Daily Post Staff Writer
All of the people who allegedly broke into the Stanford president and provost’s offices and vandalized the building were students, according to the university.
Students who participated in Wednesday’s protest were immediately suspended, and any seniors won’t be allowed to graduate, interim university President Richard Seller and Provost Jenny Martinez said in a joint statement.
The students broke into Martinez and Saller’s offices at dawn on Wednesday, barricaded themselves inside and stayed there for three hours.
Messages were spray painted on the inside and outside of the building, photos show.
Demonstrators cheered in support of those being arrested as the detainees were escorted out of the building and loaded into police vehicles.
One police officer was lightly injured when he was shoved by protesters, the university said.
“The situation on campus has now crossed the line from peaceful protest to actions that threaten the safety of our community,” Seller and Martinez said, adding that demonstrators had recently tried to occupy a different building.
One student who was arrested — Zoe Georgia Edelman, 23, of Washington, D.C. — is listed as a managing editor for the Stanford Daily, the student newspaper.
Most student profiles were scrubbed from Stanford’s website following the arrests, but the webpages were still available with a “page not found” message.
Protesters are facing burglary charges, police records show.
Their names were posted yesterday on a computer in the lobby of the Stanford Department of Public Safety.
Those arrested were:
• Eliana Lindsay Fuchs, 24, of San Mateo;
• Isabella Terrazas, 22, of Houston;
• Hunter Armstrong Taylor-Black, 24, of Chestnut Hill, Pa.;
• Dilan Suraj Gohill, 19, of Santa Monica;
• Taylor Oh McCann, 32, of Oakland;
• Gretchen Rose Guimarin, 22, of Rancho Cordova;
• John Thomas Richardson, 19, of Menlo Park;
• Kaiden Wang, 22, of Elk Grove;
• German Rafael Gonzalez, 20, of Stanford;
• Cameron Michael Pennington, 22, of Stanford;
• Zoe Georgia Edelman, 23, of Washington, D.C.;
• Maya Nell Murungi Burke, 28, of Frankfort, Ky.;
• Amy Jing Zhu, 20, of Thousand Oaks;

Can these folks show where Palestine, Israel and Gaza are on the map?
They’re students at Stanford, what do you think?
I think they are immature ignoramuses. A healthy democracy requires that its citizenry be informed and able to protest. Students who have joined this “ooh, I’m radical now” showing off are not informed. They are ignorant – seemingly intentionally so – of the realities of life in the region in question, the history of the conflict, the Palestinian peoples consistent refusal over many years to agree to a two-state solution, and most importantly in this conflict, the civilian participation in terrorism.
“All eyes on Rafah”? How about “All eyes on civilians in Rafah hiding hostages in their homes!”
So my bet is that they cannot, in fact, find Gaza on a map.
They are Stanford students. You’re a fruitcake on the interwebs. I think they know better than you.
Thirteen futures up in smoke.
I concur with Susan Watson Cameron.
I hope the police investigation extends beyond these 13 and goes after any external instigators.
I am ashamed to be a Stanford alum. Stanford, what say you?!
I say these are 13 people from a student population of 15,000. Try focusing on all the many positive aspects of the university, from medicine to engineering to business to science to …
Come on…the school is tarnished.
13 is 13 too many.
Nobody is going to hire a convicted burglar(the charge they’re facing for refusing to leave the admin biilding). I’m sure their names are already on corporate “do not hire” lists, just like those Stanford Law School students who harassed the federal judge.
Unfortunately they will get their diplomas in one year. They are claiming they won’t graduate but that is a lie. I doubt any of them will even have a record. Maybe the Jewish girl who they pointed out as the editor of the school newspaper. The rest will probably be just fine. They had to show a little administrative action since a police officer was hurt. Let’s follow up and save the names on the list. That way we will know if they actually have consequences .
From what I understood they will all be expelled and none will graduate.
No they won’t. That’s what the Stanford administration wants you to think. These kids have rich parents and top-notch lawyers who will pressure the administration to drop the expulsions. You’ve got to remember these are the children of the world’s richest people. They travel on private jets and have drivers. They got into Stanford after making a large donation to the endowment. These rich kids won’t be punished.
My son goes to Stanford and we are far from that profile. Sure, there are the wealthy kids, but there are many from modest means and influence that got there on merit. Let’s not lump everyone into the same mold.
You have no idea what you’re talking about in regard to the admissions process.
The DOJ’s Varsity Blues case illustrated vividly about how the rich and well-connected can buy their way into Stanford. Since most of the defendants pleaded guilty, there isnt much argument to this. Will parents like that stop the expusions and buy their kids an expunged record? Of course they will.
The instigators might be internal. Some of their professors have been radicalized. Remember Ameer Loggins, who had his students identify whether they were Jews. Then he went on to verbally attack the Jewish students. After four years of indoctrination like that and of course they’re antisemitic. Hamas is alive and well in the faculty lounge at Stanford.
How can highly educated be so ardently in love with Hamas? I can understand opposing the killing in Gaza. I can’t understand this unwavering, unilateral support for the terrorist group that brought it on. It only goes to show, the hard left is just as monolithically brainwashed as the hard right.
For the same reason Bill Ayers, in whose living room Barack Obama launched his political career, joined the Weather Underground.
I am a Stanford alum who lives in the Bay Area. The pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas encampments setup following the October 7th events that led to the vandalization of the Main Quad has been a learning exercise for me.
It doesn’t happen often that one has the opportunity to see first hand Saul Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals” playbook be executed, let alone on people I would have never thought would fall for it. If this worked for Stanford students -who given the selectivity of the school in recent admission cycles are among the smartest young kids in the nation- I can only imagine how effective it can be on less sophisticated young adults.
I hope that the leaders of our elite educational institutions re-think their approach to education. It must have been embarrassing to see the nation best and brightest students fall for this crap.
Hatred of Jews has a long tradition that they sample from.
This is ridiculous what a waste. I am sorry to hear that these kids will not be allowed to continue with their educational pursuits hopefully they will learn a lesson here and put the education that they have worked so hard to obtain to good use. Sad thing to read about.
They have been educated by radical low life’s trying to have their 15 minutes of fame. The real world knows what a Stanford education really is. It is worthless and the curriculum is not at all what it used to be.
I certainly hope I can get my money back then. Worthless huh? I am refusing to pay for Summer Session. My silent protest. I have had it. Oh wait, I am going to be an intern this summer. Never mind.
I certainly hope I can get my money back then. Worthless huh? I am refusing to pay for Summer Session. My silent protest. I have had it. Oh wait, I am going to be an intern this summer. Never mind.
The ignorance and ill-will from these commenters towards young people risking themselves for something larger than themselves, the freedom to live out the natural course of ones life in peace, is shocking. Shockingly bloodthirsty and anti-life, shame on you. Are you thinking your own thoughts or parroting empire? Empire doesn’t care about you. Bless all who support life. May it be so.
Isn’t it “pro-life” to rescue hostages Hamas is holding?
“Freedom to live out the natural course of ones life in peace”
Oh dear. You think the goal of Hamas is to allow Palestinians to live in peace? Their literal stated goal is the eradication of Israel.
Palestinians are still obsessed with Right of Return, even though most of the adults in 1948 have passed away. They are obsessed with return to their “land” which is literallly 15 miles away from where they live now. Their actually homes are gone, replaced with apartment buildings.
What, exactly are they fighting for then? An idea of domination.
The laws of the United States, that when it comes to the defense of free speech are the most generous in the world, do not get to be suspended to accommodate young people’s desires to get arrested for believing on something greater than themselves.
What I particularly dislike from this generation of protesters -when compared to those who protested in favor of civil rights or against the Vietnam war- is that they don’t seem to understand that there is no remedy possible to accommodate their cause. It is destruction of private property for the sake of destruction of private property,
Stanford cannot divest from every company that does business in Israel even if its board of trustees were inclined to do so. What is Stanford going to do, divest from the S&P 500 entirely?
So no, I have no respect for the 12 protesters.
The break up and the arrests are a failure of Stanford as an educational institution. Stanford failed these students not in their refusal to divest but in not teaching them how the real world operates.
The charges will be dropped. DA Rosen always folds when the defendant has lots of money. He’ll give some speech about how the protesters have been put through enough already. You’ve got to remember the protesters have parents who could be future campaign donors.