stephanie with guitar

stephanie with guitar

Longtime Palo Altan Stephanie Munoz died Aug. 1. Photo provided by her family.


  1. Stephanie’s passing is a great loss to our local communities and to the peace and justice activists and causes she so stalwartly supported. She had a unique voice and contributed spiritedly with frequent letters-to-the-editor on wide-ranging issues. Hers was a tireless, loving, dedicated, gentle-yet-feisty spirit that we will hold in our hearts. She came faithfully to our WILPF meetings to lend her voice, always bringing comments and news clippings, and regularly attended and spoke at Palo Alto and East Palo Alto City Council meetings. She played her guitar and sang at community events and at St. Francis of Assisi Church in East Palo Alto in the garden. Several times I took her to the Palo Alto Repair Cafe, since she believe that cherished items should be fixed, not thrown away, and I took her or picked her up at the Flea Market at Paly High before or after WILPF meetings – she would often bring items she had found at the flea market to share with our members – a ceramic cup, pot for a plant, some napkins, sometimes a plant. When Rev. William Barber of the Poor People’s Campaign came to speak at Stanford this past January, we were able to get her a spot with her wheelchair near the front and she heartily sang along with the choirs and enjoyed the event. Although she was already weak, she particularly wanted to attend one of our small weekly vigil/demonstrations on a corner in Palo Alto (she brought a folding chair and shopping bags): but she gamely held a sign and waved at passing cars from her chair, showing the core of her spirit to protest injustice and participate as she could. Her sweetness and her dedication will remain with us all.

  2. Judy, thank you for your comments about Stephanie. I grew up in the sixties with the Munoz family (Stephanie and Bob were friends of my parents in college) and I wish I had known her in her later years. I remember her and your description of her meshes well with what I grew up seeing.

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