Mike’s resolves rent dispute, will stay open

Mike's Diner Bar owner Mike Wallau outside his Middlefield Road restaurant. Post file photo.

Mike Wallau, owner of Mike’s Diner Bar in Palo Alto’s Midtown neighborhood, said today he will remain in business after a disagreement with his landlords was resolved.

The news comes just one day before property manager Eugenia Seraia was planning to evict Wallau because he was one day late in paying his $22,052 rent that was due on July 15.

Seraia, representing owners Scher Holdings LLC and Finebaum Surviving Spouse’s Trust, refused the late check.

When Wallau told the media and public he would be evicted after 29 years, residents, the Midtown Residents Association, Mayor Lydia Kou and other city leaders jumped into action.

A petition drive attracted 1,456 signatures.

“A huge and heartfelt thank you and major respect to all our backers. We’ll keep working hard to earn your continued support,” Wallau said. “I’m super, super grateful.”

Now that the problem has been resolved, Wallau said he plans to open for breakfast and lunch starting in about two weeks.

Seraia couldn’t be reached this afternoon. The two entities that own the building at 2680 Middlefield Road represent the 10 adult children who inherited the property.

Wallau said he doesn’t really understand why they were going to evict him, but he said that going forward he plans to pay his rent a couple of weeks in advance to avoid a repeat of this situation.


  1. This is miraculous! In the constant churning sea of disappointments with all of the heavy news Mike’s Diner Bar staying open is divine. Mike’s restaurant is the heart of the community. A hearty thanks to neighbors, Annette Glanckopf of the Midtown Neighborhood Association and all the great people who signed the petition to support Mike’s establishment staying open in Palo Alto. So grateful for the transformation of the property owner in this decision to not evict this success- ful tenant. Chapeaux!

  2. A great win for the community and for Mike’s.

    “Seraia couldn’t be reached this afternoon.”

    Of course he couldn’t although it would be fascinating to know what changed at the last minute to bring some sanity and humanity to this indefensibly petty stressful brouhaha.

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