Opinion: With EPA Sanitary District, follow the money


Daily Post Editor

A court has ruled that the city of East Palo Alto can seize the mismanaged East Palo Alto Sanitary District, but an important question remains: How did the district spend all of the money it got over the years? Obviously routine maintenance didn’t happen. Where did the money go?

The agency that dissolved the district, the Local Agency Formation Commission or LAFCo, needs to take action now to seize all of the computers, memory devices and written documents from EPA San’s 901 Weeks St. office.

Take it all to a secure location, like a warehouse that’s guarded 24/7.

Then hire an accounting firm to conduct a forensic audit to determine how the money was spent. I’m not saying anything was stolen, but the money had to have gone somewhere.

Editor Dave Price’s column appears on Mondays in the Daily Post.

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