Sheriff’s second-in-command suddenly exits

This story originally appeared in Saturday morning’s Daily Post. Stay on top of local news by picking up the Post in the morning at 1,000 Mid-Peninsula locations.


Daily Post Staff Writer

Undersheriff Chris Hsiung is out as San Mateo County Sheriff Christina Corpus’s second-in-command after 16 months working together, the Sheriff’s Office announced Friday. 

“After careful consideration, Sheriff Corpus and Undersheriff Chris Hsiung have come to the understanding that it is best for the organization to go in different directions,” spokeswoman Gretchen Spiker said in a statement Friday. “As of this morning, Hsiung is no longer with the Sheriff’s Office.” 

Spiker declined an interview yesterday on Corpus’s behalf. 

Hsiung, 51, joined the sheriff’s office in February 2023, one month after Corpus took the helm. 

Before that, Hsiung worked in Mountain View for 28 years, including two years as chief. Hsiung said on social media yesterday that he is taking a job at The Curve, a nonprofit started by former police chiefs and sheriffs to try to change policing culture. 

Hsiung has been involved with the nonprofit as a board member since it was founded in September 2021. 

Hsiung declined an interview yesterday over email. Hsiung received $268,911 in pay and $144,246 in benefits last year, pay records show. His total compensation was $413,157.

Hsiung will be replaced by San Francisco Deputy Chief Dan Perea on July 1, Spiker said.

Perea grew up in San Francisco and is raising three kids there with his wife, according to an online bio. He’s worked for the San Francisco Police Department since 1991 and currently leads the Airport Bureau.

Perea will join Assistant Sheriff Ryan Monaghan and Chief of Staff Victor Aenlle in Corpus’s administration.

Monaghan worked for San Mateo Police Department from 1994 to 2021 and then as chief in Tiburon from 2021. He was hired by Corpus at the same time as Hsiung.

Aenlle was on Corpus’s three-man transition team that formed when she was elected in November 2022. Aenlle has worked as a reserve deputy sheriff, a private investigator and a real estate agent.


  1. I have some questions? Has an undersheriff ever left the San Mateo county sheriffs office after one year? Do very many law enforcement agencies have a chief of staff with zero management experience? How many captains have left the sheriffs office since the current elected official was picked? In the next month with the only one out of three unfilled assistant sheriffs positions also be leaving? When another captain and an assistant sheriff leave within the next month maybe someone should ask questions? After two years in office having a undersheriff from SFPD is odd, considering we all know what is going on in San Francisco?

    • If you ask people who work at the Sheriff’s department they will tell you. Read the last paragraph of this article. Do you think her second in command (Aenlle) has any experience to be her chief of staff? If people can read between the lines they will know why that agency is in disarray right now.

  2. Sheriff Corpus has done more for the Sheriff’s Office than the last 3 Sheriffs’. She has given them new equipment, hired over 100 new sworn staff, shift bids, new uniforms and has delivered on deputy wellness initiatives. Victor brings business knowledge to the executive team that no law enforcement executive has. Sheriff Corpus is thinking outside the box and the citizens of San Mateo County are better served with her as the lead law enforcement official.

    • Why would a sheriffs office need business knowledge? They have a director a finance? What on earth does a real estate agent and a reserve officer (not a real cop) do to help the largest agency in San Mateo county? Nothing?

    • Jose, Are you serious? Sheriff Corpus and Victor have crushed morale faster than the last three Sheriffs. That is true. Ask anyone that works there. The Sheriff has lost a SAL director, several sworn and civilian managers and now a Captain and UnderSheriff in the same week. That is a problem and very telling. New equipment, hiring, shift bids, and delivering on deputy wellness initiatives should be standard operating procedures. What has the Sheriff done for incarcerated population, to keep our courts safe, to increase deputy productivity to keep us all safe? What is the current vacancy rate for staff? Victor may bring some business knowledge but what good has it done? The Sheriff and Victor are being sued and it would appear they are blowing through money. All the best to the new guy.

    • A business approach to law enforcement?? Come on now, that is a pathetic explanation. Ask anyone there, morale is terrible, and Anelle is a on a power trip. How many lawsuits have come up since she has taking office? New uniforms, shift bids is industry standards and officer wellness when people who work there are working hours of mandatory overtime, can anyone explain what or where the wellness is for the overworked line staff? Please Jose, explain this to us since you seem to be in the know. The San Francisco Sheriff’s Dept has a Chief of Staff, so the idea is not new. Only theirs worked SFPD for over 30 years according to the website, what law enforcement qualifications does Anelle have? The question has been asked before, and all is said is he is a reserve and failed FTO in the past but brings a business approach. What a joke and not qualified for such a high-ranking position

    • Jose Smith, please come back. I would love to hear about the sheriffs vision and how Hsiung must have lost his vision of her vision? The captain that just left did she lose her vision of the sheriffs vision? It’s so confusing. It like your ChatGPT response is the same as the ones coming from the sheriffs office. Has victor taken the bar exam yet? Real estate agent, private investigator, doctor, attorney and mini man of mystery?

  3. Hey Jose

    All those things are like normal day to day things that are industry standard, nothing special. You forgot that Aenlle is also a doctor and is going to be a lawyer soon…..if only he could have passed FTO.

  4. Where did Jose Smith go? I want to hear more about equipment and shift bids? I would also love to hear about lymeAid 2023. Heard there were some great photos! I think Jose might be right, your command staff is all leaving but if you have a doctor/esquire then everything is ok. Maybe a guy from SFPD can do well in San Mateo county? There are always firsts?

  5. As a realtor I think change like this can benefit a community as it will bring people closer together and bring value to the county like our homes.

  6. Why is Sheriff Corpus afraid to talk to the media? As an elected official, she should be willing to answer reporter questions.

    • She doesn’t need the media anymore like she did during her campaign. She mentioned she had an open door to the media but once she won, she stonewalled everyone. I’m pretty certain she’s being advised by Dr Victor ( his preferred title when speaking with his staff) to not speak to the media. She listens to everything he says.

    • The question that really needs to be asked is why does Victor wear a uniform with a chief of staff badge when he is only a reserve. I don’t think there is any position in law enforcement where a reserve police officer manages real cops? But I have to say he looks really special in his little uniform.

      • Why does Victor make his staff call him Dr? Why have so many people from upper management and sworn staff left since Corpus took over? Why is morale at an all time low? Do you think people have buyer’s remorse and wish Bolanos was back? So many questions…

    • Taxpayer, Sheriff Corpus doesn’t trust anyone and doesn’t think very highly of the media. Dr. Aenlle knows she would look bad, couldn’t answer simple questions or would get caught lying. The decision is a shut door for the Sheriff. Both the Sheriff and the Reserve Deputy, Real Estate Doctor think very highly of themselves. They are always seeking and demanding admiration. Every social media post has to mention the Sheriff by name and Lil Vicky demands to be called Dr. Aenlle. They both believe others are inferior. It is just the two of them. They are always together. They are each others shadow. They both lack empathy although they try hard to show they are empathetic. The People First – Service Above Self and transparency are all fake. The UnderSherif knew this and other secrets of the Sheriff and Dr. Aenlle so he left. Good luck to the next guy.

    • She doesn’t even let her people ask questions in meetings. They have to submit questions (probably to Victor) via email and it’s not even a guarantee that questions will be answered. That says everything to me. Have you ever seen her speak publicly?? She’s a mess.

  7. Nobody with the name Victor Aenlle is licensed to practice law in California, according to the State Bar’s website.

    • Nobody with the name Victor Aenlle is qualified to be second in command and lead 500 employees with whom are sworn and non sworn. Whoever the new undersheriff is, he will be a puppet being bossed around by Victor. Hsiung saw the light and left before his legacy became tarnished. Why didn’t Corpus promote the Assistant Sheriff when Hsiung left? I believe it’s because she doesn’t trust him and he doesnt bow down to Victor. Is the assistant Sheriff next on the chopping block?

  8. Thank you for the Shock and Surpise editorial. The last paragraph is spot on. Eventually Corpus and Aenlle will be caught up in their mismanagement of the Sheriff’s Office.

  9. Time for a recall. Or at least send lil Vicky packing. He’s downright terrible and has set the organization back. Time for him to have a fresh start selling condos

  10. Is Undersheriff Perea blinded by the double dipping money?? How much will his retirement from SFPD be?? He made $392 thousand last year so he should be pulling $300+ in retirement?? Maybe he should talk to Hsiung and find out what he’s getting into?? How long before Aenlle runs him out??? #dumpsterfire

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