A critic of San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus — Carlos Tapia, the head of the deputy’s union — was arrested today (Nov. 12) by the sheriff’s office on charges alleging he falsified time cards, the sheriff’s office confirmed.
Tapia, a deputy sheriff, was booked into jail for felony grand theft and theft by false pretenses. He has since been released on $10,000 bond, according to sheriff’s spokeswoman Gretchen Spiker.
“Sheriff Christina Corpus’ decision to arrest San Mateo DSA President Carlos Tapia has all the earmarks of whistleblower retaliation, particularly given that retired Judge LaDoris Cordell investigative report regarding the DSA’s complaints against civilian chief of staff Victor Aenlle is expected to be released in a matter of minutes,” the union said in a statement this afternoon.
“This is not a coincidence,” the statement said. “Existing policy mandates that any allegation of criminal misconduct against Sheriff’s Office employees must be referred to the District Attorney’s Office to avoid just such conflicts of interest and maintain public confidence in the impartial application of the law. The Sheriff abused her power and the public trust by violating this long-standing conflict of interest policy and arresting the union president.”
District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said his office has not received the case from the sheriff’s office yet and had only learned of the investigation this morning.
Tapia is on administrative leave, Spiker said.
This arrest occurred just hours before county supervisors Noelia Corzo and Ray Mueller were set to hold a press conference to release a report by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell.
Cordell was asked to investigate complaints about the Sheriff’s Office.
The press conference was set to be held tomorrow (Nov. 13) at 11 a.m., but was moved up to today.
Tapia has been a thorn in the side of Corpus recently. His union along with the sergeants union voted on Sept. 19 to approve a resolution of “no confidence” in Corpus’s chief of staff, Victor Aenlle.
Corpus, who was elected in November 2022, has defended her chief of staff, saying that her employees have made assertions about Aenlle “that are simply not true.”
Also in September, Tapia’s union along with the sergeants union filed a complaint with the California Public Employment Relations Board, or PERB, over a change Corpus made regarding mandatory overtime deputies must put in.
The Sheriff’s Office went outside their own policy to investigate one of their own who just happened to be the union head and a thorn in the Sheriff’s side. The Sheriff’s Office’s own policy (available on their website) says they “shall” refer potential criminal cases to the DA’s Office, but this just happened to be done in-house? Also, was this a lengthy investigation which resulted in DA and judge review, or was in a “fresh” arrest? This reeks of retaliation.
OMG!!!!! She had him arrested after she found out virtually ALL the allegations against her and Aenlle were SUSTAINED by the independant judge!!!! This is criminal retaliation! She needs to be brought before a judge!
As A past San Mateo County Deputy Sheriff’s Association President, Executive Board Member and also a recently Retired Deputy Sheriff,
I am saddened and heartbroken to hear of more Disparaging incidents within the Office-
I ran for Sheriff and endorsed the past 2 Candidates in an effort to be transparent about the Past Administration, who frequently conducted these types of Negative Behaviors.
I certainly hope this is NOT Retaliation by Sheriff Corpus for the vote of NO Confidence.
I wish the San Mateo County Deputy Sheriff’s Office – DSA + Sgt’s Associations Members, the Staff and especially the SMCDSA President Deputy Carlos Tapia – prayers and MY full support, respect and energy to persevere and let the truth prevail.
So CP 290 Bill made the arrest because the other captain refused because he knew it was unlawful then resigned. I’m Very disappointed in computer bill as he was once in a predicament and was able to wiggle his way out of it. He has no backbone and is a pawn for Victor. I’m so happy this report came out exposing all of corpus and Victor’s affair and their demented regime. Borat and Fox are also a disgrace. Get rid of all of them and being Bolanos back.
Bolanos was no better.
Balonos was corrupt!
Another massive lawsuit that will cost the County millions. Go away Christina and Victor, you seem to be drunk.
Agreed. Hopefully Tapia will settle for her head on a platter and not make the rest of us pay. I didn’t even vote for her.
As noted in Allegation 3(d), a sworn lieutenant employee (#18) and a civilian employee
(#15) interviewed three candidates for the Professional Standards Bureau, they selected
Candidate #3 as best qualified for the position. However, they were informed by
Undersheriff Perea that it couldn’t be Candidate #3 and that it had to be another
candidate. Candidate #3 had previously failed Aenlle in the Field Training Program. In
the presence of the sworn employee (#18) and Sheriff Corpus, Aenlle said, “We’re going
to move him [Candidate #3].”
Do you need more evidence of Victor failing the fto program Palo Alto daily post?!!!
Guess this is a tactic to delay the union from their immediate vote of no confidence. Oh wait, it doesn’t matter.
Ding dong the witch is gone soon
Why is she still bringing up Bolanos? Does she not realize this is ALL on her?
She gave Victor a badge, she went to Maui, she got $11k tifanny earrings, she got foot rubs, dinners, CAC permits, conflict of interest loans, derogatory comments yet she DENIES EVERYTHING- lies and avoids all of it. Why?
The voters will waste their time to show you their OVWRWHELMING lack of support. Resign or be humiliated more
She wore those earrings during her tirade at her pathetic press conference
And don’t forget the bit they have trysts on at sequoia yacht club in Redwood City. Who paid for that boat? I doubt he did. More abuse of taxpayers money.
Where will the decimal point be placed on Mr Tapia’s future financial settlement with the County of San Mateo over this debacle?
Based on her emotion laced, trembling pleading in her second press conference of the day, Sheriff Corpus that she does not seem to understand the basics of the process of filing a criminal complaint in San Mateo County. Retaliation is a word she seems quite familiar with through her own words, suggesting deliberate and intentional actions. Clearly Mr. Aenlle does not understand many processes in county operations and criminal justice either. If either of them understood more, they might understand the processes of criminal justice itself. If either of them understood more, they would not expose themselves to soon becoming in the position of being introduced to the pretrial process they have apparently forced upon poor Mr Tapia.
There is a difference between a perception that probable cause exists and the process of District Attorney review, followed by the filing of a criminal complaint to initiate charges, and the various stages of judicial review. Yet the Sheriff and her executive team may soon find themselves with a forced and improved understanding.
Frequently Asked Questions about San Mateo County Grand Juries (https://sanmateo.courts.ca.gov/divisions/grand-jury/frequently-asked-questions-grand-jury) reflect that the Civil Grand Jury is a judicial body impaneled to act as an “arm of the court,” and as a voice of the people and conscience of the community. If I’m not mistaken, the last scrutiny of an elected sheriff in San Mateo County by a court was in 1856. Subsequent to the court review back then, a new election took place and a new sheriff was elected. All appearances now, in 2024, are that history will repeat itself in the upcoming six months with a judicial review of the appropriateness of an elected sheriff to be the Sheriff of San Mateo County. The first time in 168-years. The first time for a female sheriff in San Mateo County. Based on most of her media release assertions, Sheriff Corpus appears to strive to be the first at many things.
The cited website informs readers that, “The statutes passed in 1880 allowed their [Grand Jury] duties to include investigation of county government by a Grand Jury beyond alleged misconduct of public officials. Only California and Nevada mandate that Grand Juries be impaneled annually to function specifically in a watchdog capacity over county government.”
No need for newly crafted County Charter amendments, or elections, when the government code already provides streamlined avenues to sort out the like of Corpus and Aenlle, not to mention Perea and Fox among Corpus’ hoodlum-like appointees. Judge Cordell’s report contains sustained findings of multiple acts of willful misconduct by elected and appointed officials. Sheriff Corpus has turned back the hands of time to 1856, and the court needs to expeditiously intercede.
Mr. Wagstaffe, do your sworn duty, prepare the accusation, and base your case on the un-redacted version of Judge Cordell’s investigation. Present all the evidence clearly, factually despite the associated embarrassment, impartially and fully. Move forward with a sense of urgency and haste. I fear there is more yet to be revealed.
The notion of securing silenced weaponry for the untrained executive team in the Sheriff’s Office suggests a growing clear and present danger by those who illegally possess such weaponry in defiance of statutes they have sworn to uphold.
Oh and lets not forget that Aenlle was also in possession of a suppressor that did not go through NFA tax and registration….a FELONY! Charges should be brought immediately and “Sheriff” Corpus and civilian not a cop Aenlle.
The independent judge also SUSTAINED the allegations that “Sheriff” Corpus used racial and homophobic slurs. This has to end NOW! GET HER and all her clown out! She has disgraced the Office we also hold so dear!
I have no idea of the validity of the charges against Tapia, but the timing is not a good look.
The County hired a judge with a long resume of ethical and moral history of sound judgement. For the Sheriff to say that she is biased simply because the County hired her is a joke. The evidence of clear abuse of power, retaliation, and simply bullying if prevalent. This has nothing to do with the sheriff being a woman, or a woman of color. Sorry Sheriff, this is a call out of your abuse of power and that of your boyfriend Victor.
It is a shame and demoralizing to the men and woman of the Sheriff’s Office, who work tirelessly for the citizens of San Mateo County.
It’s not working Sheriff. It is time to gracefully bow out and resign. It is time for Victor to go back to real estate and leave the management of the Sheriff’s Office to police managers.
Ryan Monahan will be vindicated.
Carlos Tapia will be vindicated.
Mike Callagy will be vindicated.
Order will be eventually restored, but only under new leadership, that is honest, transparent, law abiding, ethical, and has morals. All of which Vic and Kris seemed to have forgotten.
The public put their faith and trust in Corpus, and now that faith and trust is broken. Step down now.
I am in complete shock and very saddened by the way the line staff are being treated at the Sheriff’s Office. I worked for the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office for 28 years.
I can’t believe what’s going on under Christina Corpus’ “leadership”. I did support her and sorry to say voted for her. I only supported her because of the people she said were going to be part of her transition team. I believed she didn’t have the experience, but with these individuals having 80 plus years of experience with the Sheriff’s Office and even more experience with other departments, I thought that they could really help her. They were all heavily respected by all and had tons of talent.
Obviously, she had different plans. She got everyone from outside agencies with no corrections, transportation or court experience. Apparently, Ryan Monaghan was the only quality one hired on her administrative staff because she attempted to terminate him. Callagy saw the retaliation, the writing on the wall and saved the county a lot of money in a totally righteous lawsuit. No brainer that the attempted termination of Monaghan was in retaliation for him being respected by the line staff and seeing the major issues in the way Corpus’ dirty administration conducted themselves. Only the dirty ones remain.
I worked with Carlos Tapia for many years. He is well respected and a class act. An asset to the Sheriff’s Office, unlike so many who are in the profession for the wrong reasons. Christina Corpus, you must think people are stupid and don’t see that if staff disagrees with you or challenge you, you retaliate, take them out.
I actually think the worst decision Christina Corpus could have made was to become involved with Victor Aenlle on a “professional” level (trip together to Hawaii one week after her being elected) and then on a work level. Aenlle was a volunteer reserve deputy. He went through an abbreviated course to obtain this status. Aenlle went to the Police Academy, I assume he passed it, went into the Field Training Program and was unable to pass. He never achieved the title of solo beat Deputy/Officer. Most other recruits that do not pass the Field Training Program would apply at a different agency in the hopes of passing the program and becoming a full time Deputy/ Officer. He remained a volunteer reserve Deputy. He obviously has a weird fetish for the Sheriff’s Office and thinks his money makes a difference. You can’t buy respect, it must be earned. You Victor Aenlle, will never have any respect from anyone that is quality and earned the badge. I highly doubt even the store bought Corpus administration people respect you, as no one respects any of them. Always a bad idea to surround yourself with people who will eat their own.
Christina Corpus you need to cut the cord. You have embarrassed the Sheriff’s Office and females in the profession. You need to leave or you will be removed. Have some dignity or should I say find some dignity and leave. Please stop the bleeding. San Mateo County can’t afford all of your retaliation lawsuits, let alone your total waste of Sheriff Office reserve funds. You are dumber than I thought if you think no one is noticing the retaliation tactics you and your administration are using. Please remember, what goes around comes around, Karma and bad Ju Ju.
I honestly have no idea how you can look yourself in the mirror and see anything other than a total disaster. A failure in Law Enforcement, the Law Enforcement Community, the political arena and as a decent human being.
Your career in Law Enforcement and as a politician are over. All this happened in record time. I hope you are proud of what you have done to the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office and so many decent individuals.
Please stop with the poor female of color crap. You have done this to yourself.
Obviously, retaliation! Just like she did with Monaghan. Corpus shouldn’t be able to get away with this. Who’s next? Where’s the DA to stop this?
When was the last time a Sheriff actually placed cuffs on an arrestee? It doesn’t happen. Retaliation, you bet it was. She thinks she is invincible.
Carlos was my partner for a couple years and he was and is proud to wear the sheriff’s uniform. We all know what the end result of this will be. Carlos will be cleared and hopefully, a lot of money comes out of her pocket.
I’m thinking both Wozniak and Tapia will be buying matching Ferraris. lol.
I can’t believe she doesn’t have one more person in this world that she trusts more than him. Blind Faith. Just like a good Trumper. She’ll ride her flaming dumpster all the way to the sea where she’ll SEE that it doesn’t float anymore.