The San Mateo County Board of Supervisors will consider giving themselves a raise and a retirement plan, bringing their pay to $195,782 plus benefits.
The raise would have supervisors get 80% of what judges make, and the county would pay 4% of the salary into a retirement plan. The supervisors’ retirement contributions would be paid into a 401(a) account. This is similar to a 401(k).
Supervisors Warren Slocum and Dave Pine, both leaving the board in January, proposed the raise for the rest of the board to consider on Tuesday (Dec. 3). East Palo Alto Councilwoman Lisa Gauthier has been elected to Slocum’s seat and former Congresswoman Jackie Speier is taking Pine’s seat.
Slocum and Pine are termed out.
The raise would take effect in January 2027 and 2029 for newly elected supervisors, Slocum and Pine said.
Supervisors made $168,746 last year, pay records show. They typically get a raise based on inflation, and this would be the first raise beyond that since a 10% raise in 2005.
How do we vote on a pay cut? Will each member of the public be allowed one second of public comment?
how about the sheriff salary can they eliminate that ?
Funny how this story isn’t being reported in the SM Daily Journal.
SM daily journal likes to be popular with the supes