Resident assistants at Stanford University went on an strike Thursday after the university declined to meet their demands, according to the Stanford Daily.
The RAs, who live in 28 residence halls, called on Stanford to meet these demands:
• provide a virtual option for in-person instruction (a demand that surfaced after an RA tested positive for Covid-19 after attending a training session in person),
• increase pay,
• involvement in decision-making, and
• change the university’s alcohol and drug policy.
Of the more than 500 RAs that the university hires annually, about 150 attended a training Thursday morning, the first day of the strike.
They went on strike about one week before students are scheduled to begin moving into their dormitory rooms. — Bay City News
Under California law, housing cannot substitute for pay except in very rare circumstances. I am confident that the RAs’ attorneys are well versed on California employment law (my primary area of practice).