By the Daily Post staff
Two men were wounded at the Stanford Shopping Center after one of them accidentally fired a gun while they were smoking marijuana together in a truck, police said.
A bullet went through one man’s hand and struck the other in the leg in the incident late Wednesday night, police said.
A bloodied and loaded handgun with no serial number — known as a “ghost gun” — was recovered from under the front seat of their truck, police said.
The men, 18 or 19 years old, went to Stanford Hospital shortly after midnight today (May 12). They said they were robbed, but police said otherwise.
One of the men was manipulating a handgun when he accidentally fired it, police said.
The injuries were not life threatening, and the men drove themselves to the hospital.
Police aren’t releasing the names of the men because they haven’t been arrested. The case will be sent to District Attorney Jeff Rosen, who may charge them with falsely reporting a crime, carrying a concealed weapon, possession of a self-assembled firearm without a serial number and negligent discharge of a firearm.
There is no reason for young men to think they are tough with a gun. A gun is not a toy and no one needs one.