Opinion: Sheriff wrong about her critics


Daily Post Editor

San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus got a big surprise last week.

Last Monday, she sent an email to her entire staff saying the criticism of her chief of staff, Victor Aenlle, is coming from a “select few.”

Later in the day, her deputies and sergeants voted overwhelmingly to declare they had no confidence in Aenlle. The vote was 306 in favor to 12 opposed.

Aenlle’s critics aren’t a few bad apples, they’re 96% of the sworn deputies who voted. Did she not know how her staff feels about Aenlle? How could she have missed this?

And, if you go by her email from last Monday, she feels Aenlle is innocent of all of the complaints filed by her employees. She says those complaints “simply are not true.” She didn’t say whether she investigated any of those complaints, however.

The complaints range from Aenlle berating employees in front of their colleagues to inserting himself into criminal investigations despite a lack of qualifications and experience. Aenlle was only a reserve deputy before Corpus elevated him to her inner circle when she was elected in 2022.

But Corpus won’t have the last word on this. The Board of Supervisors has hired retired judge and former San Jose police auditor LaDoris Cordell to investigate the complaints.

But oddly, Aenlle remains on the job during the investigation. Often police are put on paid leave during investigations. I guess the rules are different for him.


  1. They say that love is blind. In some cases, it is willfully blind. Does the Sheriff’s Office have rules about supervisors having relationships with subordinates?

  2. The Sheriff you can trust but shouldn’t and cute little doctor Vicky PHD Esquire Chief of Staff and their band of merry morons which include undersheriff Borat and captain foxy as he likes to call himself. One of the sheriffs minions was videoing who was at the DSA/OSS press conference so he could report back to her and the cute little midget doctor. When are the Board of Supervisors going to do what needs to be done. Does the sheriff and doctor Vicky have to have more than 50 HR complaints? It’s time to call this experiment of a sheriff the disaster it is. Anyone that hires a 100 percent clown like Perea shows no one wants to work for her. No one wants to work for her. Remember 3 Captains and an undersheriff have left and remember that’s after the dictator got rid of an undersheriff and two assistant sheriffs when the voters screwed up and voted her in. I voted for Bolanos so i don’t feel any remorse. The taxpayers should be furious. She is spending money on trips and an empty building like she is Bill Gates. Except it’s not her money. It’s all taxpayer money. When your taxes go up remember this comment. A sheriff you can trust. That’s hilarious.

  3. For the San Mateo SO sworn and professional staff that have been around before Sheriff Corpus, during the administrations of Sheriff Horsley, Munks and Bolanos can attest that while they may not have agreed with all of the policies, programs or selections for promotion, we were all mostly very proud to be San Mateo SO employees. Never in the history of the agency was there ever discussion of a vote of no confidence, filing PERB complaints and even county HR complaints were a rarity. The sworn staff that campaigned for or supported Corpus felt that the time had come for a change. Those that actively campaigned for Corpus have each told me that in retrospect, it was a mistake. Several of the Corpus supporters that were expected to take senior positions in the sheriff’s office decided to decline those positions because they told me they were already seeing the negative impact that Aenelle was having on the Sheriff’s decisions and policy implementation. They felt that it was improper to bring in a civilian with almost no law enforcement experience on to the executive team. So now l, fast forward to today. A vote of no confidence in Chief of Staff Aenelle, discussions by many members of the SO about similar votes of no confidence against the Sheriff and Undersheriff. We have PERB complaints, records numbers of HR complaints and law suits naming the Sheriff. and Aenlle. Add the legitimate concerns about potential corruption in the Redwood City substation and Half Moon Bay SAL facility transactions, and reports of rampant budget overruns associated with final construction and furnishing of the new headquarters. Who among us thinks that things at the SO are better today than when Bolanos, Munks, Horsley or Cardoza served as Sheriff. Christina, if you are like most of us, the proudest day of your life was when you pinned on a San Mateo Sheriff’s Office badge. If you still have any love for this agency or respect for the professional, please demonstrate some honor and integrity by resigning now so we can begin rebuilding a once great law enforcement agency.

  4. Not only this, but Corpus let Aenlle hire Undersheriff Parea after they pushed out Undersheriff Chris Hsiung. Since then it’s been an environment of terror and the sad thing is she is elected and will continue to get away with this likely for years. Unless someone can provide enough evidence Corpus and Aenlle are in a relationship. Her soon to be ex-husband doesn’t want to expose the evidence he has for the sake of their family. But she is corrupt.

  5. I’m a big supporter of Dr Vicky esquire chief of staff and his boss sheriff corpus. I’m one of the 12. I know that being part of the dirty dozen is career suicide but I’m big on self preservation. I go with the wind.

  6. Corpus hand picked two of her closest supporters to get their picture taken with Trump last week. While the 96% were out doing the actual work required to protect the president. The special 12 were on easy assignments.

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