff’s employees today:
“I want to address the situation that occurred yesterday involving Victor entering the HQ building and accessing the fifth floor. What has caused the most concern among staff is the lack of communication regarding this ‘exception,’ where the Sheriff can invite Victor in as long as she escorts him. This incident has raised significant concerns, particularly among our female civilian staff members who cooperated with the investigation and work on the fifth floor.”
“Some of our female staff felt intimidated by Victor’s presence and requested to leave the office early due to concerns for their personal safety. This situation has had a noticeable impact on morale and the sense of security and safety within the workplace.”
“Additionally, I want to draw attention to the first black-and-white photograph (above) where you can clearly see an imprint of an object on the left side of Victor’s jacket near his waist. This appears to be the imprint of a firearm being worn on his left hip. As you may know, Victor is left-handed (see photo with former Acting Assistant Sheriff Matthew Fox below). I was also informed that Victor was allowed to bypass the metal detectors on the ground floor and proceed to the fifth floor accompanied by the Sheriff, her puppy, and contractor Manjit Sappal.”
“This raises an important question: What is the County’s policy on allowing individuals with CCW (carrying a concealed weapon) permits to carry firearms into County buildings? I believe it is inappropriate and potentially dangerous to allow Victor to carry a firearm onto County property, especially given that he does not have a legitimate business reason to be present. Would it be possible for the County to explore obtaining a restraining order on behalf of employees to prevent Victor from entering County buildings in the future? Or is this something that we as a group of concerned employees need to explore on our own?”
“Another issue worth examining is Mr. Sappal’s contract. As seen in the attached video, Victor appears to give him a ‘bro’ hug, suggesting that they may know each other personally. Additionally, the contract’s value $199,999 raises questions. I recommend a thorough review of this contract to ensure transparency and compliance with County policies.”
“Finally, I would like to address the issue of the Sheriff bringing her puppy into the building. Staff and janitors have reported that the puppy has urinated on the floor multiple times, resulting in stains and an unpleasant odor on the fifth floor. This is not only unprofessional but also impacts the workplace environment.”

I have no dog in this fight (pun intended), but my reaction is “What the hell?”. Aenlle’s visit is wrong on so many levels, especially being armed, and with a badly behaving puppy. Hey county of San Mateo, how about you actually protect the poor people on the 5th floor just trying to do their jobs and forbid this guy from entering ANY county building, unless he has official business? Have any of you heard about “workplace violence”?
That’s a very cute puppy. Puppy “Jackie Vargas” shares a name was the director of “The Depot” where the main character, fed up with his boring office job, joins the Marines, but is instead assigned to a recruiting office counting paper clips.
Was that secretary held hostage and people didn’t see the subtle help me signs from her? That poor girl..
She left them note saying “call police”. Then she said “oh crap you are the police!”
Victor hired Dan Parea as well as this new tool. Why do you think the Sheriff didn’t need to post job openings or interviews- everyone is one big happy friend party
Continuing the nepotism without a care about the county
So he is still pulling the strings of the puppet show at the Sheriff’s Office. There has been no announcement of that POST has decertified him as a Reserve yet, so he can technically by-pass the metal detectors, as he is still a Reserve on paper anyway (she will never fire him). So, more than ever, he is flexing and pretending to be a Deputy, when he is in no way actually doing the job. For him, it’s never been about public service, it’s been about boosting his ego and soothing his short guy inferiority complex. As for the dog, it sounds like Corpus has just about as much control over her puppy as she does over her own personal impulses and Victor’s suggestions – which is to day “none”…
Wow, Sheriff Corpus is showing us once again what a corrupt POS she is. This latest move clearly shows that Corpus does not care about her deputies and civilian staff.
To parade this loser Victor tyrant through the office, a man who caused so much chaos was to intimidation the women who so bravely spoke out against him.
Shame on Jackie Vargas and this overpaid weakling Sappal..they should be ASHAMED to walk next to Victor Aenlle. They are truly despicable.
Vote YES on Measure A and let’s get these scumbags out.
When will this madness end? There was clear direction provided to Corpus from executive county leadership that Aenelle was prohibited from entering “non-public” areas of the county facility, let alone he was allowed to bypass security protocols and was likely armed! At a minimum, there needs to be a protective order in-place to address his further presence in county facilities and the carrying of any concealed weapons. Come on A.G., DA or grand jury, step in and stop this! Corpus’ blatant disregard for the physical and psychological safety of sheriff employees, her involvement in the unlawful arrest of Dep. Tapia and her unbridled pattern of abusive and discriminatory actions cannot be allowed to continue unabated. The county is at significant monetary risk, as is the more important aspect relating to the personal safety of sheriff office employees. As for the puppy…what would you expect? Corpus isn’t capable of even cleaning up her own mess,
By the way. love the” professional” handshake Victor gives Christina. It is actually comical.
That’s a pretty wide hairline you can see on surveillance video at top of Christina’s head. That’s what happens when you harbor secrets and know it’s all coming to an end ..
So reserves walk around with guns and in civilian clothes?
What did Aenle take in his big brown bag out of the Sheriff Office ? County property? Laptop? Cell? Cameras? Ammo? I am sure noone will know the truth.
100% sure Aenlle will say the buldge on his left side is something else- a cell?
Allegedly, the Sheriff also brought her Keebler Elf boy toy to the Sheriff’s Activities League headquarters, which is a shared office space with sworn San Mateo County School Resource police officers. SAL’s Secretary/Treasurer Kat Petrick quit the board, which is reflected already on her LinkedIn profile, because allegedly the Sheriff wanted to create a high salary position for Victor in SAL as a way to bypass the County’s act of firing of him.
On a side note, it was reported by the Coastside news that Victor is an alleged slumlord to farmworkers. The article is well researched and written. I highly recommend others read it.
Out of all the men in the world, the Sheriff truly picked a (/s) Winner to be her lover.
Kat is no longer listed on SAL’s website. Her contribution and dedication to SAL will be truly missed. She filled many shoes
“I was also informed that Victor was allowed to bypass the metal detectors on the ground floor and proceed to the fifth floor accompanied by the Sheriff, her puppy, and contractor Manjit Sappal.” Allowed special treatment by which of those three named, “…the Sheriff, her puppy, and contractor Manjit Sappal”?
It would seem that only one of the three, the Sheriff herself, would have the authority to compromise some the $750,000 of security features that Aenlle claimed he had installed in the remodel! Special treatment of Aenlle? That is likely to be denied by the Sheriff, yet again. I for one am hoping that Aenlle doesn’t lash out at Captain Myers. Does the Sheriff really care much about her workforce members who voted no confidence in Aenlle and were fearful for their personal safety? It’s likely there will soon be another media blast explaining how the Sheriff has arranged for mental health support, because she is the first ever elected SMC Sheriff who actually does care about her workforce. Her behaviors are not consistent with her words. It seems like only yesterday that the Sheriff released a video professing her care for another workplace violence incident on the coast. How sincere was that? Or, was it another opportunity to try to appear caring and sincere?
The Sappal contract, for those who aren’t aware of county protocols regarding the contract value banding, may have been crafted at $199,999 to avoid scrutiny or approval by the Board of Supervisors. Paying nearly $200K to a guy who had to retire because of debilitating back agony is incredible. Then again, in the Cordell Report Aenlle claimed he had severe back pain as the reason he only flies first class.
Another well timed and informative article that directly affects community safety and kudos to the Daily Post for publishing it.
No offense but Aenlle flies first class because he said he’s not a child. He’s also just careless and mismanaged county funds and the Sheriff lets him- she doesn’t care about rules, policies, deputies, captains, sergeants, office staff or let alone the voters.
Her new tactic will be a stall tactic to do a recall and remove her the right way allowing her 2 more years of this nonsenses and little boy games. Maybe she will have enough convicts and prisoners that will vote against her “ousting” she sure seems to be spending time with them.
Karma has a way of working out.
It would seem Victor was at the Sheriff’s Office to film Christina’s public service announcement she posted on IG regarding the mass shooting that ironically happened on Victor’s property (make love to the camera baby, show them that you care but don’t mention I own the property). I’m sure Christina is just livid over Victor’s hand placement on Jackie. Bet it’s going to be a rough weekend at whatever resort they hide choose to hide out at. Also, nice bro hug with Sanjit. Tack on some more zeros to Tapia’s lawsuit. This is Sons of Anarchy meets Sheng Thao. Hopefully they all get the knock knock soon.
I mean I gotta be honest. If you’re a Keebler elf you probably need to carry a gun. Plus, if you need to protect the sheriff you can’t trust you need a gun, because a coup with entrenched resistance is after her. The sheriff you can’t trust should just have Garcia stand in front of her. That’s cover and concealment. Oh well here is to the sheriff pissing on the voters and her tax payer funded puppy can pee all over a county building. Super professional. A sheriffs you can trust?
The absolute filthy disrespect to her employees!!! She is completely unhinged!! He has NO business carrying a concealed forearm, bypassing the checkpoint. GET HER OUT NOW!!!!! Preferably in handcuffs with little Vicky handcuffed with her!! They are inept, corrupt, incompetent and flat out a complete stain on what was the greatest Department in the County!
They could be playing together with handcuffs as we speak…
Be prepared for more fun and games. The conspiracy theorist have plotted some fun media trickery prior to February 3 and March 4th.
Then the plan to see the fight against the March 4 voters.
I do not know what this issue is here, she is corrupt in all ways. She is just trying to get a huge paycheck from the County! Get rid of her for breach of contract!
Three questions.
1. What does County Manager Mike Callagy have to say about this? He wanted Aenlle to stay away, but apparently Aenlle found a loophole and returned.
2. If Aenlle no longer has a job and isn’t getting paid, why is he involved in this? Why does he care? This chapter of his life is over, unless he gets indicted. A normal person would move on.
3. When Corpus sued to stop the election, why didn’t her lawyers seek an emergency restraining order or something similar to get an immediate hearing on her request? They have no chance of winning now, since the first ballots are going out to overseas voters. The election has started. I guess she’s just incompetent.
Better yet why does the Sheriff want this guy to work at the Sheriff office. It is blatant chaos and a complete disaster because of Aenlle. If someone, anyone causes this much animosity and complaints any normal employer would put them on leave, take the complaints seriously and likely just eliminate them from working in this environment. How many people have to say Aenlle is not qualified to be a Sheriff – he is a tool
She probably shook his hand to hand him something. The brown bag
Poor dog doesn’t know what she’s got herself into. Anyway why does the sheriff get to bring her dog to work? Nobody else does in the county and wouldn’t be allowed to. Is it a therapy dog in training? Seems like it needs more work.
Please Don’t be so quick to disparage Jackie Vargas. She had the misfortune to be promoted to an executive secretary to the Sheriff executive staff, a position she was probably thrilled about initially. I’m sure she would get out if she could, but there are many reasons why she may not be able to do so. It’s not always possible to extract yourself from a toxic workplace… I doubt that she’s enjoying the experience OR the negative attention.
I’m sure Jackie can stand up and be a strong woman and refuse to be part of the disgusting displays by her corrupt boss.
She could have refused to be part of the Victor escort detail . If she were to be retaliated against it would have been an opening for her to file a lawsuit. Something Corpus doesn’t need right now .
We need strong women willing to stand up in the SO not weak people like Jackie . Stand up girlfriend .
I don’t know Jackie. Never met her. I don’t know anyone who knows her. I’m just a regular civilian closely following these events.
You obviously don’t know that your convictions and your job often are not harmonious. She may hate the web she’s in. But ahe’s getting a paycheck, she’s probably looking long-term towards retirement/pension/social security (whatever she would get). It’s not wise to rely on a possible lawsuit payout, which is not guaranteed, and if she’s fired, she’s not getting paid until said possible lawsuit, yet you want her to be “strong” and sacrifice all of that? If she’s fired for “being strong,” will you pay her monthly bills until she wins a lawsuit?
It’s not as cut and dried as “We need strong women” – be realistic and put yourself in her shoes. Focus on the REAL problems – Cristina (I won’t call her Sheriff) and Victor.
You can’t stop an election that is legally on the ballot and voters can legally vote and 4/5nboard of supervisors can legally remove the sheriff WITH CAUSE
For God sakes people 44 of 58 California counties have this same removal process in place. This sheriff and her friends have a plan and have all along. They have been up to no good since day 1 they just hid behind their first command staff that was respected- now they’re gone and the only people working for Corpus are corrupt or greedy. Noone is working it is dysfunctional.
According to LinkedIn, Manjit Sappal is an investigator and consultant for MS Investigative Services and Consulting (clearly his own business). However, according to the CA Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Manjit does not hold a license to conduct private investigations. This is where it gets interesting. Manjit is listed as a PI on a website for Chaplin & Hill and is using Jay Hill’s license to perform those duties. In CA, a new PI can use another individual’s license to perform the duties of a PI until he has worked enough hours to apply for his own license. You know who DOES have a PI license in the state of CA? Christy’s boyfriend, the good little doctor Victor Aenlle. Given the apparent closeness of the two men (as evidenced by the bro hug), it is highly likely Manjit is now using Victor’s license to conduct internal investigations of sworn officers at the Sheriff’s Office. And he’s not the only one. Christy has also brought in the recently retired Antioch police chief to conduct secret investigations of the sworn staff, despite not having made any mention of the guy.
Christy is dirty. Far dirtier than anything any of the past sheriffs. Who do you think she learned from? It is time to clean house and start over.
Interesting thing is they list 5-6 people under that license on the website yet this is who can work under that license technically:
WALNUT CREEK CA 94598-1726
Look further
What about Parea? Where/when did he meet Aenlle? How are these corrupt people- Parea, Sappal all connected? Real Estate? Travel? Same membership somewhere? Rehab? Car show? Gun club? Their kids or maybe a Dan Noyes Christmas party?
Figure out why they all came together and continue this corruption and why they want more time in the Sheriff office together – they don’t work, they don’t community police, they don’t have relationships with ANYONE, the entire county wants this Sheriff out. What is the point? What is the link to their conspiracy theories? They must go down together. They are all in it!
You don’t need a PI license to conduct law enforcement IA’s. But nice Google digging.
Apparently you don’t need a background check to work on the executive staff either. Knee jerk reactions without reason and without knowledge of how tondo anything.
Bogus investigations anyways from unqualified tools. Cheers Parea
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Mikey. As you astutely mention, a PI license is not required to conduct law enforcement IAs. But what is required is a pre-existing relationship with the individual who continues to run the show – Victor. Clearly, Manjit has a close relationship with Victor and was hired solely for the purpose of carrying out Victor’s ongoing agenda of retaliating against the sworn staff. In legal terms, we call that quid pro quo. Manjit needs someone to sign off on his working hours (that would be Victor) and Victor needs a lackey to do his dirty work (that would be Manjit). The bigger question is, why is Brian Addington conducting secret IA work for the Sheriff’s Office? Just another POBR violation in the works.
The recent complaints and claims made by a Sheriff’s Captain highlights a troubling shift away from the professionalism and focus that law enforcement should embody. Alleging intimidation and a puppy urinating or feeling threatened by another individual carrying a firearm reflects a pettiness and lack of judgment that undermines the seriousness of their role. Such grievances suggest a deeper ignorance and perhaps even personal bias, rather than legitimate concerns tied to public safety or departmental integrity. Law enforcement officers are expected to demonstrate resilience and composure, not to indulge in trivial matters or exaggerated fears.
It is clear that Sheriff Corpus is working to challenge the entrenched “good old boys” network that has historically dominated law enforcement, and in doing so, she is facing resistance cloaked in false, degrading, and prejudicial tactics. This resistance is not surprising, as systemic change often threatens those who have long benefited from the status quo. Instead of supporting the forward-thinking leadership Sheriff Corpus embodies, some officers appear more concerned with asserting dominance and undermining progress, often resorting to misogynistic and prejudiced behavior to maintain their hold on power.
The behavior observed in the Sheriff’s Office further underscores this cultural issue. I witnessed deputies laughing and joking about the current sheriff, while speaking about the former sheriff, while showing no visible signs of fear or concern, starkly contrasts with the narrative of intimidation and fear they claim. These actions suggest that their grievances are less about genuine professional challenges and more about perpetuating a culture of bullying and resistance to change. Rather than addressing these personal insecurities and biases, such officers should focus on their duties and support the efforts of leadership to foster a fair, inclusive, and effective law enforcement environment.
I have only encountered professional behavior from deputies I have personally encountered. Thank you for your service and I hope we can all make it through this for the best of our county and our cities. Thanks.
I am not sure how you are interpreting any of this correctly. Obvious you are Aenlle or very uneducated and naive. Or perhaps new to this situation and heard her warped story ie Version first.
Either way, noone with any sense believe ls your angry thoughts about the real victims in this story.
It is clear that you have formulated a conspiracy theory and convinced the sheriff this is true. This isn’t a company that promoted the sheriff to CEO or President this is a sheriff who has worked in the county for years. A county that requires the Sheriff to work FOR the people. Not a Sheriff that needs to be convinced she looks weak by talking to the unions or weak if she doesn’t stand her ground. Communications through attorneys mean this sheriff has no intention of resolving ANY issues created under her failed leadership. The leader who needs ro take responsibility for HER own actions.
Whatever happened under Bolanos or Monk are the failed leadership under them.
This Sheriff cleaned house in 2022 and hand picked and hired her Executive team. Corpus promoted her Captains and hired many pf the current leaders at the Sherifd Office. Corpus ignored any and ALL complaints about Aenlle. So many complaints that people quit, retired earlyy or have turned into law suits. Corpus ignored the unions ignored meeting with the board of supervisors, so much so that the County had to step in because there are serious budget issues- including obtaining property to start a day care under a $35000 monthly lease – which was obtained IMPROPERLY and is not even able to be used. Just like the $74000+ table issue.
You see the reality here is a Sheriff who many people saw one that would bring honesty and integrity and professionalism back. That has flown out the door an this sheriff has made this job about HERSELF. There are civil rights, county ordinances, HR laws, polices and procedures and unions for s a reason. Each of these has been violated and broken by the Sheriff without any care for the employees at the sheriff’s office, and their families that this impcts.
Not showing up to work, not going to the city counsel meetings in the county or to board meetings, getting kicked off the governor correction board. This is far from a good old boy club scenario described repeatedly through the perpetrator herself who tries to hide behind a latina female narrative. People resd the HR investigation detailing people with knowledge of the HR complaints were interviewed by an INDEPENDENT RETIRED UNAFFILIATED JUDGE. People also saw a hnion member be arrested and publicly humiliated over allegedly $950 time card issues? Who arrests someone over $950.
Also people, the voters, see the blatant disregard towards Aenlle. Someone who promoted to the Executive team from a volunteer reserve position that is a realtor, who caused so much disruption over his disrespectful actions towards staff and the county. Someone that deserves to be disciplined and put into a place of no authority, a person that should not be ordering riffles to the Sheriff personal office and not someone that should know the safe combo or walk around with a gun. Not someone that should be ushered into the Sheriff building and leave with a brown bag of items. Not someone that should be flaunting around the county and sitting down with tv reporters making a spectacle of this county. Aenlle himself HAD been getting paid and the county had to fire him for the chaos and illegal behaviors he manifested himself. Aenlle also tries to maintain a reserve status without the actual volunteer hours and that time card fraud is ignored. The bias is clearly this sheriff and her team of 1.
If the deputies, sergeants, captains, the people in the county, the state and federal leaders- if they need to joke, to vent or another coping mechanism for the stress they deal with DAILY from this situation than shame on Corpus.
Go read Measure A supporters. The voters club not the good old boys club. Listen to the people, the victims pf wrong doings. Votes of no confidence and asks to resign persist. Be professional, be a leader and LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE RESIGN.
These issues are a Corpus circa 2022- now issue. Stop trying to hide behind a good ole boy club, latina female narrative. It’s unhealthy behavior and irresponsible. It is wrong. This sheriff and aenlle are wrong, narcissistic and mentally unfit for these roles. Power hungry holding grudges and have a personal mission at the cost of the county and more impacted families. Give it up. Just give it up.
Anyone notice all of the papers publishing get rid of Corpus theough recall not Measure A? A stall tactic to confuse people not following this Sheriff’s ongoing issues – would but her 2 more years in office that way. She’s trying to extend her time.
The grand jury takes time, recall takes time
Be like a general county it’s not unconstitutional- let the board of supervisors get rid of corruption.
Oh come on. How did you not insist on “Peeing Puppy” in the headline?
Well my vote just changed. I was actually against what the BOS wanted. However when I read this & watched video and reading the comments…she just lost my support. I’m voting in favor of getting rid of her.
More people continue to see the light. This sheriff will be friendly and feeble one minute and poof the next disappear and turn her back on people. She hires and fires people without any reason other than Victor doesn’t like them anymore. Ask the Sheriff why she even has a puppy-this os her 3rd dog or so since shes been in office she just gives the dogs away too because she can’t handle them. Hope this poor puppy gets a stable home and training and lifetime of attention it deserves. Hope the breeder realizes the sheriff is an irresponsible dog owner too, she can’t seem to care for anything properly.
Wait, she adopts dogs and then abandons them, too??? Like her children? Like her husband? Like her sworn duties? She has no soul!!
Jim Tom, I don’t know what rock you’ve been hiding under, but you obviously have only the most peripheral (read uninformed) knowledge of the gross misconduct of Corpus and Aenlle for the past two years, not even touching upon some of the other command staff brought in from the outside. Take it from SO many of us working at the Sheriff’s Office, including me, who have been adversely affected in our positions and duties as a result of that misconduct.
Interestingly, almost everything you wrote about the sworn staff, not to mention all of the civilian staff who’ve been impacted, is actually an accurate description of this corrupt and troubled administration.
Wake up and get informed! Your perspective is warped and inside out!
Biggest problem is not the deputies, sworn or professional staff. All of them can be adversely affected to varying degrees. Lots of coping mechanisms in play with them, just as there is a range of tolerances.
The behaviors demonstrated by the Corpus administration do not reflect any efforts of leadership to foster a fair, inclusive, and effective law enforcement environment; just the opposite. The behaviors of the Corpus administration appear unfair, bias, exclusive (classic in group–out group management), grossly ineffective and absent prudent management theory; they do as they want, which is no way to manage either change nor an organization. The Corpus administration appears not only problematic, yet also unethical, operating contrary to the oath of office each of them swore to uphold, and working corruptly.
Chat GPT much? Nice word salad.
Jim Tom, your argument in supporting Corpus’ “forward thinking leadership,” sounds about as dumb as your name implies. Corpus is the antithesis of real leadership. A dishonest, feeble minded, narcissistic dolt is all that Corpus really is. Not to mention she is co-dependent on her cheap-suit wearing, pasty-faced little troll.
[Comment deleted — Terms of Use Violation. Please, state your opinion without using X-rated terminology.]
Let the little people clean up the mess. Sheriff Corpus in an imaginary conversation with Victor.
Why would you be on the side of the Board of Supersizers, the same people who brought you this latest version of “Sheriff Batman”?
Winter will be here in 36 days….
Hillary, the Board of Supervisors had nothing to do with the Batman scandal