A 46-year-old landlord has been ordered to stand trial for murdering a woman who was renting a room in his East Palo Alto home.
John Caisiano Thompson is accused of shooting to death Breanna Labat, 32, on Dec. 2, 2022.
Labat’s body has still not been found.
Prosecutors contend Caisiano Thompson shot her during an argument and stray gunfire also injured another person in the home on Daphne Way. He then allegedly enlisted someone else to assist with disposing of Labat’s body.
At the time, Caisiano Thompson was free pending a charge of possessing a firearm by a felon, prosectors said at the time.
A preliminary hearing was held Monday in San Mateo County Superior Court. Judge Jonathan Karesh ruled that Caisiano Thompson should stand trial for murder and other charges. The case will return to court on Oct. 22 for formal arraignment on the charges, prosecutors said.
His defense attorney Emily Andrews was not immediately available to comment on the case. — Bay City News