Thousands lose power in Palo Alto

By the Daily Post staff

11:05 p.m. Power is out to about 2,000 Palo Alto residents at this hour. High winds have downed trees that have brought power lines along with them.

The fear of flooding seems to have subsided in the past few hours. It’s raining, but not at the intensity predicted earlier in the day. The city says the creek monitors are working again after they failed Saturday during the flood.

If residents need a dry and warm location overnight, the city of Palo Alto has opened Rinconada Library. People can also charge devices, use a laptop and find a hotel.

Also, the city notes that with the power outage, stoplights may be out as well. So treat dark intersections as four-way stops.

9:57 p.m. — Winds knocked down a 60-foot redwood tree that caused a power line to fall in the vicinity of Louis Road and E. Meadow Drive tonight. The fallen line may be connected to a broader power outage affecting thousands in Palo Alto.

Firefighters are at the home where the fallen line was first reported. The line was sparking but hadn’t set the home on fire. Upon investigation, firefighters discovered that the line had fallen in several adjacent backyards.

A number of homes on Evergreen Drive and Aspen Way have been evacuated.