Daily Post Editor
I’d like to respond today to the arguments I think San Mateo County Christina Corpus will make in an attempt to convince voters to reject Measure A. Measure A is a county charter amendment which would give the five-member Board of Supervisors the power to remove a sheriff in a four-fifths vote. Ballots for the measure will go out early next month and they’re due March 4.
Corpus, who was elected in 2022, was the subject of an investigation by former Judge LaDoris Cordell, who talked to more than 40 witnesses. Cordell, who doesn’t have a dog in the fight, found evidence of nepotism, racism, homophobia, abuse of power, retaliation, conflicts of interest and lies. The county supervisors want the power to remove Corpus from office.
The race and gender argument
Corpus says that the supervisors are against her because she’s a Latina. But one of those five supervisors, Noelia Corzo, is the daughter of Guatemalan immigrants. Both the county Democratic Party and the county LatinX Club voted to support Measure A.
Power grab
Corpus says Measure A is a “power grab” by the supervisors. But that’s false. The temporary charter amendment sunsets in 2028, the length of Corpus’ term. The supervisors’ power to remove a sheriff won’t be permanent.
Charter amendment is illegal
She also says that it’s illegal for the county to amend its charter to allow the supervisors to remove a sheriff. But case law shows otherwise.
In 2002, San Bernardino County’s supervisors amended their charter to require a four-fifths vote to remove the sheriff. The sheriff at that time, Gary Penrod, challenged it in court and lost in the appeals court. (See Penrod v. County of San Bernardino, 126 Cal.App.4th 185)
Twenty years later, the Los Angeles County supervisors put a similar four-fifths requirement on the November 2022 ballot and it passed with 72% of the vote.
At the time, Alex Villanueva was sheriff, and he was accused of obstructing police brutality investigations and allowing his officers to form gangs.
In the same election, Villanueva was up for re-election but lost to former Long Beach Police Chief Robert Luna, 61%-39%. I couldn’t find any case challenging the Los Angeles County amendment.
Erwin Chemerinsky, a leading scholar in constitutional law and dean of UC-Berkeley School of Law, called the charter amendment requiring a four-fifths vote a “desirable reform.”
“There must be some method of accountability for the sheriff,” Chemerinsky told the Los Angeles Times. “This would create an essential mechanism for accountability and a remedy in egregious situations.”
What about a recall?
Some say that the way to remove a sheriff is through a recall. But that could take a year, and this is an emergency situation.
She’s shown terrible judgment. We need a sheriff with good judgment at the helm to handle emergencies. A sheriff should be capable of making important decisions quickly.
Based on what I’ve seen, she’s not able to lead the sheriff’s response to situations like a school shooter, an airliner crash, a large-scale hazardous materials spill, or a massive wildfire in which the sheriff would be in charge of evacuations.
And we can’t afford more incidents involving sheriff’s officer employees that will lead to lawsuits. In the past two years, Judge Cordell has found several credible instances of harassment. Corpus fired Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan in retaliation for speaking to Cordell. Monaghan’s firing was so egregious it was blocked by County Manager Mike Callagy.
Five people have died in the jail on her watch. That needs to be addressed immediately. How many more people will die while we wait for a recall?
The sheriff’s office is barely functioning. The deputies, sergeants, lieutenants and captains have declared they have no confidence in her. Civilian employees are in fear for their safety, Cordell found.
So next time you hear an opponent of Measure A give one of their arguments, you can respond to them using the information in this column.
Editor Dave Price’s column appears on Mondays.
People also need to be aware that there are 58 California counties 44 are considered General Counties and 14 are charter counties.
General counties allow a 4/5 board of supervisor vote to remove a sheriff.
Charter counties currently only allow a Atty General, Grand Jury or a recall election. This amendment for Measure A follows suit with general counties and is faster and less expensive than any of the current options.
Obviously, California needs to revisit how much power elected officials have especially when there is misconduct. Such powers cost tax payers millions of wasted dollars and wasted time with incompetent leaders in place.
Currently this Sheriff is directly impacting over 800 employees lives, their careers in cases where they are demoted, fired or falsely arrested .this impacts families and the everyday public duties due to stress. People are quitting!or retiring.
Looking at data that reflects people hired at the Sheriff office doesn’t take into account people leaving and overall staffing. Reading sheriif memos or her abc7 interviews don’t address ANY resolutions to issues that are now lawsuits pending and misappropriated funds- abuse of power and misconduct.
I believe, you omitted the fact that four out of five San Mateo Board of Supervisors will have the power to remove the San Mateo County Sheriff for whom the people voted. That is what prop A is about. No?
What was the hurry? Why not vote for a recall the correct way? Please, don’t rush me, take my vote for or against Sheriff Corpus and tell me it’s for my own good.
No thank you. No way on A.
This article is barely more than one one-sided opinions and resources. That’s my opinion Thank you.
Jim, did you happen to notice the word OPINION at the top? So, yeah, dummy, it’s going to be “one sided”
Terrific opinion! Perhaps one way to look at it may be that the best news is the ability to vote in any and all public elections. As mentioned in the Millbrae Council meeting last night, there is absolutely more than one side to pretty much every story, or assertion.
I prefer the Grand Jury (GJ) option personally. In the GJ process for elected and appointed officials, the metric is merely willful misconduct. Once the accusations are found to be true, the resolution is removal from office. My belief is that public officials who engage in willful misconduct do so risking their elected, or appointed, positions.
I see that as where we are now. Multiple options. To vote or not to vote. To decide or to abstain from any decision. To pick correctly or to pick incorrectly. We are fortunate to be in a land where people can respectfully agree to disagree, within the parameters of the law of the land.
I prefer to have the quickest option. While this may not be impacting your family this is a larger issue than you alone. The sheriff office issue have been unraveling since early 2024. She ignored SOOO many HR complaints that they had to seek help and the Board of Supervisors stepped in. Not only did Corpus blantly ignore complaints but she did nothing to resolve any issue.
She put an unqualified realtor in an executive position, Aenlle. Aenlle has been mking decisions and part of conversations that he NEVER should have been- he is allowed to do anything include hire and directly fell the Sheriff to fire whoever he doesn’t like. These two are inseparable, he pucks up her kids from school, they traveled together to Hawaii and spend time outside of work together. This is a neoptism problem that has lead to retaliation against employees, a false arrest of the union president and now this Sheriff is getting paid her salary and isnt doing her job. She doesnt go to the office most days , her command staff is empty and there are no communication ms happening except when she goes on abc7 news and spread lies.
This measure follows the other 44 out of 58 California counties that allows 4/5 vote of the board of supervisors to remove a sheriff if there is clear misconduct or financial misappropriation. This county has 800+ employees at that sheriff office.many of whom are in fear at work. Waiting for a grand jury to do what needs ti be done now is negligence. Unfortunately, getting the lazy Attorney General to do anything is impossible. The AG didn’t even fire past sheriffs with misconduct complaints. Now Corpus believes she can do whatever she wants shes elected, including arrest her employees , travel with her relator friend to unnecessary conferences, and treat being a sheriff as a one latin lady job. This situation is so wrong.
The board of supervisors tried to speak to corpus dozens of times and corpus just ruined her own career by listening to advice from a relator. What should have been a good thing was long ago spoiled by Corpus. She deserves consequences and NOW! Waiting for a grand jury or recall would drag out the inevitable to 2026.
Think of how these 800+ people at the sheriff office and their families are being impacted. Think of how this impacts public safety everyday having an absent selfish unfit sheriff.
Did you read the investigative report? Apparently not. You would run for the cover immediately if you read it. She is a corrupt elected official taking advantage of the inflexibility of our county’s rules and regulations. We can not afford it and we won’t tolerate it. Measure A is a speedy way to remove her before she damages our county more. And yes, you still have a vote to cast for or against it, so no one is disabusing you from your right of vote for a sheriff. If Measure A passes she will be gone. If it does not she will stay.
What I would like to know outside of Corpus’ argument that she will make in opposition if Measure A is what commitment will she be making to our community of people who are in fear of ICE and possible deportation. Our community is a blend of different cultures, with one being predominantly Latino. Corpus what will be your stance with ICE entering schools, questioning the people in our community of San Mateo County? Why haven’t you spoken to this sentiment as someone who claims our people can trust? Because it appears that those who did not vote for you, myself included, were onto something with your ex-husband’s confederate tattoo and your abrupt change in switching to the Democratic Party. How about leave your dog and boyfriend at home and come into the office and work for the people in this community and the Sheriff’s Department.
I confess that I don’t know enough about this issue to form an opinion. However, I think Christina should absolutely change her first name to Habeas.
If you don’t know you should. this is not an issue to be naive about. read the stopcorruptsheriff.com or look up what measure A is about
This corruptions and misappropriating funds and retaliations to sheriff employees needs to STOP NOW!
I stand my ground! NO on measure A
[Portion removed — please be factual.]
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! No on A and yes on love! I love you Victor!
who cares anymore about what Corpus says. She has lost all respect, ruined her network and failed her career. Just resign
Worth remembering that state Senator Josh Becker supported Christina until a few weeks ago, probably when Jackie told him that Corpus wouldn’t survive. But I’ve got to ask … Josh, where were you when we needed you?
Great editorial! Mr. Price is 100% correct…”this is an emergency situation!” To those who seemingly continue to opine that Measure A is taking away the “will and voice of the people” who elected Corpus, you couldn’t be more wrong. Voting for “Measure A” is your voice AND when it passes, will serve to support the ability to remove Corpus (and her cadre of ill-willed, insipid, weak minded miscreants) as expeditiously as possible. It is almost comical in retrospect if it weren’t for all the pain and destruction she has caused during her short tenure to echo Corpus’ campaign slogan…”a sheriff you can trust,” but she has only proven herself to be an unqualified, dishonest, law breaking, miserable wretch, who no longer deserves the support and trust of the very people she took an oath to protect and serve. March 4th cannot come soon enough!
Corpus is a proven liar! She is proven to be flat out unethical. Her dropping the “race” card every time her mouth opens is beyond pathetic! SHE did this to herself! SHE climbed in bed with Aennle (a married man)! She lied about using Homophobic and racial slurs!!! SHE is directly responsible for the Civil Rights/Color of Authority violation against her own staff to retaliate and intimidate! SHE is costing the Tax Payers MILLIONS of dollars in law suit payouts! This is ALL on the most corrupt Sheriff this Office has known!! Vote YES on Measure A to end this nightmare!!!
When I really think about it…YES vote on Measure A is the only viable option. I’m all in!
Apparently, the Sheriff herself do not understand that she works for a Charter County. Charter Counties have the authority to ammend the provisions to REMOVE the sheriff. In fact, a normal person would respect that the Board of Supervisors has authority to protect the County employees and County budget. Instead the Sheriff continues to get advise from a terrible power hungry man that thinks she looks weak by following county policies and communicating like a normal ethical moral person. Instead Corpus drive solo in this County disregarding EVERY SINGLE VOTER that once backed her. Listen to the County- EVERYONE, every county official and every Sheriff office employee wants Corpus gone. Why isn’t the Attorney General stepping in or the FBI or anyone with authority to stop this situation immediately. Corpus is off the charts going rogue and dangerous.
Aenlle is living in a delusional 3rd world mindset. He is corruption to the core on all levels- to his wife, the public, his properties hiding behind lies. These people are dangerous and need to be removed from access to the Sheriff Office immediately. The DA needs to file charges and now.
Dave Price:
Nice write up. We agree on something. Vote Yes on Measure A. Thank you.
Corpus will saying anything, even lies to try and stay in office. Like my personal trainer says, “nothing good comes easy.”