County will hire outside party to look at supe’s spending

La Entrada Middle School. District photo.

The San Mateo County Office of Education is hiring a third party to audit the Las Lomitas School District’s credit card spending after the county performed an initial audit, according to a letter posted to the district’s website tonight (Jan. 10). 

This comes after the board suspended Superintendent Beth Polito’s district credit cards while the District Attorney’s office looks into her spending. 

The county’s Office of Education has been reviewing credit card spending by district administrators and reviewing the district’s related policies. 

As a result of the county Office of Education’s review, it is hiring an expert in school district fiscal management. Las Lomitas’ board had asked county Superintendent Nancy Magee to look into the matter. 

Polito has faced fierce parent and teacher opposition leading to parents digging through district finances, finding receipts from stays at luxury hotels and expensive dinners. 

Polito previously told the Post that she often places group meals or group hotel stays on her card and that “total charges on my card often don’t reflect my personal consumption.”

The Las Lomitas board will learn more from county Office of Education’s Kevin Bultema, the deputy superintendent of business services. 

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