![price column mug 6-28-21](https://padailypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/price-column-mug-6-28-21-576x381.png)
By Dave Price
Daily Post Editor
Politicians and the media are scratching their heads, wondering why people are fleeing California. The cost of living is one big factor.
Property taxes have increased 84% over the past decade, according to a new report by the San Mateo County Controller.
During the same period, gas went up 22% and housing increased 49%.
Of course the media and government want to demonize the oil companies and landlords. They want a distraction so that people won’t notice that the government is gouging the public more than anybody else.
And don’t tell me that Prop. 13 limits property taxes. If you believe that, read the San Mateo County Controller’s report.
We need to keep Prop. 13 because it’s the only way we have of controlling taxes, even if it doesn’t work very well. Imagine how much the government would be fleecing us without Prop. 13?
Editor Dave Price’s column appears on Mondays in the Daily Post. His email address is [email protected].