Former assistant sheriff files $5 million claim against the county

Assistant San Mateo County Sheriff Ryan Monaghan, who Sheriff Christina Corpus attempted to fire, has filed a $5 million claim against the county alleging retaliation.

The claim is one of several filed by current and former sheriff’s office employees against Corpus, who faces a possible firing by the Board of Supervisors next month.

Monaghan, a former longtime San Mateo city police officer and later police chief in Tiburon, said his firing on Sept. 20 came three days after then sheriff chief of staff Victor Aenlle confronted him about cooperating with retired judge LaDoris Cordell, who was investigating complaints against Aenlle.

Monaghan said he was fired after confirming that he was interviewed by Cordell.

Monaghan said his professional reputation is now “sullied” by retaliation from Corpus, Aenlle and Undersheriff Dan Perea.

He is seeking $5 million from them and the county in punitive damages, according to the claim filed by his attorney, Charles Stone. The county supervisors can decide whether to pay Monaghan’s claim or deny it. If they deny it, Monaghan is free to file a civil suit against the county and the other defendants.

County Manager Mike Callagy, fearing Monaghan would have a case against the county after he was fired, kept him on the payroll to mitigate the county’s damages. However, he’s not working at the sheriff’s office.

During the meeting where Monaghan was fired, Corpus cried and told him she was “disappointed in him.” She said she had heard what he had been saying about her and that he had not been checking in with her about the negative press she had been receiving, the claim said.

Monaghan believes that because he had been left out of at least 11 meetings of the executive meeting before he was fired, the claim states. The claim said he was treated as an outsider because he was unwilling to play “loose and fast with the law.”

Monaghan’s claim is one of several legal actions that has been filed against the county. A lawsuit has been filed by former Capt. Brian Philip, who refused to arrest union president Carlos Tapia on allegations of time card fraud — a case the District Attorney’s office later threw out. 

Additional claims include those brought by Sgt. Javier Acosta and Sgt. Hector Acosta, who are claiming retaliation. They’re seeking a combined $2.25 million in damages. 

County Executive Mike Callagy has also joined the fray with a $10.5 million claiming he had been defamed by Corpus and Aenlle. 

Corpus and Aenlle have fired back at their accusers. For instance, Aenlle claimed Callagy is the godfather of Monaghan’s daughter, according to Callagy’s claim. Callagy denied it, saying he would not recognize Monaghan’s daughter if she was standing before him.


  1. Ha ha ha all these public employees want a pay day! I was is telling none were able to find serious practicing lawyers. First, County Manager Callagy finds Jim Harnett to represent him. He’s the former mayor of RC and richly paid Sam Trans head. The same to lead a recall. I thought Callagy was smarter than hire such a lawyer with baggage.
    On claim form, Hartnett puts down his home address? He can’t he even afford a P.O. Box or a by-the-hour-office?

    And Monahan could only find Charlie Stone, the politician former mayor of Belmont to represent him?
    Ha ha, the county needs to higher a powerhouse of real lawyers to challenge them! That will protect us residents from paying out. SM County Counsel seems so incompetent and incapable! Will be fun to watch

    • Is this Aenlle again? Or basket case Corpus? You are consumed with revenge and hatred.
      Good will overcome evil.
      What will be fun is watching you lose everything.

    • What the county needs is Corpus to resign. She is incompetent

      So many victims of this corruption. They deserve every penny in the prolonged stress.

  2. Well, well, well! Corpus wouldn’t need teams of lawyers across California defending her if she followed county protocol and California laws. The others that were victims of the Corpus regime “hired” attorneys that work in the legal area where they are needed to file claims and in the county and state they live.

    Same person that wrote Chrissy’s claims must have written the above comments- go “hire” someone competent! While you are at it read some labor laws so you get a clue.

  3. ⌚ ng police unions railroad duly elected officials out so they can pad OT and increase their PErs payouts is why California is boned financially. What ever, just keep robbing the tax payers. One day all these public union criminals will face RICO and it won’t be pretty. The police union in Henderson Nevada is doing the same thing they might no. These police unions are criminal

    • OT is not included in calculating a public employees’ retirement benefits. Plus, active public employees do contribute monthly toward their retirement benefits. Just like they pay, federal and state taxes, SDI, social security (some do), Medicare taxes and the premiums toward their healthcare. They also have the “option” to pay for term life insurance and/or invest in deferred compensation. All being deducted from their monthly paycheck.

    • Your emoji explains nothing about this article.

      The Undersheriff and Assistant sheriff are not part of a union.

      The executive team is picked by Corpus- she ran them out because she is bad and corrupt.

      She will have to explain to her family why her own personal finances are being used to pay for all of her bad decisions.

  4. All public servants suck.
    None cares about the People, just themselves and the money they can get from We the People.
    After all We are the one’s who pay.

    • The bigger story is the political process it takes to rid society of corrupt elected officials.

      At what point does the Attorney General or someone stop bleeding society of unnecessary recalls that cost millions- politicians sit around bettering their own personal future careers and bank accounts.

      At some point when there are literally 100,000’s off people asking yoh to step down and resign you find a new job. This is ridiculous. And ridiculous to read about the new weekly issues that go nowhere.

      These claims and law suits all just are such a bad wY to have to get rid of an incompetent Sheriff- female/male ; white/black/latina; young/old whatever you are just RESIGN

      The end is inevitable

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