In today’s edition:
- A Mountain View rent control board member is accused of conflict of interest;
- A local family bought a piglet and thought it wouldn’t get bigger;
- A Palo Alto school board member won’t run this fall but another one will;
- The Cheesecake Factory in Palo Alto is closing;
- Guess who is fighting local school tax measures;
- An envelope of white powder shuts down a mid-Peninsula city hall.
I live in San Francisco and it’s frustrating that I can’t get a copy of your paper here. Unfortunately, your webpage doesn’t include all the articles you print. Could you please consider posting every story that you print?
My favorite U.S. newspaper by far. I appreciate the local news and the quite fair and objective presentation, a class above the SF Chronicle, NYT or WaPo. I miss not getting the paper copy of the daily, but I appreciate that I can at least read some articles online while here in Europe. I would be glad to pay a subscription for the full issue.
Could you print more papers? I live in Los Altos and the boxes here are empty by 1 pm every day. You have a great paper, but it can be hard to find, particularly in the afternoon.
I am from Burlingame. Your paper is gone by 9am. You are the best paper even better than SF chronicle. Please print more & put then on the paper booth.
The advice that you should go out and pick up a Daily Post is more easily said than done. Your boxes empty pretty fast and I have to hunt around to find a copy. Please print more and you’ll have many more satisfied customers.