Sheriff says she’s a victim of race and sex discrimination; she accuses county manager of bullying

San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus and her chief of staff, Victor Aenlle. Photo from a 2023 Lymeaid fundraiser taken by Drew Altizer Photography.

San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus said Sunday she is filing a bullying complaint against County Manager Mike Callagy with the Board of Supervisors, who earlier launched an investigation into her office.

She says she’s a victim of sex and race discrimination.

Several weeks ago, the Board of Supervisors hired retired judge LaDoris Cordell to investigate Corpus’ chief of staff, Victor Aenlle. When Corpus fired assistant sheriff Ryan Monaghan on Friday for talking to Cordell, the supervisors expanded Cordell’s investigation to include Corpus.

Sunday, Corpus said that Callagy asked her if she had ever dated another county employee, which would be in violation of the county’s nepotism rules.

“I cannot imagine he would have made such a request of my predecessors, all of whom were men,” she said in a statement, according to NBC Bay Area.

But in her statement yesterday, Corpus didn’t answer the question about whether she is dating somebody else on the county payroll. She divorced her husband, Lt. John Kovach, last year.

Corpus has stood by her chief of staff, former real estate agent Victor Aenlle, who has been accused of berating female employees and inserting himself into investigations even though he has never been a full-time deputy sheriff. His only experience is two years as a reserve deputy, but for unknown reasons wasn’t hired for a full-time job as deputy. However, once Corpus was elected in 2022, she placed Aenlle in her inner circle, as chief of staff.

Corpus, the county’s first Latina sheriff, says it all comes down to bias against her based on race and gender.

If the board does not act, Corpus said, she plans to escalate her complaint to a state level, though she didn’t specify what department she might approach with her grievances.

Corpus said the “abuse of power and inappropriate practices” she’s experienced stems from a new policy that would increase the mandatory overtime for deputies. Corpus implemented the policy to compensate for what the department is citing as an acute labor shortage. The deputies union has protested her overtime policy, saying she imposed it on them without going through the legally required “meet and confer” process. The unions have filed a complaint with the Public Employment Relations Board, or PERB.



  1. That photo says it all… Hey Sheriff instead of going to the media why don’t you address the issues within your organization and communicate with your staff. Maybe hold a meeting and answer some questions from your staff instead of keeping them in the dark? Why are you hiding? Claiming racism and misogyny is so pathetic. Worry about your staff. Oh wait youve already lost their support.

  2. This latest publicity stunt by Sheriff Corpus and her Chief of Staff to take the focus off their misdeeds is not a surprise to any of us . The Sheriff using “ good ol boy “ and “ woman of color “ soundbites to unscrupulously gain sympathy from the taxpayers is despicable .
    How convenient in the middle of an investigation against her admin she now claims discrimination and bullying.

    She fired Monaghan , a good man who has
    dedicated his life to law-enforcement and service after she found out he cooperated with the investigation. If that isn’t retaliation, I don’t know what is.

    Don’t back down Callagy , Mueller , Tapia , so many are counting on you . DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED.

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