By the Daily Post staff
State ethics investigations into the 2016 campaigns of Palo Alto Councilwoman Liz Kniss and former Redwood City Councilman Jeff Gee still haven’t been resolved, according to the Fair Political Practices Commission.
The FPPC released its agenda Monday for its June meeting in which it lists resolved cases, but neither politician was mentioned.
About two-thirds of FPPC cases are resolved within six months and 90% end within a year, according to commission spokesman Jay Wierenga.
Wierenga said he couldn’t speak about Kniss or Gee’s cases, but he said several things can cause delays. They include people not being cooperative with the investigation and documents not being easy to obtain.
The FPPC could also be slowed down because it’s working with another agency on the investigation.
An anonymous complaint filed against Kniss after the 2016 election claimed that she had failed to report campaign contributions in a timely manner and identify donors by occupation and employer.
Gee came under scrutiny after he voted on a Stanford project while the school was a client of his firm, Swinerton Management and Consulting in San Francisco, according to a complaint filed on Dec. 29, 2016. Gee is VP of Swinerton. Gee decided not to run for council last year.
What are they waiting for? Why hasn’t Kniss been forced to recuse herself from voting until this is resolved? What a farce.
Why do people keep voting for Kniss?
Pretty sad.What with J. Gee, there really is no grey area about conflict of interest and the guy is still sitting on influential boards supposedly representing San Mateo County citizens.I wonder if his presence with Sam Trans had anything to do with his council cronie, John Seybert getting hired as fleet manager of Sam Trans from a position of fleet manager at Crystal Springs Upland School??? Yes, that would be from managing a fleet of vans.
What kind of system allows prosecution based on anonymous complaints? Did they erase the part of the constitution that allows the accused to confront his accusers? Only in crazy California.