County debunks claim in Channel 7 report that defended sheriff

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San Mateo County officials Tuesday debunked a Channel 7 story that claimed retired Judge LaDoris Cordell withheld information exonerating Sheriff Christina Corpus and former chief of staff Victor Aenlle in her report about the disarray in the sheriff’s office.

The false allegations in the Channel 7 story by reporter Dan Noyes were picked up by a lawyer for Corpus, who filed a $10 million claim against the county, claiming the sheriff was a victim of discrimination because she is a Latina.

Noyes claimed that 29 pages of a transcript of an interview Cordell conducted with Aenlle were removed from the final report. The county’s response to that was simple — officials posted the entire transcript online for the public to review.

“Twenty-nine pages of the transcript were not included in the exhibit because they were not cited by Cordell nor were they material to the report,” the county said in a statement issued yesterday. “There was nothing nefarious about these pages not having been included in the exhibit but, given the interest in them, as mentioned, they are now available on the county’s website.”

The county said that the Cordell report cost $200,000 and that the retired judge was paid $750 an hour.

“This is in line with both the cost of a complex and sensitive investigation of this nature as well as the level of experience, expertise and unique qualifications that Cordell brought to the matter,” the statement from the county said. “The cost also speaks to the large number of witnesses Cordell interviewed — 40 current and past employees — and the extensive time taken to assess the veracity of the large number of complaints that Cordell reviewed.”

In the statement, the county also said the $10 million claim is “largely devoid of any alleged facts supporting its conclusions and egregiously accuses Judge LaDoris Cordell of partaking in what the claim calls an ‘evil scheme.’”

“Cordell is a highly respected former judicial official with decades of public service, including in ensuring law enforcement accountability. As an independent investigator, she alone determined how she conducted the investigation,” the statement said.

The county supervisors hired Cordell to look into a growing number of HR complaints against Aenlle. When Corpus fired her third-in-command, Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan, after he admitted to her that talked to Cordell about the investigation, the supervisors authorized Cordell to expand her investigation into the sheriff.


  1. Noyes has an interesting double standard. In the case of Alameda County DA Pamela Price, he was all upset that she had hired her boyfriend to work in the DA’s office. But he hasn’t said a word about San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus’ affair with Victor Aenlle. Wonder why there’s a double standard? Could it be that Pamela Price is Black?

  2. It appears that claim assertions filed on or by the sheriff are not all that has been fabricated. Just look at the 1/6/25 claim, “I put 162 new officers on the street”, claim by the Sheriff as posted by D. Noyes on his FB page. It sure looks like another false assertion that should be simple to debunk through a public records act request.

    On 11/24/25, the SMSO Community Newsletter on the SO website quotes the sheriff as saying when she took office she found, “90-sworn positions being vacant,” with “just over 40-vacancies” remaining as of the end of November 2025 subsequent to the hiring efforts of her administration. I calculate that figure as 49, not just over 40.

    Sworn personnel in SMSO are classified as deputy sheriffs and corrections officers. Only deputy sheriffs work the street. I find it extraordinarily doubtful that Sheriff Corpus has hired 162-deputy sheriffs in her tenure in office. The numbers simply do not add up, are fabricated, or grossly misstated.

    What might a public records request for substantiation of the Sheriff’s “I put 162 new officers on the street” assertion reveal? Is she including deputy sheriff trainees who graduated from the academy as among those so called new hires? Those graduates were mere promotions from the deputy sheriff trainee position, to the deputy sheriff position, not new hires. Is she including the level-1 reserves sworn in during 2024 as “extra-help deputies” (from the pictures it looks like one of those is 77, another 72, with a third in his mid-60s)? Those three don’t seem like full time employees, if they work only when they want (extra help) and less than full time, employees with benefits. Extra help positions are limited in the DSA’s MOU. Nonetheless every new hire announcement is labeled, historic, or, first time ever, which is seldom accurate or truthful.

    Based on the knowledge of the District Attorney’s Office about untruthful statements, have Sheriff Corpus and Victor Aenlle been placed on the “Brady List”? Why is Aenlle’s biography and image still on the SO website, when Monaghan & Fox’s have been removed? Will a public records request to SamCERA confirm that Aenlle is no longer contributing to his 37-Act county retirement account because he is no longer employed by the county? When will the Corpus Corruption matter be fully investigated by the SMC DA and brought to the Grand Jury for the return of an Accusation against the appropriate elected and appointed officials? So many questions remain.

  3. No way. Dan Brown Noyse was completely wrong? I can’t believe it. The cute little doctor Vicky esquire PHD and the sheriff no one can trust except Michelle Garcia are making things up and manipulating the public? Maybe Dan brown noyse should be fired for his shameful false and one sided reporting. Maybe doctor Vicky can lease them all 680 broadway and they can run a daycare center? Get these clowns out of the public eye.

  4. I read the 29 missing pages and there’s nothing there that is exculpatory for Corpus or Aenlle. It’s a lot of “hellos” and “goodbyes” and introductions, and Aenlle making more ridiculous claims. No smoking gun. Noyes has got to be embarrassed. This ranks up there with Geraldo opening Al Capone’s vault on live TV and finding nothing inside. Why does Channel 7 keep this clown on their payroll?

  5. I can’t believe KGO bills Noyes as an “investigative reporter” when he’s really more of a cheerleader for Corpus and her boytoy Aenlle.

  6. Noyes said 39 pages were missing and he never posted them either. He just posted his own interviews with Aenlle. His side kicks on abc7 news keeps saying you have been covering this story for months? Really he ha only talked to Corpus and Aenlle- no sheriff unions, no sergents, no political leaders. Noyes hasn’t attended and discussed the board of supervisors meetings. What exactly is being covered the one soded version of his friends?

    Corpus hired how many? How many retired or quoted in 2 years? What is the real staffing number? What about the overtime?

    What about the people 40 people that were brave enough to com forward and the many more scared to come forward for help? This issue is so much greater than is being covered by abc7 news. The deputies, sergeants, captain at the sheriff office ate suffering. Corpus does not even show up to work- go to the building and ask for her. Where is the time card fraud there?

    Why is Aenlle being protected by Corpus at the expense of her entire department and county? This has been goin on far too long. Corpus just stirs the post every week so to gain random support of people that have just started watching this story. There are months of issues piling up and shame on Noyes for ignoring the leaders that have asked Corpus to resign. The voters that once supported Corpus are gone.

    The voters Corpus speaks of? The state and federal leaders, the myors, the deputies, sergeants and captains they have all voted a no confidence and asked the sheriff to resign. The board of supervisors is now 3 females and 2 males- including a latina female. This is disheartening to the public.

    The real truth needs to be on the news not gaslighting stories.

  7. If ABC allows Dan Noyes to do one more report on Corpus, we will know they are complicit. Get rid of dishonest Dan ABC 7 !

    Where are the standards of journalism? ABC calls Dan and investigative reporter? Are you kidding me?

    • ABC 7 please fire dishonest Dan, he loves to wreak havoc with his unsubstantiated, unprofessional, and biased editorials that are full of falshoods. He is not an investigative reporter, he is ambulance-chasing paparazzi. He does not care what accurate journalism should be. His colleagues at ABC 7 know he is a pompous grandstanding hater, who will do anything for attention.

  8. Sounds like it cost 2 and 1/4 Sheriff office tables to hire an investigator to review multiple HR complaints ignored by Corpus. We all hope misappropriating county funds isn’t being added to list of issues with Corpus. What else could that $74,000 budget cover? 2 months of a building lease negotiated by Aenlle and that is being unused too?

    Now over $100000 this month going to nothing.. $740000 table $35000 lease

  9. The story the Daily Post had on the $74,000 office table she bought with taxpayers money is the kind of investigative story Channel 7 used to do back in the day. Instead, they put out this misleading story about the 29 missing pages in Cordell’s report … pages that turned out to be irrelevant to the investigation and a big nothing burger. Thank God we have a local paper that’s willing to do real investigative reporting.

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