By Dave Price
Daily Post Editor
If you work in a newsroom, you never known what’s going to arrive at the front desk or in the mail on any given day.
You may remember my column last month about the death of my beloved friend, my dog Watson. I received dozens of emails and cards from readers.
I didn’t write the column to get sympathy but instead to help people who might have to say goodbye to a canine friend.
After the column came out, I got the most remarkable gift.
One reader painted a picture of Watson and put it in a 9 x 11.5-inch wooden frame. It almost looks like a photograph until you look closely and see the tiny brush strokes.
The painting was based on the photo that was next to my column.
I would have written a “thank-you” note to the sender, but I don’t know who created this.
Our front desk person said a woman came to the front door with a package for me. Nobody got her name. She left quickly.
I want to tell this reader that my family and I are truly appreciative of the painting and have put it up in our living room. Whenever I look at it, I feel a twinge of emotion, as does my wife and son.
I received so many other comments from both people I know and those I don’t. They came from people I liked and a few who I didn’t think liked me at all.
Some were sad stories about how they also had to put down their dogs for humane reasons.
Comments I received included:
• “Watson was clearly a sweet companion. His loss as a family member is painful but because of you, he lived a wonderful life and didn’t suffer in the end.”
• “I just started reading the Daily Post. I’m so sorry about Watson. Have tears in my eyes. I’ll be thinking of you. … His photo makes me want to hug him.”
• A couple of readers mentioned my other dog, a terrier named Pickles. He still looks for his friend Watson. He’ll walk into a room and check out the closet or the space under a desk, hoping to find him.
• “Whoever came up with ‘Man’s Best Friend’ was absolutely right.’”
• “… There is another dog out there that is waiting for a chance to love your family. Though you will never forget Watson, a new furry friend is ready to give you and your family that unconditional love. …”
• “Watson was a dedicated friend and protector that you surely will be reunited with at some point. We are kind and we want to please. Be brave David and family. The inevitable happened.”
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts. It’s uplifting to realize how many kind people there are in the community.
Editor Dave Price’s column appears on Mondays. His original column about Watson can be found at padailypost.com.