Another city votes no-confidence in sheriff; judge to decide on Corpus’ request to cancel election a week before the vote

Sheriff Christina Corpus and Undersheriff Dan Perea at a Nov. 13 supervisors meeting. Post photo by Amelia Biscardi.

Daily Post Staff

Another city council has declared that it has no confidence in San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus and a judge has agreed to hear the sheriff’s arguments for canceling an election that could lead to her removal from office.

Millbrae City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday to hold Corpus in no confidence after an independent investigation accused her of nepotism, abuse of power, retaliation, intimidation, racism, homophobia and conflicts of interest.

In November, San Carlos City Council also approved a no confidence resolution.

Both cities have a contract with the Sheriff’s Office to provide local policing services. The cities could decide to cancel their contracts with the sheriff’s office when those agreements expire, though neither city has talked about that on the record.

Before becoming sheriff, Corpus was the captain assigned to run Millbrae’s police bureau. The allegations of homophobia and racism occurred during Corpus’ time in Millbrae, according to a county-commissioned report by retired Judge LaDoris Cordell.

Mayor Anders Fung said the vote of no confidence on Tuesday was not personal, but based on the concerns he’s heard from the rank and file in Millbrae.

Councilman Bob Nguyen agreed and said some of Corpus’ actions may affect public safety in Millbrae. He said vacancies in the sheriff’s office may affect Milibrae.

Councilman Reuben Holober raised concerns about apparent attempts of retaliation by the sheriff. In one case, she fired Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan after learning he had given an interview to Cordell for her report. In the other instance, she had deputies union president Carlos Tapia — a critic of her leadership — arrested and jailed for timecard fraud. District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe later threw out the case against Tapia.

“We’ve probably all had jobs where there’s been low morale, but I don’t think we’ve worked in jobs where you could be arrested for speaking out,” Holober said.

Meanwhile, San Mateo County Judge Nicole Healy said Wednesday that she will decide in late February on Corpus’ petition to cancel a March 4 special election on a county charter amendment that would allow the county Board of Supervisors to fire the sheriff.

Healy said she will issue a tentative ruling on Feb. 25 and hold a final hearing on Feb. 26.

“This is very late in the process for the sheriff to be raising the argument she is raising,” County Attorney John Nibbelin said. 

Ballots for the measure went out last week to overseas voters registered to vote in San Mateo County. Ballots to voters in the county will go in the mail next week and are due back March 4.

If Corpus’ attorneys do not delay the election, voters will decide whether to give the five-member county Board of Supervisors the ability to remove her from office by a four-fifths vote.

The power to fire the sheriff is temporary, ending in 2028.

Christopher Ulrich, Corpus’ attorney, contends the vote should take place in the November 2026 general election, when such measures normally go before voters.


  1. Corpus will fight everything as long as Aenlle is with her 24/7 convincing her the world is out to get her. Sad that she can’t step away and live in the world. Read the measure A supporters. Corpus is either done now or as soon as a grand jury or recall happens. Why prolong the inevitable there is noone supporting Corpus, not even her (former) friends. She has given everything up for an unqualified power hungry manipulative relator. They are waiting for a scenario to twist facts and find a loop hole to survive this longer. Hopefully, they keep adding things to their case against them. Get as many burner phones as you want Aenlle. You can’t hide from illegal activities. eventually, government agencies get involved and then life is much different. preach on the news and radio and make fake memos- they mean nothing to anyone.

  2. Millbrae should know. She was “Chief” of Millbrae and did a horrible job that showed her complete incompetence before she decided to run for Sheriff.

  3. Corpus said in her comments that the Millbrae board of supervisors can do whatever they want they aren’t the voters in Millbrae. Is she completely insane and doesn’t see the light yet?

    another group of people that Corpus deems not important- let’s see how she acts towards them… more retaliation potentially. This has to stop. Pray 2/26 stops this madness and then the voters show her a good turnout and speak against her. Why else would she want to stop the Measure A vote- she knows the voters don’t support her.

  4. Why does Corpus think she has been any bit discriminated against? People have asked her to communicate and to work. What a fraud. She ruined her career and continues to lose support and respect every day she continues this garbage of a Sheriff job. Beware of her fake campaign posting wrong messages on yes on a signs

    Does he really think 800 people she works with are discriminating against her? She falsely arrested the union president who is a man of color. Then tried to send a message of fear to everyone at the sheriff office by marching Aenlle through the office last week. She has demoted several people that speak out and follow policies and procedures. If Aenlle doesn’t like you people get fired or intimidated with texts, phone calls or demotions by Parea. These people are treating san mateo county like a 3rd world county. They are sick.

    Just retire and go live an honest life with your special boy friend Aenlle.

  5. The biggest problem with this is she was hired to be a law enforcement for the State of California and violating the laws of the State of California for doing what she did she required to have a jail cell not a courtroom! The law says that once she’s found guilty of a crime she is to be prosecuted and sent to a prison cell with an indefinite state since it’s a federal violation of the law. But not a damn one of you’ve ever studied the law in 250 years so everybody wants to assume they have the power when all it is is power it ain’t got no education in law. And since they have the gun on their hip they’re going to push their way fucking through society though

    • Im not understanding what you are saying Christopher- which violation puts Corpus in a jail cell indefinitely?

      I am all for her resigning or being removed. Which 250 year old law is in place here?

  6. No matter what happens, she has won. She duped the County voters. The County will spend millions to get her out and she’ll still walk away with a FAT pension.

  7. What a joke! The judge schedules a hearing on Christy’s request to cancel the election after the election starts? I wonder how she will rule? Sure, a judge will cancel an election after people have begun mailing ballots back. This has got to be a joke, no judge will do that.

  8. The judge has to question why someone would be suing for an election that has not yet happened and if it passes still requires the board of supervisors to vote in favor of removing the sheriff and pass by 4-5 vote and also notify Corpus of the removal at that time she would be able to argue staying as sheriff.

    Sine these lack of communications have persisted with DEFIANCE with the board of supervisors and county SINCEat least last April-june of 2024 why would anyone expect this Sheriff to know how to communicate.

    There clearly is no discrimination here there is a clear Corpus personal agenda to keep Aenlle to continue advising the sheriff office and his nutjob power hungry personal revenge in place.

    Why the judge has to wait until February 26 just shut her down now..

  9. Did she, herself, clean up, after her puppy “piddled” in the Sheriff’s Building, or did she delegate it to someone else? That’s what l want to know. I think it’s unprofessional to bring an animal to the workplace unless it’s a service animal, but an untrained puppy? That’s just inconsiderate to co-workers and the poor puppy! It’s also unsanitary to not take it outside for a proper potty break, so it learns when & where to go!

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