Doris Maez

 1937 – 2022

Doris Maez from Sunnyvale, CA passed away in her sleep on December 8, 2022 at the age of 85. She was born in South Dakota in 1937, eldest daughter of Eunice and John. Doris married Martin Maez

in 1957 and they were parents of twins Elaine and Laurie, Valerie, Bruce, Diane and Carol. She has eleven grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Preceded in death by her husband and eldest daughter Elaine and siblings Rita, Jim, Karen, and Mary Jane. She is survived by five of her children and brother Phillip.

Doris has always valued her family and friends and went to great effort to maintain positive relationships with all who knew her. She was a good strategist, terrific planner, woman who broke barriers, successful chemist and talented seamstress. Her intelligence and brilliance shined throughout her life. She earned excellent grades and was offered several college scholarships. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree from SFSU while raising a family and later completed her Master’s degree at USF. She had an unquenchable thirst to learn and she compiled a wealth of knowledge. She was an avid reader, always up to date
with current affairs and an active member of both AAUW and the League of Women of Voters. After she retired, she served on the Transportation Authority, organized educational Road Scholar events (aka Elder Hostel), was an active participant in her local post-polio support group, and loved attending her outdoor adaptive PE classes.

Doris has left us all as better people because of her intelligence, wit, warmth, integrity and love. She will be greatly missed, but now she is forever happy and free.

The memorial service will be held on January 14th. For further information you may email [email protected].