By the Daily Post staff
A female Stanford student was drugged and groped by a man at a party, campus police said.
The student told police around 10:30 p.m. Sunday (Sept. 30) that the night before (Sept. 29), a man she didn’t know had offered her a drink of water at a party on Mayfield Avenue, also known as the Row.
She drank a little bit of it and thought it tasted odd, then remembered little from the rest of the night. The student’s friends told her that after she drank the liquid, they saw the man grope her while she was dancing with him.
Her friends escorted her home safely, but police said they don’t know whether the woman was sexually battered further.
Any witnesses are urged to call police at (650) 329-2413.
My daughters are now 27 and 24. They were in High School when we taught them about preventing ingestion of date-rape drugs. #1 Rule: Never accept a drink that has already been opened. #2 Rule: What do you think happens at parties on The Row?
Please do go ahead and blame the victim. Women should be able to go to parties without fearing for their safety. This is a problem on the part of the perpetrator — not the victim.
MJ: So you would send your daughters into the world without warning because that’s not how the world should work? My daughters are 14 & 16 and we are already discussing how to be safe, including Rules #1&2. The problem will not go away overnight and no one, including OP, is blaming the victim.