Daily Post Staff Writer
Both San Mateo and Santa Clara County tax collectors are telling taxpayers if they cannot pay their property taxes by the April 10 deadline because of the coronavirus, they should file a waiver with their offices.
The waiver process will begin after April 10, and will be decided by the tax collector’s employees on a case-by-case basis.
Local tax collectors cannot push back the deadline for property taxes, and have pointed out that property taxes are especially important now in order to keep schools, public hospitals and county health departments funded during the COVID-19 health crisis.
“Your local property taxes are needed — by April 10 — so that we can ensure that essential services are staffed and equipped to help us get through this difficult time together,” San Mateo County Tax Collector Sandie Arnott said in a statement to taxpayers.
Even though the property tax deadline is not being moved, both the state Franchise Tax Board and IRS have decided to push back the deadline for 2019 tax returns to July 15.
Some taxpayers prefer to pay with cash at the county tax office. Since it’s likely those offices will be closed on April 10 due to the stay-at-home order, the cash-paying property owners can wait until the offices reopen, probably in May. However, Santa Clara County is urging these cash-paying property owners to convert their funds into a cashier’s check and mail it into the county.